Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2407 The maid who can’t help herself 12

Xiao Lan and Xiao Lu didn't take it too seriously. They just thought that the third prince saw the miserable condition of his aunt and grandmother during the day, and people with bad tempers also felt pity, so they sent some ointment and didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until the next morning when Young Master Wang came that Xiaolan and Xiaolu realized that something they didn't expect had happened.

Originally, when Young Master Wang came, they thought that the Young Master knew that he had beaten the wrong person, so he came to visit their aunt. However, it turned out that the Young Master was here to present the deed of betrayal.

Personally delivering the deed of betrayal, which song is this? Xiaolan and Xiaolu didn't understand.

Young Master Wang sat on a chair far away from the bed where An Ran was lying, and asked someone to give her the deed of betrayal. Then he said with a somewhat complicated expression: "Third Prince Si Yan, just now he came to me to ask for you. He is now in the prime of his life and his temper is bad." Big, my biological mother is still my favorite concubine, and he asks for you from me, even if I say that you are the Queen Mother’s great-nephew, I dare not refuse to give you, so I can only give you to him.”

Of course, Young Master Wang doesn't have much feelings for An Ran, so he just wants to give it.

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised after hearing this, thinking, this was not part of her plan. She was planning to continue hooking up with the eldest prince after she recovered from her injuries. Why was Si Yan going to take her away before she even took action?

However, An Ran did not expect that Si Yan would give the deed of betrayal to him without having to fight for it, and had no intention of holding it in his hands. This was a good thing.

That's right, she is a prince, and if she really wants to take advantage of herself, she doesn't need a deed of betrayal to deal with her, so it is normal for her to give the deed of betrayal to her.

But I heard Young Master Wang continue: "There are many dangers in the inner courtyard of the palace. I don't know how you got on top of him, but a place like the palace is not an easy place to stay. You should take care of yourself in the future."

What Young Master Wang said was a bit weird. He meant that he thought it was An Ran who hooked up with Si Yan and Si Yan wanted An Ran, right? An Ran secretly thought, she didn't hook up with Si Yan at all, she hooked up with someone else, but she didn't need to tell Young Master Wang about this. Just seeing Young Young Wang looking like she was cheating on her, she found it funny. At that moment, while accepting the prostitution contract, he brushed his hair and said with a chuckle: "It seems that staying in your backyard is just a good thing. You are that vicious woman who always finds an excuse to beat my concubine." , I still don’t know if I can live until this time next year. Now that I leave, the worst I can do is to be the same as I was here with you, so there is nothing to be afraid of. "

Now that he has obtained the contract of betrayal, he no longer has to be afraid of this guy, so An Ran can naturally say whatever he wants, and he doesn't have to worry about whether saying this will have any impact on him.

As for whether it would have an impact on her family... She was following the third prince now, how dare the people in Chengen's mansion touch her family?

Besides, she also planned to get her original family members out, so she didn’t have to worry about Cheng’en’s government holding the deed of sale to prevent her family from redeeming her body. If such a thing really happened, she would ask the third prince to help her get rid of her biological family members. The deed is about to come out, and then it will be up to them whether they want to be civilians or work in the Third Prince's Mansion.

Young Master Wang couldn't help being surprised when he saw the mocking smile on An Ran's lips, which was very different from his usual dull look. He was speechless for a long time: "You...you..."

An Ran guessed right. The third prince asked Young Master Wang to ask for An Ran. Young Master Wang was indeed a little unhappy. Although he didn't like An Ran, as a man's pride, he naturally didn't want to see his woman get together with someone else. , felt that An Ran was unruly, so he said such weird words just now. As a result, Mr. Sun, who was usually afraid of him and seemed particularly obedient and docile, now dared to talk to him like this, which surprised Master Wang. ? He secretly thought that this was Sun's true character. He had to bow his head when he was under the roof, right? What a hypocritical woman! Disgusting!

——At this moment, he only felt that he had been deceived by An Ran's appearance, and he was angry, but he forgot that you are holding someone else's contract of betrayal, how dare they not obey you? Why don't you, who likes to beat people, beat you to death if you don't obey? I am a butcher who doesn't take other people's lives seriously, but I complain that the fish on the chopping board that I can kill at any time has deceived me. Isn't this ridiculous? You can kill people at any time, but you don't allow others to hide their true character in order to protect themselves. What?

But now that An Ran is separated from him, will she still be afraid of him? At that moment, I couldn't help but smile and look at him in displeasure.

Seeing her proud look, Young Master Wang felt that An Ran was being arrogant when he got his way, so he wanted to scold her, but he was also afraid that An Ran would complain to the third prince, who would then get angry and start looking for him or even his own family. Trouble is not good. Although his family is the Empress Dowager’s natal family, the Empress Dowager’s health has become worse and worse recently. She has been in a coma for many days and is about to die. By then, her family will be no match for the Zhou Emperor’s family. , so although he felt humiliated by An Ran at the moment, he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only throw up his sleeves angrily and leave.

——So Young Master Wang scolded An Ran in his mind for not showing her true character to him before and that she was a hypocritical woman. In fact, wasn't he himself the same? He hasn't sold his life to An Ran yet, because he knows that now An Ran is no longer someone he can offend. Even when he gets angry, he doesn't dare to hit An Ran and scold An Ran as he did before. Aren't you afraid to show your true character in front of An Ran like before, and have you become a hypocrite?

Some people are like this. They clearly know that they are the kind of people they hate, but they have the nerve to scold such people without thinking that they are actually scolding themselves.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu couldn't help but feel as if they were in a dream when they saw Young Master Wang leaving.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, they were terrified of Young Master Wang and hoped that Young Master Wang would be kinder to their aunt and grandmother. The result! As a result, my aunt unexpectedly won the favor of the third prince and was taken away by him!

They who don't understand ZZ think that the third prince's status is much higher than that of Young Master Wang. They feel that their master's status with the third prince must be much higher than that with Young Master Wang. This is a promotion! So can you not feel like you are in a dream?

Thinking about how my master could be so powerful, he could be liked by the third prince, and yet be wanted by the third prince!

When he came back to his senses, he congratulated An Ran one by one.

"Congratulations, grandma... uh... should the slaves call you empress now?" Xiao Lan and Xiao Lu said happily.

An Ran said: "Then it depends on whether His Highness the Third Prince will ban me."

Like princes, princes have concubines with titles and concubines without titles. Those with titles can call them empress, but those without titles cannot call them random names.

Then he said: "Are you two going to come with me, or continue to stay in Cheng'en Duke's Mansion?"

Xiaolan and Xiaolujun said: "I will naturally go with you."

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