Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2539 False Life 12

This observation really gave An Ran a clue.

Even if Li Xinran is good at concealing it, An Ran can see that Li Xinran has been looking very bad recently. Maybe among the people she helped, there were still people she was responsible for. Now because of An Ran's help, her plan failed, leaving her Energy is wasted, resulting in a bad mood.

That's right, if it were her, she would mess with people, only to fail to achieve her goals again and again, spend energy, and not be able to find the reason for the failure again and again, and she would be angry.

Since performing small actions consumes energy, and this energy is not infinite, and there are times when it is used up and can no longer be used, then why did Li Xinran stop and continue to cause trouble for those people after many failures? Do you like to tease people that much?

To be honest, An Ran has also investigated the people who were suspected of being persecuted by Li Xinran. Except for some who had some minor conflicts with Li Xinran, most of them had never had any conflicts. She didn't know how Li Xinran came to hate each other. Using energy to deal with the other party is like Miss Fang from the eldest princess's family. An Ran never understood why Li Xinran disliked the other party and wanted to attack him.

After all, she hates herself, Young Master Li, and Mrs. Li. It can also be said that the legitimate concubine has a different stance and doesn't like them. So Miss Fang has no interest entanglement with her, right? She also wants to cause trouble for each other?

In fact, not only Miss Fang, but also those who An Ran found out to have some conflicts with Li Xinran, most of them were very minor conflicts. Many of them were quarrels between young girls. They just looked down on Li Xinran's status as a concubine. In the first category, one really does not fall to the point of using energy to make the other party suffer a miserable end.

Since it works, An Ran naturally plans to continue and consume as much of Li Xinran's energy as possible so that Li Xinran has as little energy as possible. In this way, the harm can be reduced. If nothing else, he will have less energy to cause trouble against the prince in the future. , the frequency of trouble can always be lower.

After the third prince got married, it soon came time for Li Xinran to marry the third prince.

An Ran soon heard about this.

The reason why I heard about it was because Mrs. Li came into the palace to complain about it to her.

"...What do you mean, the Third Highness actually wants to take Er Niang as a concubine! She is a concubine, but she is not a concubine? Even if she is a concubine of the prince, she is still a concubine. If she becomes a concubine, the girl behind her will not be able to accept her as a concubine. How to get married? I thought this was the intention of the third prince, and she was unwilling to do so. In that case, we would just reject the third prince. However, when I asked her what she thought, she actually said that as long as her parents agreed, she would No objection. I definitely didn’t want to agree, but your father, out of his mind, actually agreed. I said it was inappropriate to marry the second mother as a concubine. Moreover, the third prince had only been married for less than three months, so he took the second mother as his concubine. As a concubine, what are people in the capital going to say about her? Besides, she is a concubine with a better background than the concubine, how can she be like this?" Mrs. Li said.

Of course, An Ran knew why Mr. Li agreed to the third prince marrying Li Erniang. He was indeed having a brain convulsion - being manipulated by Li Xinran was not the same as having a brain convulsion.

But I heard Mrs. Li continue to say: "...What did your father say? He said that Er Niang was just a concubine. Being able to become the prince's concubine in the future would not be considered an insult to her. Since His Highness proposes marriage, Er Niang is also willing. Then agree. If you think it's not good to go too soon, then you can keep Erniang for a while. Listen, what are you talking about? But I can't object, lest your father will be unhappy and angry. I have no choice but to come here to vent my bitterness to you."

An Ran said: "Anyway, mom can't object. Dad agrees to the marriage, so you can forget it. Just like dad said, if you feel it's not good to go too soon, then keep her for a while longer."

That way, Li Xinran can go to the third prince later and attack the prince later, which is a good thing for the prince.

In fact, Li Xinran married the third prince later than in his original world. The main reason was that the third prince's marriage was postponed, which led to the postponement of Li Xinran's marriage to the third prince. And because of this, the prince had been hiding. There was an attack in the memory of the original body. At first, An Ran was worried that Li Xinran would not attack the prince until he got married, like in the original world, but would attack when the time comes, like in the original world. Later, he found out that Li Xinran was not married until the time came. The third prince, even when it was time to deal with the prince for the first time in his original world, Li Xinran did not take action, which made An Ran sigh in relief.

Mrs. Li sighed and said: "Why should I keep her? Since she wants to leave now, let's leave, lest I have to keep her for a while. If she has a bad life in the future, don't blame her." On my head, I said it was my fault in stopping it."

Seeing Mrs. Li say this, An Ran didn't force her to leave the person behind. After all, she couldn't embarrass Mrs. Li, so she immediately said: "That's what mother said."

Mrs. Li continued: "Actually, it would be better to let her marry the third prince. People everywhere in the capital say that the third prince likes her. If she doesn't marry the third prince, others will not want to marry her. In addition, As she gets older, it will be harder to find a good match, so just marry her."

"I just find it funny. Your father said that a god entrusted him with a dream, asking him to keep Er Niang for a while, saying that Er Niang would have a great fortune in the future. The result is this? Becoming a concubine to the prince? Is this also called a great fortune? Those who didn’t know thought she had become the empress of the palace.”

An Ran secretly thought that if she had not succeeded in stopping her, she would really have become the empress of the palace.

When Li Xinran did this for Mr. Li, he took her future development into consideration, so he reserved space and laid the groundwork. In the future, Li Xinran will become the Queen Mother. If Mr. Li tells this past incident, others will You must be amazed and feel that what the gods said is right. Miss Li is indeed blessed with great fortune.

Mrs. Li just complained to An Ran and had no intention of stopping Li Xinran from marrying the third prince. Since Mr. Li agreed to the marriage and Mrs. Li did not stop it, Li Xinran soon entered the third prince's house.

This incident caused an uproar in Beijing, and many people secretly said unpleasant things about Li Xinran.

There was also Miss Zhou who was waiting for the girl who had been proposed by the emperor before. Seeing that the third prince had accepted Li Xinran just a few days after their wedding, she couldn't help but feel glad that she had refused the marriage in the first place, otherwise she would have been the one to cause trouble.

Then the emperor saw that the third prince accepted her despite being unable to marry her in order to get Li Xinran. He couldn't help but be angry with him. He felt that his son was disobedient and had no self-control. A woman could make him unruly. If it weren't for the third prince His mother-in-law begged for mercy, but he had already reprimanded him for not knowing what to do.

However, although he didn't reprimand him, he didn't like the third prince very much anymore. The third prince's mother and concubine almost lost their temper and vomited blood when they saw him. Naturally, she didn't like Li Xinran who had bewitched her son.

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