Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2561 The Death of the Fake Daughter 5

In fact, Gu Luoshi was reluctant to part with it. The second and third bedrooms were petty and were still muttering privately, wondering if the eldest bedroom had hidden anything, and whether the Zhenguo Palace had given him more than the one hundred taels. If Gu Luoshi found out, he would probably be very angry. die.

At this time, the family was talking about the use of money. The second brother, who was older and more stable, said that he would use the money to buy ten acres of farmland. After a year, he would be able to harvest a lot, which was considered a stable income.

Sanfang was younger and took a longer-term view, so he said that if he used the money to study for his children, he would become a scholar or even better in the future, and his family would be able to change his family.

As for the eldest and fourth bedroom, there was no room for them to talk. The eldest bedroom, Gu Dazhu, was dumb and couldn't speak; the fourth bedroom was too young and was excluded from making decisions.

"It's only one hundred taels, what can it do? I heard that studying costs a lot of money. With so many children in our family, it's not enough. It's more cost-effective to buy a field!" Aunt Gu said.

The second family is unwilling to send their children to study. The reason is very simple. Most of their children are old and there is basically no hope of studying. Naturally, they don’t want to spend money on it. They want to buy some land and split up the family in the future. If it comes to some benefits, their son won't be able to do well in school. If the third son's son can do well in school, then they will get nothing and it will be uneconomical, so they said this at this time. .

Aunt Gu said: "One hundred taels is a little short, but what are you afraid of? Isn't our niece rich? Let's borrow it from her first, and then return it to her after her nephew reads it out. That way our family will be prosperous in the future." Now, even if my niece comes back, she will still be a rich lady, isn’t it good? Niece, do you think what my aunt said is right? Okay? "

It was said to be a loan, but if she actually read it out, she would have plenty of money by then, and it wouldn't be worth anything to return it to her. If she didn't read it out, then of course she wouldn't have to pay it back.

However, the original person really stupidly believed in the pie she drew for An Ran. In order to become a wealthy lady again, she actually gave all her money to her family. As a result, those people were poor and rich at the same time, and their mentality was unstable. The money should really be used to educate the children. On the contrary, the second and third houses were deceived. One went into business and wanted to make a fortune, while the other was targeted by others and went gambling, and soon lost all the money.

When the money ran out and she was worthless, they discussed selling her to a rich man in the town, hoping to squeeze out the last bit of her value.

It can be said that many people in the Gu family are quite disgusting.

I don't understand that a bird in the hand is better than two birds in the bush. I obviously have money and don't need to rely on others, but I just believe in what others say. I never thought that family ties are not reliable at all. You are the only one who can be relied on. , only have the money in hand, and rely on others, so when the money is gone, it will be a tragedy.

The original person would be so stupid, but An Ran would not, so he said calmly: "I went to school at the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion, and it is not a problem to teach the children. If you want to find a future for your children, that's fine. From tomorrow on, I will be my teacher." Their master teaches them to read, so they don’t need to go to school. With that money, I suggest you buy land so that you can have a stable future."

Naturally, the second bedroom would not object to this proposal, and the third bedroom had no reason to object, so the conversation ended with the purchase of land, and Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu agreed that starting from tomorrow, Anran would educate the family's children above the age of 5 and 12. The children below are studying, so An Ran can find something to do, so as not to have to do nothing every day, and the second and third bedrooms will have objections.

The reason why the limit is twelve years old is because anyone over twelve years old is considered an adult in the countryside and naturally has to do things.

The matter of buying fields is naturally different from the development of the original world, but An Ran thinks this change is good. In her opinion, it is the right thing for farmers to buy fields if they have money. This has been the case since ancient times. .

It just so happens that the dynasty is newly established. As long as no unexpected circumstances occur, it can live for at least two to three hundred years and there will be no chaos for two to three hundred years. Buying land is the best investment.

Although An Ran has objections to many people in the Gu family, a big house with four bedrooms is still good, so he should help them as much as possible to avoid losing all their money with a second house and a three-bedroom house.

It will be fine in the future when the old couple passes away and separates. Then they can fend for themselves with the second and third wives. If there is a chance, she will take care of each other and avenge her original body.

An Ran's talk about teaching the children at home to read was certainly true. Starting from the next day, An Ran gathered together all the children in the family, both men and women, aged over five and under twelve, and began to teach them.

Originally, the Gu family thought that girls did not need to be literate. After all, in their view, girls had to work. Although they were young, they could do simple things such as weeding pigs, sweeping the floor, and doing laundry.

But An Ran said that it would be good for the Gu family to marry into a better family if they knew how to read, so they agreed. Anyway, An Ran said that he would teach for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, and let the children practice at other times. Let the girls do their work, it won't waste too much time.

In addition, the age at which girls can study has been lowered to under ten years old. It is said that it is above ten years old, so there is really no need to study.

Although An Ran tried hard to win over the children, but seeing that he couldn't win over them, he didn't force them to do what they wanted. It was up to them. Anyway, it was their own good or bad.

Before going to class, An Ran showed her hand to the children, gathered the little internal strength she had temporarily gained, and crushed a brick. Then she told the children that if anyone did not teach honestly and made trouble in class, she would crush it. The other party successfully frightened some naughty children, and everyone attended the class honestly.

An Ran not only teaches them how to read, but also teaches them self-defense skills in the last two quarters of the afternoon. This is the favorite of the boys, especially the older children, but I heard that this aunt (sister) comes from the general's family, and they I also want to practice martial arts and become a general in the future, so I study it more seriously than learning calligraphy.

Studying is safely arranged in the spacious main room. After all, it is getting hotter day by day, and it is too hot to take classes outside. However, martial arts training is in the courtyard. After all, it is impossible to perform in the room.

Because of An Ran's high force value, all the naughty kids are very honest, so An Ran's teaching work is carried out very well.

After reading for a period of time, the parents inspected the children and were pleasantly surprised to find that the children knew a lot of words and could count. In addition, the children were fighting better than before. They couldn't help but praise An Ran. They were no longer like when An Ran first came back. Someone whispered to her.

Originally, there were a few people who thought it was too luxurious for An Ran to live in one room, but no one said anything now. After all, An Ran was so capable. He could teach children both literacy and martial arts. They didn't have to spend a penny, and they also What's not to be satisfied with?

Unlike the original world, they later did not let the original live in a room, and let the original live with others.

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