Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2553 False Life 26

If this Taoist priest exposes Li Xinran's true face, he will definitely become famous.

An Ran is willing to give this Taoist priest this credit because this Taoist priest has a good character, otherwise An Ran would not have borrowed his help to successfully figure out Li Xinran's situation.

In fact, from the first time he stood up and expressed that he wanted to hypnotize Li Xinran, it can be seen that this Taoist priest still has a fighting spirit.

There is also a term for hypnosis in this time and space. Although it is different from modern hypnosis methods, the nature is still similar. They all want to hypnotize people and make them tell the truth.

After all, didn't the emperor and the empress both say that this woman had an evil nature and felt that her body had been taken over by some devil? Through hypnosis, we could see if this was the case, so the Taoist priest came up with this idea.

Li Xinran didn't know what was going on with this Taoist priest who suddenly came. He only knew that a few days ago, some monks and Taoists came to their Huai'en Hall. They said they were doing prayers and dojos in the palace, and their Huai'en Hall also made arrangements. On.

At noon today, after dinner, it was said that there would be a prayer ceremony for everyone, and then it would be over.

The reason why the Taoist priest chose this time to go out was obviously because Li Xinran planned to take a nap. Since the other party wanted to take a nap, it proved that the spirit was in a relaxed state and was easier to be hypnotized.

When Li Xinran heard what they said, she didn't think that these people were targeting her. She only thought that the new emperor had done something wrong, so he asked someone to pray for him.

The reason why I don't think these people are targeting her is because even if there is a prayer ceremony for everyone, it will be done in public, and they will not do any small tricks alone, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

It is normal to do this in public. After all, there are differences between men and women. It is impossible for a monk or Taoist priest to get along with a woman alone and privately.

At present, every monk and Taoist priest found someone to pray for. The women around the third prince were also willing to do this. After all, being trapped here was scary enough. They also wanted the gods to keep them safe and there would be no worse news. Appearing, for example, the emperor would not let them go and would kill them all.

Monks and Taoists usually ask everyone what their wishes are and then start chanting sutras.

When it was Li Xinran's turn, the Taoist priest said that he would first recite the sutra to her, and then ask her what her wish was. After she said it, he would continue to pray for her.

Li Xinran is capable of everything, but she doesn't believe in these things anyway.

If making a wish worked, would there still be bad people in the world? Doesn't it mean that as long as a good person makes a wish, he can eliminate the other party?

It’s just that many people since ancient times believe in this illusory thing.

But it's not that all fantasy things are unbelievable. For example, she still believes in luck. Some people are just lucky and can easily succeed in anything they do, while some people have bad luck and can't succeed in anything.

The representative in this aspect is the prince, who has a very high luck value. Every time she makes a move on him, she has to expend a lot of energy to succeed.

Li Xinran was really jealous of these lucky people.

Just when Li Xinran was thinking wildly, she was already a little sleepy. Listening to the Taoist priest's low and rhythmic chanting, she felt more and more sleepy. She couldn't help but think in her heart that the Taoist priest's chanting was just like the teacher's lecture. Listen, it's something that makes people want to sleep.

What Li Xinran didn't know was that when she was drowsy, the Taoist priest had already started asking her what her wishes were.

Unknown to them, someone had already come in, pulled the third prince and others aside, tied them up, and gagged them to prevent them from hearing any strange news, screaming, and waking up Li Xinran.

In fact, when the emperor sent someone to gag the third prince and others, they still made some noise. However, the high-tech hypnosis tools purchased by An Ran were powerful, so Li Xinran did not react at all and remained in a drowsy state.

The Taoist priest asked: "What is your name?"

This is a step-by-step approach, asking the other party some simple questions first to make the other party lower their guard.

"Li Xinran."

"where are you from?"

"A native of Baiyun City, Tiannan Province, Country C."

A series of unfamiliar country names and place names made it clear that Li Xinran was not from this world.

The Taoist priest did not expect that the other party would say this. Although they had heard from the emperor and the empress that Mrs. Li had some evil nature, and they suspected that some demons had taken over her body, but they were really sure that this was the case, the Taoist priest could not help but be stunned. Living.

It's not surprising that he was so surprised. In fact, he had been a Taoist priest for many years. Although many people came to him to engage in some miraculous business, this was the first time he really encountered a supernatural phenomenon. After listening to Li Xinran's words, could he stop being stunned? ?

Fortunately, since this Taoist priest was invited into the palace by the emperor, he had naturally seen the world, so he quickly adjusted himself, found his voice, calmed down, and then asked: "Then how did you get here?" What about this world?"

"I traveled to this world after death."

The Taoist priest felt that he had opened the door to a new world. It turned out that there were different worlds, could he travel through them?

The Taoist Master really wanted to ask about the situation in that world, but this was obviously not a good time, so he could only follow the established task and asked: "What is your wish?"

Li Xinran said: "Just kill the prince and let the third prince become the emperor. Then I can become the queen mother."

Li Xinran's consciousness was still in the time when the prince had not ascended the throne, so he said this now.

Li Xinran's words surprised a lot of people.

The first half didn't matter. After all, the third prince had caused trouble before, so it was normal for Li Xinran to have such thoughts.

But the last sentence is confusing. After all, when the third prince takes the throne, she can at best be the queen. How can she be the queen mother?

At that moment, the Taoist priest asked what everyone wanted to ask: "Being a queen mother? It should be a queen, right?"

Li Xinran said: "If you can be the queen, that's great. If you can't be, just go ahead and become the queen mother."

"You are so confident that you can be the Queen Mother, but there is a third prince who has a son. In this way, even if the third prince seizes the throne, the one who takes the throne will be her son."

Li Xinran: "What are you afraid of? My son will be the only one who grows up."

Everyone at the scene understood what these words meant. Everyone at the scene could not help but be surprised that Li Xinran was so naturally vicious, especially the third prince and concubine. She was so angry that she almost beat her. Fortunately, she had been tied up and blocked before. Mouth, otherwise things will really go wrong.

The Taoist priest said: "This kind of thing is not something you can just do if you want to, right? Will the third prince and concubine protect her child?"

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