Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2411 The maid who can’t help herself 16

The Zhou family had a lot of opinions about Duke Chengen's house because of their hatred for each other, so the relationship between the Zhou and Wang families was not very good.

Now that the Queen Mother has passed away, they are very happy, thinking that the Zhou family's opportunity has come. However, they do not know that others are just fooling them. Now that the Queen Mother is dead, they will find another reason to continue to fool them.

But there is no need to be particularly deceptive. Anyway, the Queen Mother is dead, and it is impossible for the Zhou Emperor's concubine to become the queen in the near future. After all, the emperor must observe filial piety, and it is impossible to establish a queen just after his mother's death.

And when next year, the fifth prince gets engaged to the Wang family, and the Wang family sides with the fifth prince, causing a lot of people to side with the fifth prince, and the situation becomes clear, the Zhou Emperor's concubine will not be able to do anything, because then, those people will not have to It's only a matter of later days to lie to the Zhou family about why they don't support the Imperial Concubine Zhou. After the situation becomes clear, they can directly refuse openly and openly, giving them a knowing blow and letting them know that they are just wishful thinking.

Speculating on what will happen in the future, An Ran secretly thought that the situation is not optimistic.

Since she was with the third prince, if there was no special reason, she naturally planned to help the third prince ascend to the throne so that she could take care of Grandma Wang and Young Master Wang.

Although the third prince has a bad temper, he does not like to kill people at every turn as rumored outside. Those are rumors spread by others - most likely the Wang family who have no intention of supporting the third prince. In fact, he really likes to kill people at every turn. They are Wang Shoufu's niece and his niece-in-law, that is, Grandma Wang and Young Master Wang.

As for Si Yan, although he is impatient, she has not found anyone he hit since she entered the house so long ago, so what is said outside is obviously a rumor.

Since the third prince is not a vicious person, An Ran can naturally support him with confidence.

On the other hand, Emperor Zhou's concubine and the Zhou family have bigger problems.

At present, these people are not very smart and will most likely be held back.

She had to pay attention to these people at all times so as not to cause any accidents.

She now has time to practice and pay attention to these. The reason is very simple. The Queen Mother has passed away. As her grandson, the third prince naturally has to enter the palace to keep vigil. However, as the third prince's concubine, An Ran does not have these requirements. As long as she stays in the third prince's house Just stay and mourn.

And because the third prince had to mourn, he could hardly sleep with her. After all, there were no contraceptive pills in this era. If they slept together and got pregnant during the filial period, she was a little person, and people would not scold her, but the third prince was here to seize the throne. On the hot topic, it will be regarded as a stain and scolded to death.

So even if the third prince couldn't help it and wanted to have sex, he couldn't resist the Zhou emperor's imperial concubine's warnings. She even sent a nanny to guard An Ran's courtyard and not allow him to come in. Therefore, even if the third prince got a new beauty and gained interest, he would just Being delayed by this matter, he couldn't bear it, and he wanted to get it, but because of Concubine Zhou's interference, he couldn't get it. Even though he got angry and jumped up and down in anger, Concubine Zhou knew the horror of this matter and still held it down. The third prince, the third prince could not realize his idea no matter what.

There is no other way. Concubine Zhou Huang is no longer capable, but she is not stupid. Now is a good time for her to ascend to the throne. How can she let her son get pregnant during the national mourning period and use it as an excuse for others to prevent her from ascending to the throne.

Because of the control of the Imperial Concubine of Zhou Dynasty, An Ran became a lot quieter. She spent her days leisurely in her own yard. She could water the flowers and play with the grass in her spare time. She was much more comfortable than living in the Duke Cheng'en Mansion - treatment Well, your status is high, and since you don’t have a mistress, you don’t have to worry about being picked on by your mistress. Can you not feel comfortable?

She doesn't have to worry about the third prince's concubine coming in, at least for a year. After all, the third prince, as a grandson, cannot marry within a year.

Since she doesn't have to worry about it for a year, she will be happy day by day. As for what will happen in the future, that is in the future, and she is not too worried.

Since she has nothing to do, her attention now is basically on Grandma Wang and Young Master Wang.

Although he planned to support the third prince to ascend to the throne and then find an excuse to take revenge for what happened back then and deal with Grandma Wang and Young Master Wang, An Ran could not place all his hopes on the third prince. Didn’t succeed in getting the upper hand? ——Although she is very capable and should be able to do this, there are no absolutes in the world, so she still has to make plans in this regard. In this case, wouldn’t her plan be in vain?

Therefore, she naturally has to find more ways to deal with Grandma Wang and Young Master Wang. If there is a better way that does not require the use of the third prince, it would be better. After all, it is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself.

In fact, when it comes to relying on the third prince, she ultimately relies on her. After all, she wants to promote the third prince to the throne, and ultimately uses the imperial power to reduce the dimension and suppress the Chengen Palace. Doesn't it depend on her to rise to the throne?

The reason why it is so troublesome is also very simple. If Grandma Wang has not killed anyone yet, it will be difficult for her to cause trouble to Grandma Wang. After all, she has not killed anyone. How can she trouble Grandma Wang? In this case, there is no other better way than relying on the imperial power to reduce the dimensionality and attack.

If she kills someone...even if she is not an heir, but just a concubine, then it is more or less illegal, and then she can cause trouble for Grandma Wang.

However, An Ran couldn't have deliberately waited for Grandma Wang to kill someone, then jumped out to find the murderer and counterattack Grandma Wang.

Just to deal with Grandma Wang and watch her kill people is not her style. Therefore, it would be a good thing to take care of Grandma Wang before she kills people. If she fails to deal with it, She still killed someone, so it wouldn't be too late for her to find evidence of the crime and punish Grandma Wang.

If Grandma Wang never kills someone, she can't find any evidence to punish Grandma Wang. And then she can't find any other way to deal with Grandma Wang, so she can only use the last resort, wait for the third prince to take the throne, and use the imperial power Dimensionality reduction hits.

But Grandma Wang hasn't killed anyone lately.

This is also normal.

In the original memory, Grandma Wang had indeed beaten many people since she killed Aunt Fang, but at least until the time when her child was born, although she had beaten people, she never beat anyone to death again until later. , Concubine Ji was pregnant, and Concubine Ji gave birth to a child. She didn’t want a concubine or a concubine to share her child’s things, so she started to harm people again, some beat Concubine Ji to death, and some secretly killed Mr. Wang’s son. , there are also one corpse and two lives.

Probably after she gave birth to two sons and Young Master Wang gradually fell in love with her, he felt confident and hardened, so he saw that these concubines and concubines didn't like her, so he started to cause trouble like this.

Therefore, it will still be some time before Aunt Wang continues to beat people to death. In other words, recently, it is impossible for An Ran to find evidence of Aunt Wang's crime that can cure Aunt Wang. The best she can do is find other methods. Take care of Grandma Wang.

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