Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2527 Doomsday Waste 31 (End)

Because of having children, An Ran has maintained a relatively close relationship with Fang Heng since then. Although they are not married, it is almost the same as being married. At least they live together as a family - mainly so that the children can be close to their parents. In addition, it also makes it easier for her and Fang Heng to teach their children to use powers, so they don't have to live together and cannot teach their children to use powers at any time.

An Ran found that she liked this form of not formally entering into a marriage but living together as a family, because if she was not satisfied, she could break off the relationship at any time without having to apply for a divorce certificate or losing any property. disputes, convenient, free and easy.

At the same time, it can also provide children with a warm and family-like environment.

This is a good choice for her who doesn't want to get married.

As the children grow up and use their powers well, the major bases can basically fight against monsters.

Then the situation changed.

Some foreign countries have achieved reunification, some have not, and some even started wars between their bases after they were able to deal with monsters.

But the country has slowly regained its unity. This is probably the country's long-standing tradition. People don't like division, they just like to live a unified life.

Although some frictions occurred during the reunification process, basically it was resolved peacefully.

Of course, the main reason is that the method proposed by those who proposed peaceful reunification is basically acceptable to everyone, and it guarantees the current interests of each base to the greatest extent, so everyone is willing to peacefully reunify.

After peaceful reunification, development accelerated.

First of all, the connections between major bases are slowly returning to normal.

In the past, it took a large force of heavy firepower to dare to travel between the two bases.

Now, special high-speed rails have been opened between various bases. They are fast and monsters cannot catch up. There is no need to worry about monsters attacking the high-speed rails, because not only are there people guarding the high-speed rails along the way, but also because the policemen on the high-speed rails are all masters with super powers. In addition, high technology can monitor the surrounding monsters, allowing superpowers to eliminate hidden dangers in advance, so the high-speed rail can operate normally.

The high-speed rail was much more convenient and safer than before relying on cars to carry large groups of people forward, so soon the connections between the bases became smoother.

Once human beings regain mobility, economic development will naturally pick up rapidly.

So relying on one big base after another, the country began to prosper again.

As the population slowly increased, new satellite cities were later opened near these bases.

From north to south, from east to west, dozens of large bases are formed, as well as hundreds of small and medium-sized bases attached to them.

Later, people called the large base the main city and the small and medium-sized bases the satellite city.

A new era has arrived.

An Ran lived in this world for hundreds of years. By the time she left, there were dozens of people with healing powers in the world, both those who spontaneously mutated from newborns and those who had inherited healing powers from previous generations.

Although it is still very few and scarce, it is no longer the only one in the world like I was at that time.

These healing powers can basically meet the needs of people who are accidentally bitten by monsters and mutate.

After all, most people live in the city, and there is no possibility of mutation. After all, only a few go out for adventure, and only a few are in danger. Dozens of people with healing powers are still enough.

Because humans gather in these main cities and satellite cities, and only adventurers are active outside the city, the world that was previously occupied by humans has slowly turned into a primeval forest, which has become increasingly dangerous. People who are not adventurers dare not go there.

Although most people dare not go out, there are still many adventurers. Because people's demand for evolved animals and plants has led to more and more adventurer schools and more and more adventurer guilds.

There is no way, the huge demand has given birth to a huge market, and no one can refuse the temptation of high income, even if they know that it is dangerous outside, some people who have no money want to make a large amount of money at once, and then good things will happen. When the salted fish is lying down, they often go out and take a risk in order to make enough money.

Fortunately, this demand leads adventurers to often venture to those places. Otherwise, if no one pays attention, we still don’t know what those places will develop into, and what kind of terrible monsters or animal and plant evolvers will be created in the future. It threatens the security of major bases.

After An Ran returned, he found that he had completed the task as always, and the original person gave him a five-star rating.

The original person commented that she never knew that she had special powers, and she never discovered it.

This world has unfinished stories.

After the original body died, because there were no people with healing powers in this world, Fang Heng and later Gu Qing had no one to save them. There were many masters who had mutated and no one could save them. Too many human masters disappeared, and slowly, The major bases could not withstand the attacks of monsters and animal and plant evolvers. Slowly, more and more humans died, and more and more humans died, resulting in fewer and fewer masters with super powers. This is also normal. This is a vicious cycle. In the end, the foreign healer didn't show up. It was probably because the original person died. Too many humans died and the opponent was paralyzed.

Because there are fewer and fewer masters, more and more humans are inevitably dying, and their demise is accelerating like a snowball.

Specifically to Dawn Base.

Not long after Fang Heng's death, Shuguang Base was destroyed by monsters. Zhang's father and Zhang's mother's family died in the city's destruction. Although Zhang's sister's family did not die in the city's destruction, they died soon after. Many monsters on hand.

——An Ran also didn’t expect that the death of his original body would lead to the destruction of the world!

After watching the unfinished plot, An Ran continued to practice.

This time no one bothered her.

This is normal. She hid in the tent and did not come out. Everyone should know that she was practicing in seclusion inside. No one would disturb her if nothing happened.

Unless someone new comes to introduce her, but after she and Chu Fei came in and then didn't go out, they probably frightened the people outside and no longer dared to send anyone in. So after she and Chu Fei came in, it is estimated that in a short time, , no one will come in again.

After An Ran practiced for a while, he continued to do tasks.


Will there be a moment when you feel that this world is not real?

Is there a moment when you feel that there is such a thing as luck in this world?

The original person, Li Anran, felt like this.

No matter how hard she tries, she will always be manipulated by an invisible hand of fate, making it impossible for her to achieve her goals.

Even if she is reborn, three times, she will always fail.

An Ran felt that this world, like a game world, was somewhat similar to her real world, so she chose it to see if she could find any clues.

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