Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 250 Interstellar Waste 14

At this moment, An Ran is using a mecha with strong combat effectiveness.

But it can only be said that it is the most powerful mecha in this garrison. Its performance cannot be compared with the mechas used by the original body before. There is no way, the equipment of this garrison is not good.

The original mecha belonged to the army and was not bought by the original body. After the original body's accident, it was naturally returned to the army. ——You can’t buy the most powerful military mecha, which is not for sale to the outside world. Even if Anran learns how to make mechas, since she is not a scientist who has done in-depth research, even if she builds it herself, the manufacturing method will be published on the market. , it is not a combat mecha whose data and materials are not released to the public at all by the military, so its combat effectiveness is incomparable to that of the military.

So at the moment, An Ran, although her mental power level is high, the mecha she uses is not worthy of her level, so there is nothing she can do to prevent her from fully displaying her strength.

Fortunately, she still has something that can assist her and improve her combat effectiveness, and that is the means of cultivation.

Cultivation spiritual power is a completely different energy method from mental power. She has to use mental power or mecha energy cannon to directly blast the opponent's mecha. It's okay to encounter a mecha that is worse than hers, but it's okay to encounter a mecha that's better than hers. Mecha, the opponent's mecha energy shield is so good that it can't be blasted open at all.

But it is different when using spiritual power of cultivation. Although in order to repair her spiritual power, she only practiced cultivation to the early stage of the foundation building period. Later, she only focused on cultivating spiritual power. She did not practice too much in cultivation, but because of the formation of an internal cycle, the internal circulation was I have been cultivating myself in cycles. Over the past few decades, I have slowly reached the stage of Dzogchen in the foundation building stage. Although my ability is not very strong, sometimes when I encounter strong enemies, I can use this spiritual power to bypass the shield of the opponent's mecha. , to destroy the opponent's mecha, but it is also a piece of cake. Who makes the opponent's energy shield only protect against physical damage and mental damage such as artillery fire, but cannot protect against the spiritual power of cultivation, which is not a system. The spiritual power of cultivation can be smooth. Pass through the protective cover and enter the mecha.

Every time An Ran found that the enemy was difficult to deal with, he would consume some spiritual power, enter the mecha, and destroy the opponent's energy blocks. In the end, the opponent couldn't figure out what was going on, and the mecha exploded.

With this method, An Ran eliminated many powerful enemies, but the enemies also discovered her shining existence even at night, so many people surrounded her and wanted to use the advantage of numbers to eliminate her. she.

However, since she had just picked up a few better-model mechas and eliminated them first, the remaining ones did not have a clear advantage over them, so even if they wanted to use their numerical advantage to come and cause trouble for her, she was not afraid. Immediately, he led his men to eliminate the rest of the group.

Those weak chickens couldn't help cheering when they saw An Ran destroying the enemy like chopping melons and vegetables. God knew that the enemy was coming in such a strong manner. Their equipment was much better than theirs, and their mental power level was also better than theirs. They were very scared in their hearts. Once the mecha protective shield cannot withstand it, retreat quickly.

They didn't expect their leader to be so powerful. He killed those powerful ones as soon as he went up, and the rest were similar to them. They were not so scared, so they won the war. This was something they didn't expect. .

They had won the battle here, but there were still enemies on other battlefields. At that moment, An Ran asked everyone how the wear and tear of the mechas was. After getting the answer that most people were okay, he said: "Since everyone's situation is okay, then Come with me to collect people and earn military merit."

This is the best thing about this era. The mecha will tell you whether you have hit the target, and if you destroy a mecha, the mecha video function will also record it, so it is easy to count military merit, and then it is a common practice to be promoted based on military merit, so An Ran just said this now.

In the past, in peaceful times, this practice was in vain, but now that foreign enemies are invading, this practice has naturally been revived by everyone, so future promotions will be based on military merit.

Everyone who had won a war and felt a little confident, except for those who had a loss level of more than 50% and Anron felt unsafe and asked him to go down to rest, everyone else followed Anron to harvest heads. Thinking that Anron was so powerful, they followed. Not only is her life safe, but she can also earn military honors. Anyone who doesn't go with her is a fool. After all, if Enron is very powerful and is noticed by the people above and is transferred away, then there will be an opportunity like today to earn military honors without risking her life. But if you can't get it, it will be a big loss. Of course, everyone agrees to go with it. Those mechas that have suffered a lot of damage and are ordered to be in danger by An Ran and are not allowed to go feel sorry.

These people thought well and went to fight with An Ran. Sure enough, there was no danger, but they successfully harvested many heads.

The invading enemy commander never thought that he would suffer heavy losses in such a place full of weak troops. Even the troops on the border could not cause them such heavy losses!

The information was quickly passed on, and the enemy commander already knew who caused their defeat. At that moment, the commander pointed at An Ran, who was killing everyone on the screen, and said, "Who is this person?"

"We learned through invading the opponent's military system that this person is the famous Ten Thousand Killer Xiao Anran in the holographic arena." If you win ten thousand games in a row, you will get the title of Ten Thousand Killer. "This man's mental potential is S level. His current mental strength is level 41. He is one of the top masters in the Yanhuang Alliance."

"I know she is a master, but what happened in these battles? First, our mecha's energy block malfunctioned, and then it exploded. This was not at all like her using an energy cannon to penetrate our mecha and explode it. Yes, then why did our mecha explode, and how did she do tricks on our mecha’s energy block? Why didn’t I see it? According to her mental power level, if she used her mental power to destroy our protection It is normal for the hood to invade again, but she is obviously not. How did she do it?" The commander expressed his doubts over and over again.

Who can tell? No one knows what's going on, so no one can answer the commander's question.

The commander didn't expect his subordinates to be able to answer him. After all, he didn't know it. His subordinates were less likely to know if they had a lower mental level than him. So after asking, he found that no one had an answer, so he stopped asking. , just pointed at An Ran on the screen, and said to the crowd: "I don't care what reputation this woman has, in short, we must take down this woman first, otherwise this battle will not be fought and morale will be affected."

After finally defeating the border army, we marched all the way here, and suddenly encountered a hard idea. If we couldn't defeat it and ran away, wouldn't it affect the morale of the soldiers, so we had no choice but to capture Xiao Anran's memorial flag at any cost. Only then can morale be restored.

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