Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2568 The Death of the Fake Daughter 12

In fact, these people didn't have much fighting power at all. Thanks to Anran, he had done so much psychological construction. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to defeat them. He also prepared a lot of props and put them in the space, ready to be used at any time. He also reinforced the courtyard walls and gates, and bought a sharp knife. Now it seems that the big sword doesn't need to be so carefully prepared. She can take care of these people casually.

So sometimes, the memory of the original owner is not necessarily true, because sometimes, the memory of the original owner, with the original owner's subjective filter, is not the real fact.

However, no matter what, it is still good to be fully prepared, and she does not regret it.

As she chopped down one masked man after another, the suspected leader was ready to escape on horseback. How could An Ran let him go? Then with a shake of his hand, he shot out an iron quinoa that had been prepared for a long time. The man was knocked off his horse.

After cleaning up all the others, An Ran stepped forward to ask the leader for questioning.

The leader's legs were broken by her iron thorns, and he was lying on the ground moaning and groaning. An Ran stepped forward and tapped his acupuncture points so that he could no longer run away.

"Looking at you with your faces covered and holding weapons, do you want to kill us? Don't deny it and tell the truth. I will make your life worse than death, so tell me who asked you to come here. Are we in trouble?"

The man saw that everyone was killed by An Ran. He didn't know what happened. He was poked a few times by An Ran and couldn't move. This was a method he had never heard of on the road. One look at An Ran's skills. He felt that she was unfathomable, so he had no doubt that her life would be worse than death if he didn't tell the truth.

So he cried bitterly and said: "We were indeed sent to kill the Gu family, but I don't know who sent us here. We were bandits nearby. One day a man came from the village and killed us. He gave us a little money and asked us to come over to do this. He said that it was done and there was still a balance left. The other party was generous, so we came over for a trip. I really didn’t expect the queen to be so powerful. I beg the queen to spare her life!"

It turned out to be a bandit from nearby. No wonder he didn't have much ability, but he had weapons.

An Ran tested it again and found that this man indeed knew nothing, so he immediately killed him.

These people were bandits who had done countless evil things. In their original world, they had also killed the Gu family, so it was naturally impossible for her to let them go.

After killing all these people, An Ran took all their bodies into the space. After all, it was difficult to deal with them for the time being, so he could only receive them into the space first.

An Ran plans to go to the bandit's village tomorrow to see if he can wait and catch the person who connects. After all, the bandit told that person to start tonight and ask him to come over tomorrow for the final payment. Let’s see if we can follow the clues and completely solve this problem.

By the way, these corpses were thrown into the bandit's village. Even if someone found them dead, thinking that the other party was a bandit, no one would investigate deeply to find out who killed them.

Because An Ran handled it quickly, the hospital was quite far away from the main courtyard, and it was late at night and everyone was sleeping soundly, so An Ran handled it all and no one in the Gu family woke up.

An Ran saw that no one had woken up, so she secretly thought it was okay and saved her explanation.

There is blood next to it. I don't know if they will be surprised tomorrow.

As for the horses, An Ran had no choice but to deal with them. After all, she couldn't put living animals in her space, so she could only let the horses run wherever they wanted. I believe the horses would leave on their own if there was no food.

Sure enough, just as An Ran thought, without its owner and without food, the horse began to wander around.

When daybreak came, the Gu family got up and found blood stains outside the courtyard. They were really surprised. What was even more surprising was that there was a horse at the door. Seeing that there was no owner, they happily led the horse into the yard. After all, horses are very expensive things. Whether you raise it yourself or sell it for money, it is very suitable.

The Gu family thought that they were the only ones who got the advantage, but when they went to the village to inquire, they found out that several families had picked up horses.

Even so, everyone was very happy to have made a windfall.

At this time, An Ran made an excuse to go to the city to meet Master Huang Wu, left the Gu family, and came to the village where the bandit said they were.

The world has been peaceful for ten years, and now there are fewer and fewer bandits. Many people who hid in the mountains because of the war, or who could not survive, came to the mountains and became bandits. Now many people have gone down the mountains and went back to live. Live a peaceful life, and no longer live a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife.

But there are a small number of people who are used to this kind of life where they can kill people and set fire at will, and they continue to be bandits. The general fate of these people is to be exterminated by the court. The reason why these people have not been exterminated is because they see the world In Taiping, if he continued to be a bandit, he would be in danger of being wiped out, so he gradually changed from a bandit to a green forest. He often paid people to kill people and set fires, but basically stopped robbing and robbing people.

Because he did not commit any robbery or robbery, he escaped and was still active on the mountain.

It is said that it is a mountain top, but it is completely different from the high mountains in the south. The mountains here are very short, only a few hundred meters.

There were only eight of them in the village where the bandits were. I don't know if the original people had gone down the mountain to live a peaceful life, or if there were only so many people in their village to begin with.

Anyway, when An Ran came, the village was empty, with no one around.

An Ran unceremoniously plundered all the valuables left by these eight people in the village, and then began to wait for the person who paid the balance to the bandits to come to his door.

The leader said that the other party will definitely pay the balance and will not default on the bill, because although he does not know the other party's name, he knows that the other party is from the capital and has threatened him. If he does not pay the balance, they will hire him to kill him. The matter was publicized everywhere in the capital. In this way, even if the identity of the other party was not known and the Gu family was destroyed, someone would still investigate the situation of the Gu family. After all, the Gu family had a fake daughter - because he was a bandit nearby. Of course, he knew about the real and fake daughter. Of course, even if he didn't know before, he would definitely investigate the circumstances of the murder before being sent to kill people. Therefore, he would know that the Gu family was the family where the real and fake daughter happened. It was also very normal.

This investigation may lead to the murderer being found, which will be detrimental to the contact person, so the contact person will definitely not dare not to pay the balance.

At that moment, An Ran made some modifications, imitating the leader's dress last night, and covered his face to make it easier to talk.

The contact person came over just as An Ran wished.

He left the balance to the bandits and prepared to leave, but where he left, he was stopped by An Ran.

Seeing that An Ran had restrained him, the man couldn't help but become frightened, and immediately said: "What do you want to do! Do you know who is behind me? How dare you cause trouble for me! I'm not afraid that the people behind me will kill you, a little mountain." Is your head flat?"

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