Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2518 Doomsday Waste 22

In fact, Liu Feng didn't want to leave because of An Ran's existence. After all, no matter how bad his relationship with An Ran was, if something happened to him, would he really be willing to die without saving him? In this way, it will be safer at Shuguang Base.

But it's a pity that some good people exposed his photos, and his later romantic partners also jumped out and said that after he broke up with Zhang Anran, he found her. Later, it turned out that Zhang Anran was the only one with healing powers. He thought Zhang Anran was better, so he cut off contact with her, and went to find Zhang Anran to get back together. He was a disgusting person, which made him completely social dead. He couldn't live in Shuguang Base. He had no choice but to leave, so he had to leave.

An Ran, who has returned to a peaceful life, has no plans to deal with Zhang's father, Zhang's mother and others yet, but continues to study how to have attack powers.

Although there are bodyguards from the military and the protection of cats and dogs, Anran does not want to rely entirely on others for his safety. After all, if his backer falls, if something happens to the backer he relies on, he will be helpless.

Don't think this won't happen. After all, nothing in this world is guaranteed to happen.

Since this possibility exists, An Ran naturally wants to have attack powers so that he can protect himself.

I guess the original person also wanted it. After all, she never wanted to be a waste. Even though An Ran now has healing powers and is no longer a waste, but she has no attack power and always needs others to protect her. In a sense, she is still a waste.

Having attack powers doesn't mean there's no progress at all.

In the process of treating people and animals, An Ran was thinking that since she could use her superpower to purify the viruses infected in the bodies of evolvers, could she use this superpower to purify monsters that had mutated?

In principle, the monster contains viruses. If she purifies the virus, even if the monster cannot be transformed back into ordinary people or ordinary animals and plants, it should at least be dead, right?

The reason why An Ran doesn't think she can purify the monsters is because, for plants, I don't know what it is, but for animals and people, after all, viruses destroy the brains of humans or animals. Even if she has healing powers, she can make people's wounds heal faster. Good, but there is no way to regenerate a severed limb, nor to revive a necrotic brain.

So after she eliminates all the viruses, the monster will most likely be dead, or even if it is not dead, it will be a fool.

For this reason, Enron decided to experiment.

She currently relies on the military, so this requirement is easily met.

Soon the military brought her animals, plants and people from outside that turned into monsters.

An Ran found that using super powers remotely still didn't work.

So I can only try to touch the monster.

The monster has been tied up by the military. Even if you touch it, you don't have to worry about being hurt by the monster.

Sure enough, just like An Ran thought, monsters can also be purified by her, but the monsters are full of viruses, so smaller monsters are better. Basically, she can die in one shot, but large monsters have too many viruses and will die in a short time. If you can't purify it right now, you probably won't die if you do it even once, and it will take a while to clean it up.

It was thanks to her greatly increased powers that she was able to take down large monsters in one go. If her powers were less powerful before, she would probably have to eat some blue (energy food) before she could continue to take down monsters.

Although the result was as expected by An Ran, this power cannot be used remotely and can only be used by touching. It feels like the shortcomings of this power are quite big. After all, she is a healer and will die if a monster gets close to her. An Ran still needs to think carefully about how to solve this problem.

Because An Ran told the military about his speculation, no one was surprised that An Ran could use his powers to kill monsters. After all, as An Ran said, since An Ran can purify the viruses in the bodies of people or animals bitten by monsters, , which can naturally purify the virus in the monster's body.

An Ran was dissatisfied with the fact that he could not control his powers remotely. General Li, Fang Heng and others couldn't help but laugh: "You are already very powerful if you have healing powers. If you have attack powers, why don't you go to heaven! What more?" What do we people do?”

An Ran said: "Priests can also attack in the game. There's no reason why I can't."

Fang Heng couldn't help but laugh and cry after hearing this, and said: "Aren't you able to attack? You just can't attack from a distance."

"The priest can't be attacked at close range or from a distance. It's almost the same as not attacking at all." An Ran said.

Seeing An Ran's persistence, Fang Heng naturally didn't want to dampen her aggressiveness, so he could only say: "Then I'll wait for your good news."

An Ran nodded and said, "There will be."

I didn’t have superpowers before, but didn’t I discover superpowers later? An Ran felt that she could find a suitable method for this attack so that she could output it remotely.

It's just that she hasn't discovered it yet.

But she was not in a hurry, she would take her time and practice her powers to become more and more powerful first. Maybe one day she would become very powerful and be able to output them remotely?

Just when An Ran was looking for attack power, a large base in the distance asked An Ran to rescue people.

An Ran was afraid of danger, so of course he would not leave the base.

Not only did Anron not agree to leave the base, but Shuguang Base officials also did not want Anron to leave. After all, in Shuguang Base, others were thousands of miles away and could not snatch Anron away. But if Anron left the protection of Shuguang Base and went out, let alone that big base. It is possible that people were robbed, and people from other bases who got the news may also rob people on the way An Ran came and went.

In this case, Shuguang Base would not dare to let An Ran out.

So General Li immediately told the other party that An Ran never visited the clinic, and if anyone they wanted had anything to do, they could come to Shuguang Base.

As a result, the other party said that the person who had the accident was in a very dangerous situation and his life was hanging by a thread. He did not dare to move because he was afraid that if he moved, he would die immediately, so he was willing to pay a huge sum of money to ask An Ran to come to their base to save the person.

It seems that the person who needs to be rescued was not bitten by a monster, but suffered an ordinary serious injury and could survive for a few days. Otherwise, if he was bitten by a monster, he would mutate, and the person must have been transported by plane, and Don't you still argue with them about this matter?

Although what the other party said was reasonable, Shuguang Base only held one idea: Even if the other party was as reasonable as the sky, they would not let An Ran leave.

Although it is not good to ignore the situation, they cannot make fun of the future of the entire base and An Ran's safety, and really follow An Ran to that big base.

Fortunately, Enron also had the same idea, so no matter how reasonable the other party's words were, Shuguang Base once again rejected it.

This naturally made the big base angry. They said that the injured person was the number one expert in their base and had saved many people. Now he was injured. He was seriously injured and could not move. There were people with healing powers in Shuguang Base, but they did not help. , it’s really too much.

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