Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2525 Doomsday Waste 29

It's strange to say that Zhang Anran can remain unmoved in the face of so many outstanding men. Isn't this tenacity so rare? After all, if it were another person, he might have been impressed a long time ago. Even if he wasn't impressed, he would have become distracted by the pursuit of too many outstanding men.

But Zhang Anran didn't feel any strange at all, and he still did his own thing step by step. This kind of determination would make a man who is criticized for not being emotional feel ashamed.

In fact, some people also wondered whether An Ran liked women instead of men, so there was a base that sent excellent female superpowers to seduce An Ran, which made An Ran almost laugh out loud.

In fact, either An Ran had met too many outstanding men, or else he would not be able to withstand this situation.

The reason why An Ran doesn't want to fall in love or even get married in this world is very simple, because the exposure of her identity as a healer changed the nature of those who pursue her.

If it was really for her, then she would naturally be willing to marry.

But if he pursues her just for the reason of treating people with superpowers, then she will be a little embarrassed and not want to get married.

There must be some people who like her and want to pursue her, but she can't tell who really likes her and who does it for her abilities, so she simply doesn't consider life-long matters. Anyway, in such an apocalyptic world, marriage and childbirth are Children are also quite troublesome. At least we have to wait until the environment improves.

With the help of these people, Enron's security level has skyrocketed, and it has never been robbed by anyone since.

Since then, humans have been fighting monsters, and sometimes fighting mutated animals and plants. Life has been very hard.

Some people may say, can’t we kill all the monsters?

It’s really impossible to kill them all.

It may be possible to kill all the monsters turned into humans, because humans are more cautious and will become less monsters after being bitten after evolution, so it is easy to wipe out all the monsters turned into humans.

But if animals and plants are not careful, they are always easily bitten by monsters and then turn into monsters again.

Therefore, although humans have been eradicating monsters, the monsters have not been eradicated completely. This is the reason.

After curing the superpower, another one was found abroad. Of course, it was not the one that mutated with the doomsday, but a new child.

There are people with healing powers abroad, which makes foreign people with powers feel relieved.

After all, this way, if you encounter a dangerous situation, you can get treatment nearby. You don't have to fly half way around the planet to come to Dawn Base to find Anron.

An Ran is also happy to see this situation. After all, the more people with special abilities, the safer mankind will be.

Soon after, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother passed away.

The two did not live for too long, which is normal, because although An Ran and Sister Zhang provided monthly alimony, it was no problem for them to eat and drink, but because the son's family of three only had food and no money, An Ran and Sister Zhang provided The money is still not enough, so in order to support their family of five, they have to work even at an advanced age.

As they get older, they have to work hard, and after the apocalypse, supplies will not be abundant, and the food they eat is not as nutritious as before the apocalypse, so they will naturally age faster. Even if they are all evolved, they will die soon.

——Through research, people have found that evolvers can extend lifespan, but the extent of extending lifespan is different. People with higher levels of superpowers have longer lifespans, while people with lower levels of superpowers have about the same lifespan as ordinary people, at most. Just stronger than ordinary people.

Yes, powers have been officially graded. There are tools to measure the energy of supernatural powers, and some power levels have been determined based on the combination of supernatural energy and attack power.

Like Fang Heng Anran, the level of superpowers is high, while like Zhang's father and mother, although they also have superpowers, the level of superpowers is low, so their life span is average.

Because they had lived a very miserable life, An Ran didn't want to recruit children to make their life even worse, because it was as miserable as Zhang's father and Zhang's mother.

After Zhang's father and Zhang's mother passed away, Zhang's brother and his family were in dire straits.

An Ran had the obligation to support Zhang's father and Zhang's mother, but she had no obligation to support her younger brother and sister-in-law, who were several dozen years old and had supernatural powers, so they naturally stopped providing support immediately.

Sister Zhang also stopped supplying. The reason is quite normal. Because she is older, her family does not allow her to venture outside the base anymore. They only let her find some work in the base, and working in the base also makes money. Not much money.

She doesn't make much money, so Sister Zhang will use the money to support her younger brother and his family, but will not use it for her son and daughter, which will cause her son and daughter to become more and more estranged from her.

No matter how stupid Sister Zhang is, she is afraid that no one will take care of her when she gets old, so she naturally doesn't dare to have a relationship with her son or daughter. So when her parents passed away, An Ran stopped providing supplies to her younger brother's family, so she naturally stopped as well.

Brother Zhang and sister-in-law Zhang were naturally anxious when they saw that there was no one to support their family. After all, they were used to enjoying themselves and were too lazy to work, so they wanted to ask their two sisters for money.

But there were too many bodyguards around An Ran, and they couldn't get close at all, so they had no choice but to give up.

Unable to find An Ran, they went to find Sister Zhang, hoping that Sister Zhang could continue to support their family of three.

As a result, before entering the door, Zhang's nephew and his wife kicked him out.

At this time, Zhang's nephew had already gotten married, and the couple had long resented that Sister Zhang was raising Brother Zhang's family, so they saw that Sister Zhang finally stopped spending money on Brother Zhang's family. They were so happy that they dared to come to see Brother Zhang's family. When she asked Sister Zhang for money, she became so angry that she naturally kicked her out.

"You are a grown man who is several decades old. You have hands, feet, and superpowers. You still want my mother to be a woman and an old man to support you. It's not what you can do. Get out! If you don't get out, be careful and I will beat you to death!"

Both Zhang's nephew and his wife have been adventuring outside since they became adults. Unlike Zhang's family, they are giant babies raised by Zhang's father and Zhang's mother. Therefore, although they are both people with special powers, they are much more powerful than Zhang's family. Brother Zhang and his family saw how powerful the nephew Zhang and his wife were. They were beaten to the point of running away, and they no longer dared to come to Sister Zhang to ask for money.

There is no one to support them. If they don't work and have no income, they won't be able to survive. And the children are not yet adults, so no matter how much they don't want to work, they have no choice but to work.

But because they have never worked before, they can hardly adapt to the sudden work of someone who has never worked before. They often spend three days fishing and two days drying the net.

Since they would never be able to work for a month and receive a full month's salary, brother Zhang and his wife Zhang only worked part-time jobs. They stopped working when they made some money. When they ran out of money, they would work for two days and save up. Money doesn't exist.

Because I don’t save money, I only spend the little money I make. I don’t have any money to use, so I won’t educate my children. I plan to wait until the children are older in two years and let them go out and make money to support themselves.

If the base hadn't restored the pre-apocalyptic laws, which prohibited the use of child labor, or else both brother Zhang and sister-in-law would have sent their sons to work.

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