Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2591 The Death of the Fake Daughter 35

But he was afraid that there would be any disadvantages if he refused the Queen's invitation, so Master Huang Wu was a little embarrassed and said: "Sir, my wife was injured by a gangster in Huguo Temple. You see, she was injured like this. How can she You can't ask the doctor first. Can you wait until the doctor has dealt with it and there is no danger before entering the palace? Otherwise, my wife will be scared by the way she is."

The chief eunuch saw that An Ran was in this state, and naturally he did not dare to force him to ask for it, but he was afraid that the queen would be waiting impatiently, so while waiting for An Ran to treat her wounds, he sent someone into the palace to tell the queen about the situation, so as not to let the queen know about it. The queen blames.

When they sent someone back to talk, the emperor happened to be with the queen, and they planned to wait for An Ran to come over to see if An Ran was his child.

As a result, instead of waiting for An Ran, such shocking news came. The emperor and queen were anxious on the spot, and they immediately asked what was going on.

The eunuch then told what he knew.

The emperor's face darkened and he asked the queen strangely: "Why would someone attack An Ran?"

The queen has experienced great storms, and after being in the palace for more than ten years, she is also aware of the fights between women in the palace. She could not help but darken her face at the moment, and said: "There is something fishy about this matter. For no reason, An Ran, an ordinary citizen, should He would not be attacked, but just when we knew An Ran’s identity, An Ran was attacked..."

The emperor understood what the queen meant. When the emperor heard this, his face could not help but darken, and he immediately ordered: "Send the Royal Forest Army to search for all the villains who assassinated Huang Gu today."

No matter what, let's catch him first.

They didn’t blame them for being anxious and angry about this. After all, An Ran had fallen from the clouds (the daughter of the prince) to the mud (the village girl). They thought that in the process, their daughter must have suffered a lot, suffered a lot, and endured a lot. He received many favors.

Now that we finally recognized each other, we were actually assassinated and almost died. Naturally, we were anxious and angry, thinking that this child's life would be too miserable.

After the emperor had settled the matter, news came from outside that the eunuch chief had arrived with Gu Anran.

This made the emperor and empress anxious. The emperor said: "If you are injured, just treat it first. Why did you bring someone here now? Laifu can't do anything."

Although the queen was also worried, she still comforted the emperor and said: "Laifu is a stable person. The child must be not seriously injured, so he brought people here."

The emperor listened and secretly said the same, so he said: "Okay, let's confirm first to see if An Ran is our child. If it is true, tell the world immediately so that those villains will stop resisting and surrender quickly. , so that the punishment can be reduced, otherwise, if you resist arrest and assassinate the royal princess, the nine clans will be implicated. I don’t believe they are not afraid. Hurry up and surrender, and we can quickly bring the person behind the scenes to justice, so that the other party will not continue to be at large. "

The queen nodded and said: "That's right."

While the two were talking, An Ran came in soon.

Just as he was about to kowtow to the emperor and empress, he was immediately stopped by the empress and said: "Good boy, you are injured. Stop saluting. Sit here and talk."

An Ran said: "Thank you for your grace."

When the Queen and the Emperor saw her coming, they began to look at An Ran carefully. Then they discovered that they had never thought that An Ran was their child before, so they did not realize it. Now that they knew that An Ran might be their child, they discovered that An Ran actually had a beautiful face. , still very much like them.

An Ran pretended to be uncomfortable being looked at by the emperor and empress. The emperor and empress looked at it and stopped hurriedly to look at it. Then the empress asked: "Good boy, I heard that you have a green dragon mark on your left arm?"

An Ran nodded and said, "Yes, but sometimes you can't see it. It only shows up when it's hot and emotional."

The queen stopped talking nonsense. After all, there were still gangsters outside who wanted to be hunted. She had to quickly identify her relatives, so she said: "Did you know? Only the royal family has this mark. Your Majesty, please take a look at your arm."

In order to recognize An Ran, the emperor deliberately wore a little too much. He was sweating a little now, and then rolled up his sleeves. Sure enough, on the emperor's forearm, there was a green dragon logo, which was similar to An Ran's.

An Ran pretended to be surprised, and immediately pulled up his sleeves, and saw that on his arm, the green dragon slowly appeared from scratch.

Of course, this was prompted by An Ran's inner strength, but the queen and the emperor only thought that An Ran was emotional after listening to their words, and they were not surprised.

The emperor and empress couldn't help but be excited when they saw that An Ran's arm had grown out of nothing, and a green dragon had emerged from it.

The queen immediately hugged An Ran and said: "Good boy, you are our child! Not only did you hug the wrong one with Gu Yanran, you also hugged the wrong one with the third princess!..."

Seeing that An Ran seemed to be in shock, the emperor asked the queen to stay here to comfort An Ran and explain the truth. He quickly went to tell the world that the real princess was Gu Anran, and also asked the imperial guards to quickly kill the assassin who assassinated the royal princess. Caught and brought to justice.

Just when An Ran recognized each other, outside the palace, Gu Yanran and the third princess watched the sudden martial law on the street. Then they heard that the Royal Forest Army was searching the city for the murderer who attacked the Huang Gu family, and their hearts began to thump. I felt that the situation was a little bad, and thought about why the Imperial Guards were dispatched. Did the emperor know An Ran's identity?

The ominous premonition soon came true. Not long after, about half an hour later, news came from the street that Huang Gu was a princess. Back then, in the ruined temple, the third princess had an affair with Huang Gu. , so the emperor wanted to hunt down the assassin who assassinated the royal princess, and asked the assassin to surrender quickly in order to get a lighter punishment. Otherwise, if he didn't take the initiative to surrender, after the imperial guards found him, he would be severely punished and punished.

When Gu Yanran and the third princess heard that the murderer was asked to surrender, they began to stand unsteadily because they knew that once the assassins surrendered and confessed to them, they would not be able to survive.

Although Gu Yanran met with someone in a mask, as long as Liu Sandao and others confessed her, the higher-ups might not be able to find her through a careful investigation. Now they can only let God protect her and not find her.

The third princess is better off, because it was her confidant who did it. However, she cannot guarantee that if the Third Division finds out her confidant and finds her, will her confidant take the blame for her? It would be bad if she bit herself out.

Although she could insist that her confidant had no evidence to prove that she ordered her to do it, but who would believe it? After all, her confidant had no motive to do this. On the contrary, if she knew about the real and fake princess, she would have the most motive. people.

So after the incident happened, the third princess immediately asked her confidant to help her bear the crime.

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