Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 24 Cannon fodder substitute 10

In fact, An Ran did not expect that the data of the novel would be so good. Although in the real world, the data of this book is also good, it is not as good as it is now. After analysis, An Ran thought that the reasons should mainly include the following aspects: First, it should be I rewrote it myself and corrected the bad parts of the original book. Coupled with my experience in getting along with the sponsor, I corrected the unreasonable parts of the original book to make it more attractive to readers; secondly, Ye Weiyang’s The huge reward increased her exposure. After that, Ye Weiyang would reward herself from time to time, allowing her not only to stay on the weekly list, but also to be on the monthly list. Her exposure rate naturally increased greatly, and her exposure rate was high. The income is naturally high; thirdly, in the real world, there is no daily update of 10,000 words, but in this world, because I have written before, and now I write code words quickly, 10,000 words are updated every day, and the amount of updates is naturally more attractive.

The reason Wei Mian knew about An Ran's data was naturally because he had someone check it.

In fact, he not only asked people to check the income of An Ran's novels, but also read the contents of Enron's novels - well, he believed that Shen Anran wrote the novel for YY, so he was curious about what was written in it, so he wrote it After reading the novel once, not to mention that although it was a romance novel written by a girl, An Ran's writing was humorous and the interactions between the male and female protagonists were very lively and interesting. He actually read it all the way through and wanted to read more. How will the two of them develop?

Because An Ran wrote well, Wei Mian rewarded An Ran several times.

At this moment, Wei Mian was thinking, wondering if An Ran had saved the manuscript, and the interesting part was gone when he saw it. Isn't this uncomfortable? If the manuscript is saved, I wonder if he can apply for early viewing, otherwise he will be really anxious to wait.

"Why do you look like this?" An Ran asked when she saw Wei Mian looking strange again.

Wei Mian listened and said, "I know which novel you wrote."

After saying that, he stared at An Ran, wanting to see what An Ran's expression would be after hearing that he exposed her sexual affair, whether it was embarrassment or embarrassment.

In the end, he was disappointed. An Ran didn't show any embarrassment at all. He just nodded lightly and said, "Oh, so that's what happened. That's not surprising. After all, you are rich and powerful. If you really want to check me out, It can definitely be found out.”

"..." Wei Mian couldn't help but be speechless after hearing An Ran's words, secretly thinking that when he mentioned this, he didn't just want to tell her about it, he wanted to see her exposed to the YY novel she wrote. What were her thoughts? Now this woman didn't react at all. Wei Mian didn't think she was really unresponsive. He felt that she must be embarrassed in her heart and was just pretending to be stupid on her face.

When he thought about how she was sexually assaulting herself, and how hard he had gone through to post on the website, even though the anger had dissipated, Wei Mian still felt uncomfortable, so seeing her pretending to be stupid now made Wei Mian feel special. I wanted to expose her disguise, so I couldn't help but say: "I saw it, you were in the novel and I liked you."

An Ran couldn't help but be speechless after hearing Wei Mian's words - she couldn't say that she wrote the novel in the real world and had nothing to do with Wei Mian. At most, she just modified some illogical parts in it. How could she be YYing him? Isn't this pretentious?

Since there was no way to explain the truth, An Ran simply became thick-skinned, so at that moment An Ran said in a very disapproving tone: "What's the matter? In reality, you don't like me, but you still care about heaven and earth, and control me in the novel Do you like me after a while?"

I thought to myself, this President Wei is really having more and more drama. I remember when she first came here, this person was just business-like. He would call her over to spend the night when necessary, and he would not have any extra contact with her at all. Yes, now, there are problems of this kind and that all the time.

Wei Mian couldn't help but twitch his face when he saw her confident look, and thought to himself, hadn't he already known that Shen Anran was particularly shameless since she let go of her feelings for him and regained her true temperament? He should have thought of it earlier. Even if she is caught by him, Shen Anran will not be embarrassed. It seems that she is not pretending not to be embarrassed, but she really doesn't feel embarrassed. It seems that her understanding of her is still a little shallow, and she always takes what normal people think of her. Her mind tricked her into making wrong guesses again and again.

So after hearing An Ran's rebuttal, he could only say: "I don't care what you mean, I just mentioned it..."

This was a lie. He really wanted to laugh at her.

In order to prove that he didn't care about her, and then thought about what he wanted to read, Wei Mian could only follow the words and said: "Actually, I read what you wrote, and it's really good. I just finished reading it all at once, and I don’t know how it will develop next, so what, do you have any manuscripts saved? If so, let me have a look."

An Ran was afraid that he would take advantage of her, so she immediately declared: "Don't worry, I subscribe to the full text, so even though I read the archived manuscripts in advance, I won't be in vain if I don't subscribe to your novel."

An Ran was naturally not afraid that as a rich man, he would lose a few cents of his own money, so he said, "I will show it to you when I go back, but don't spread it outside, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract."

Wei Mian couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that she had actually saved the manuscript. After hearing An Ran's request, he quickly agreed. You know, he was seeing the critical moment and suddenly there was nothing to write about. He was very anxious, so he took it and read it after he returned. ——I felt even more anxious after that... because the place where An Ran wrote was stuck at a key point, which made him scratch his head and wanted to read the next part, but unfortunately, there was really no further part this time—— It cannot be said that there is no bottom at all, there is still a bottom, and it is all in An Ran's mind.

So Wei Mian, who was appetized, did not go to work in the afternoon, but stared at An Ran's code.

After An Ran coded 10,000 words, she felt very uncomfortable - there was someone staring at you while coding, which gave her a sense of oppression, which was naturally very uncomfortable. Normally, no one was watching, so she just wanted to code wherever she wanted, but now what? , with Wei Mian watching over me, writing novels is no longer enjoyable, but feels like a constraint at work, which is uncomfortable.

So An Ran saw Wei Mian reading company documents and supervising her novel writing, and couldn't help but said: "You stare at me writing like this, which makes me feel uncomfortable. You should go back to the company and let me express myself freely. When I get off work, I’ll just show you what I wrote, and you don’t need to stare here all the time.”

Wei Mian said, "I'm doing my thing and I'm not staring at you. You just have to do it."

"Anyway, I feel uncomfortable while you are here, so you might as well go to the company."

When Wei Mian saw An Ran's insistence, it seemed that she really didn't like having people around her when she was writing novels, so she had no choice but to give it up, pack her things and leave.

An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw him leaving, feeling that the air around him was much fresher.

However, when Wei Mian came back, he followed his request and showed him Gangma's novel.

After reading it, Wei Mian said: "You can stay here with me for a while and don't go back. This way I can appreciate it as soon as you finish coding, and I don't have to run around looking for you."

"Okay." An Ran nodded in agreement.

As long as it doesn't affect her life, she will still comply with Wei Mian's request. After all, the one who gives the most money is right, right?

So An Ran immediately went to live in Wei Mian's villa.

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