Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2549 False Life 22

Another month passed, and An Ran tried the puppet attack again to see if it had any effect.

An Ran's guess was correct. This time he used the puppet to attack again, and it was successful, unlike the last time he was killed.

This made An Ran understand that Li Xinran's counterattack was indeed time-limited as she thought.

An Ran's guess was correct. The wish that Li Xinran made required a lot of energy. Li Xinran didn't have enough energy to let Golden Finger protect her all the time. In the end, she had to make the wish for a month.

So Li Xinran discovered that the energy began to increase abnormally again, and he knew that his one-month protection had expired, and now his energy was being consumed by unknown forces.

This made her feel tired.

Although he was tired, in order to deal with the prince, Li Xinran could only plan to continue to stay in the temple for a few more days and continue to save energy to eliminate the prince.

She still doesn't know that after what happened last time, even if she goes to Huguo Temple to stay this time, An Ran will send a few more puppets to prevent her from accumulating energy for success.

However, just when Li Xinran was about to go to Huguo Temple again, and An Ran was planning to send a few more puppets to attack Li Xinran so that she could not save energy, Li Xinran... got pregnant.

After Li Xinran became pregnant, An Ran could only stop attacking her for the time being. After all, attacking a pregnant woman always felt bad, even if the pregnant woman had done countless evil things.

Furthermore, she doesn't have to worry that Li Xinran will save a lot of energy to deal with the prince, because at this time, she will definitely use the energy she has saved to protect her children. After all, the prince's backyard will definitely be the same. There are some private matters, so she has to save some energy to protect herself.

There is still the production mark, and she will definitely use energy to bless her smooth and painless delivery.

There were too many places that needed energy, and she believed that Li Xinran would not dare to spend energy during this period.

An Ran's guess was good. After Li Xinran found out that she was pregnant, even if she had more energy, she really didn't dare to use it to harm the prince. She was probably afraid that the energy would be needed for future pregnancy and childbirth, so she didn't dare to use it.

However, although An Ran guessed that Li Xinran did not dare to use up the energy, she still continued to be on guard. At the same time, she was thinking in her heart about how to expose the things Li Xinran had done and let her evil deeds be exposed to the world. After all, she had done so many bad things. Even if she uses more puppets and can kill Li Xinran, it would be too easy for her to get a good reputation without others knowing what she did.

She doesn't have to worry about what Li Xinran did being exposed, which will affect the other girls in the Li family, because Li Xinran also caused trouble for her and the other girls in the Li family. After what she did is exposed, others will know that they have been targeted many times, and they will feel that they are quite good. The unlucky one is also a victim. In that case, there won't be much to say about the other girls in the Li family.

An Ran thought that she might need to use truth pills, otherwise under normal circumstances, how could Li Xinran tell what she had done? She was not stupid, so even if she died, it would be good to leave a good reputation.

During the period when Li Xinran was pregnant and had a baby, Anran's place became a lot quieter. Although Anran was still on guard against Li Xinran, in case she would still cause trouble for the prince even if she was pregnant. After all, in the original memory, Li Xinran did not stop looking after she became pregnant. The prince's trouble, but in the end she found that she was overthinking it. During this period, Li Xinran did not do anything. In the original world, Li Xinran had a lot of energy. She didn't have to worry about trouble with the prince. She had insufficient energy when she was pregnant and gave birth. But in An Ran In this world, she had no energy before, or An Ran didn't attack her after she became pregnant. How could she dare to use the little energy she had saved.

Several troubles that the prince encountered in the original memory did not happen during Li Xinran's pregnancy and childbirth. Now, after Li Xinran's child is born, the subsequent plot will be completely new.

There was no way, Li Xinran's entry into the palace was postponed, which caused everything that happened after Li Xinran to be postponed. So now that Li Xinran gave birth to a child, the plot of Li Xinran harming the prince in his original memory was almost over. The prince at this time has made too many mistakes. , the emperor deposed the crown prince, and the third prince and others began to compete for the crown prince.

In other words, An Ran must pay attention to future plots, as the original memory cannot provide predictive functions.

Seeing Li Xinran give birth to a baby, the plot changed. Everything that happened after that was different. An Ran was still a little worried, so soon after Li Xinran gave birth, An Ran began to continue to attack Li Xinran.

Li Xinran has just given birth, so she probably won't be able to go to the temple to meditate for a few days. In this way, she can use up the remaining energy after giving birth as much as possible.

As long as she doesn't have enough energy, she can't do anything to the prince. She doesn't have to worry about the plot being different. If she harms the prince, it will be something she can't predict.

However, this would treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, so An Ran thought that she should kill Li Xinran as soon as possible.

It's not difficult to kill her, but it's difficult to get her to tell the truth before killing her.

And this has to find a suitable opportunity. Otherwise, if Li Xinran says something wrong in the Third Prince's Mansion, the Third Prince's Mansion will suppress it and will not let her words spread outside. She still has to do it in public, Let her speak it out.

It's a pity that there are not many such opportunities. There is no way. Li Xinran is a concubine and usually has no chance to go out. She has to wait until the third prince's mansion holds a banquet before she has the chance.

But recently, because the emperor's health was getting worse and worse, the emperor's sons did not dare to hold any banquets, for fear that others would say that their biological father was dying, and they were still in the mood for entertainment.

Therefore, An Ran can only guard against Li Xinran for the time being, and there is no other way.

Li Xinran looked at her energy. It had been normal during pregnancy, but now that she had given birth, it began to decrease sharply. She knew that the nightmare from before was coming again.

But just like An Ran thought, she couldn't go to Huguo Temple for the time being. After all, the child was small. How could she leave the child at home for a few days and go to Huguo Temple to meditate by herself? Even if there was a wet nurse, she didn't need her to breastfeed. .

So she could only watch her energy decrease rapidly.

Originally, she had accumulated some energy when she was pregnant, but a lot of this energy was spent on preserving the fetus during pregnancy, and also spent a lot on preventing women in the backyard from attacking her - although the third prince liked her. There were not many women in the backyard, but there were two or three kittens, so she had to be on guard. After all, she was so pampered. Those women were always jealous of her, and might take advantage of her pregnancy to take advantage of her - and then when she gave birth, she I was afraid of pain and difficult labor, so I spent a lot of energy to ensure that it would be pain-free and a smooth delivery.

After she gave birth to the child, this matter was not over yet.

In order to let the child thrive, she spent a lot of energy on the child, trying to make the child grow up without illness or disaster. There was no way, this was an ancient time when medical technology was not good enough, so she would not worry if she did not spend some energy to protect the child.

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