Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2558 The Death of the Fake Daughter 2

Besides, what is there to despise her? Why don't they despise the Duke of Zhongguo if she didn't steal or rob? As soon as they heard that their daughter-in-law had become a village girl, they called off the marriage. Although this was their freedom, it was also an insult to Hong Guoguo, which showed his poor character.

For a family like this to be granted the title of Duke, it is God's fault.

And these people, don't they despise someone with such a bad character, and despise her for taking these things at the command of the Duke of Zhen and his wife? It’s true that they flatter the superior and underestimate the inferior. They don’t despise the powerful people no matter how bad they do. The poor will be despised by them even if they don’t do anything extraordinary.

Besides, give some things to them? Are you kidding? If it was good for the original person, it would be okay to share some, but these people looked down upon her, and she still gave things to them? Doesn't she look stupid?

An Ran immediately packed up everything, and early the next morning, she went to the front hall to say goodbye to Mrs. Zhen Guo and Duke Zhen.

Regardless of whether they were murderers or not, since they were giving her the dignity and allowing her to take everything away, she would naturally have to show her dignity and say goodbye to them properly, lest she just left without doing so. , others would say she is cold-blooded.

Although An Ran doesn't care what people in the capital say about her, she can't let others talk about something that is easy to do, so naturally she can't. At least, she doesn't want others to say bad things about her, so she has to be decent in order to get good reviews.

"Thank you, madam, and the Duke for taking care of me for so many years. I say goodbye to you, my daughter." An Ran gave them a big salute.

Mrs. Zhen Guo and Duke Zhen Guo felt a little sad when they saw An Ran calling them "Mrs." and "Mr." in a strange manner. They knew that An Ran was not deliberately being unfamiliar, but did not dare to call them father and mother anymore. After all, she was a girl they had raised for more than ten years. It is still a bit emotional, so it is normal to feel a little emotional at the moment. After all, even if you have a dog, you will have feelings after you keep it for a long time.

Of course, the main reason is that her biological parents, Gu Dazhu and Gu Luoshi, are okay with their biological daughter. Otherwise, if Gu Dazhu and Gu Luoshi treat their daughter badly, they will probably be angry.

Seeing that An Ran said goodbye to them politely and thoughtfully, they didn't want to make the scene too ugly. At that moment, Mrs. Zhen Guo and Duke Zhen also had a very kind attitude towards An Ran.

"If you encounter any difficulties after returning home, you can come to us at any time." Mrs. Zhen Guogong said with a pleasant expression.

This is the world of the original body. Mrs. Zhen Guo has never said anything. The reason is also very simple. The original body was crying at that time and did not want to leave at all. Naturally, Mrs. Zhen Guo did not dare to say such words, for fear that the original body would use this reason to pester her. I went to the Duke's Mansion, so I didn't say anything and just let the original person go.

After An Ran heard this, he thanked her again and left.

The things had been put into the car, and the town government sent servants to escort them home in order to prevent strong men from robbing her things.

The reason why they were afraid that there were too few of them and that nothing would happen when they returned was because the world was finally settled and there were still bandits that had not been eliminated on some hills, so they had to be on guard.

On the way out, An Ran met his former fiancé, Prince Zhongguo.

Prince Zhongguo saw her, glanced at her, and stopped looking at her. Apparently he felt that Anran was a village girl and not worth looking at anymore. She no longer looked like her sister Ranran was longer than her sister before. Anran couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, old people's hearts are changeable.

People didn't care about her, so naturally she wouldn't treat them coldly, so she just glanced at them and passed them by.

Besides...this prince Zhongguo's appearance was not to her liking. Even if this hadn't been the case, she wouldn't have liked him.

This is also normal. As mentioned before, this dynasty has only been established for ten years, so this loyal prince, like the original one ten years ago, was also a wild boy from the countryside. Who is more noble than the other.

Of course, the main issue is not a matter of birth, but, since the new dynasty was established, the parents of the prince Zhongguo were from the countryside like the original parents. Naturally, their appearance cannot be very outstanding, so the appearance of the prince Zhongguo is also average. Generally speaking, it is estimated that it will take several generations of beauties to improve it before it looks better.

Naturally, An Ran wouldn't like such a look. After all, she was a beauty-controller.

On the other hand, the original person, although she has single eyelids, is not ugly. Although she is not stunningly beautiful, she is definitely a village beauty.

The original parent's appearance is average, and the original person picked up the good-looking parts of the two.

Prince Zhongguo didn't even look at An Ran, and walked over with a cold face. He couldn't help but snorted, not very happy.

He heard people say that after the true daughter came back, Gu Anran would die or live. He thought that if his family broke off the engagement, he would see a haggard Gu Anran.

As a result, Gu Anran's expression was very dull, and she was not excited at all when she saw him. She had no intention of clinging to her and begging him to marry her so that she could keep her glory and wealth.

It seemed that he did not take the matter of returning home or the matter of Duke Zhongguo's withdrawal from the engagement to heart.

Not seeing the scene he wanted to see, Prince Zhongguo naturally felt a little unhappy, so he snorted coldly.

When An Ran heard that cold snort, she couldn't help but sneer, thinking that this loyal prince was really funny. Why was he snorting? He was obviously sorry for the original person, but he still had the nerve to snort. If he wanted to snort, she should be the one to snort.

In addition to meeting the eldest son of Zhongguo, An Ran also saw the real daughter Gu Yanran who was cheering for her.

It was a coincidence that the surname of the Duke of Zhenguo was also Gu. After An Ran returned, there was no need to change his surname.

Logically speaking, Gu Yanran had just come back from the countryside and should be a little restrained. However, An Ran found that Gu Yanran was not restrained at all and seemed very comfortable. She didn't know whether it was the good teaching from Zhen Guo Gongfu these days or the girl. That's the kind of character he originally had.

The two met each other, and she smiled and said hello to An Ran.

Although An Ran replied, he did not talk to her much because she could feel that this girl was hostile to her, which was normal. She had stayed in the country for many years, and she was probably afraid of being compared with her, so There will be hostility, which is normal.

Apart from these two people, An Ran didn't meet anyone else. It was probably those people who heard that he was going back today and hid on purpose, so as not to meet him and make it difficult to talk.

An Ran didn't mind either and left the house immediately.

Outside the mansion, Gu Dazhu and Gu Luoshi were waiting beside the motorcade.

Gu Dazhu and Gu Luoshi saw An Ran coming out and greeted him with a smile, a little timidly.

This is also normal.

When they met before, the aura of the noble girl in the original body frightened the two of them so much that they didn't dare to say anything. After hearing that she was going out, she often cried and cried. Seeing the original body like this, Gu Dazhu and Gu Luoshi were afraid that they would take her back. The original person couldn't bear the matter, so he didn't dare to mention it, and he didn't dare to get close to her.

An Ran didn't plan to change her attitude immediately to avoid being called OOC. Anyway, there was a long way to go, so there was no rush.

There is only one thing that makes people most anxious right now, and that is to practice martial arts quickly so that they can survive when strong men come to destroy the family soon.

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