Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2593 The Death of the Fake Daughter 37

When the third princess heard what the other party said, she felt a thump in her heart, knowing that the situation was not good. After all, if the emperor and the queen didn't know that she was the one who killed An Ran, they probably wouldn't want to see her. After all, they made a mistake back then. She is also innocent. After something like this happened, she should have brought herself to the palace to explain the situation clearly, instead of not seeing her. With her current attitude, she probably has something in her grasp and doesn't want to see her anymore.

When thinking of this, can the third princess not be nervous?

When Consort Cai saw that the emperor and empress did not even intend to meet the third princess, he immediately understood the attitude of the emperor and empress, and immediately planned to write a letter of divorce.

The third princess was so confused at the moment that she didn't notice anything strange about her husband, but even if she did, she probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it now.

But he said that the third princess's guess was indeed correct. The emperor and the empress had now got the information that she was most likely one of the assassins of An Ran. She couldn't help but become furious. As a result, she heard that the third princess asked for a meeting and did not want to see her.

The intelligence provider was none other than the prefect of the capital.

But he said that after receiving the report from An Ran, the prefect of the capital began to hunt down the murderer according to the rules.

As a result, people were sent out, and they immediately heard that the emperor sent the Royal Guards to hunt down the murderer. This made the prefect of the capital confused. He wondered what the emperor was involved in, and why the emperor personally ordered the hunt.

Then he soon found out - the prefect of the capital, who had been paying attention to the emperor's activities, soon heard a breaking news from the palace. It turned out that the third princess was not the real princess, but Gu Anran was the real princess!

The prefect of the capital took a breath of surprise at the news, and then instantly understood why the third princess sent someone to assassinate Gu Anran.

He said, why did the third princess want to deal with Gu Anran for no reason? She knew the news in advance, so she did such a thing, thinking that by killing Gu Anran, the emperor and queen would not know about such a thing. Alone, right?

Thinking of this, the prefect had thought before that he did not dare to bring out the evidence of the third princess against Gu Anran, lest the emperor and queen would defend the third princess, and his thoughts immediately flew to the horizon. He immediately realized that this was his opportunity, because he saw The emperor and empress obviously care about this real princess. By then they have caught the murderer. Under interrogation, the murderer will most likely explain the situation. Then there will be nothing wrong with him. Who will let him know? The murderer also followed the confidant to the third princess's house, so he also knew that his client was the third princess. Therefore, he had to report the situation he had to the emperor before the murderer was arrested and brought to justice, so that he could The hard work for a period of time will be valuable. Otherwise, if you don't say anything now, when the emperor catches the murderer and the murderer himself confesses, then your hard work will be in vain.

It happened that Wang Mazi's body was also found. In Wang Mazi's hand, he secretly held a piece of cloth, which should have been torn from the murderer's body. Many things could be interrogated. The prefect felt that he had to let the emperor know this quickly. It will be more effective if the emperor sends people from the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple and other departments to jointly review the case.

So he immediately told me that someone reported Wang Mazi missing to him, and he investigated it and found out that the daughter of the Zhenguo government killed the Gu family, and then continued to hunt down Gu Anran, that is, the real princess, and then not long after that, The third princess suddenly also sent people to hunt down the real princess. At that time, he didn't understand how she could go after the real princess. Now that he thought about it, the third princess must have known that Gu Anran was the real princess at that time, and wanted to get rid of her to eliminate future troubles.

The emperor was extremely surprised when he heard what the prefect of the capital said. He originally thought that the fake princess was the only one who wanted to kill his daughter, but he didn't know that there were several forces that wanted his daughter dead. He couldn't help but understand and said: "Prince Zhongguo. Why did the madam also want to kill the princess? I remember that she and my daughter have no grievances, right?"

The magistrate said: "According to my investigation during this period, it seems that it was purely out of jealousy. She seemed to know that the princess was a real princess, and was afraid that she would be more beautiful when she came back, so she wanted to kill the princess. She didn't want to see the princess compete. She is beautiful and thinks that the princess is a fake daughter, so why should she live a better life than her?"

The situation reported by the capital magistrate is almost true.

In Gu Yanran's previous life, after the so-called fake daughter was revealed to be a fake daughter, life was very difficult for a period of time. This made Gu Yanran happy to see it, but soon, Just because the royal family discovered the mark, she became a princess and lived a better life. Gu Yanran couldn't bear it. She thought about how the fake daughter could live a better life and why she had to suffer so much. So in this life, Before the royal family found out, they wanted to destroy the original body.

The emperor and empress almost laughed angrily after hearing Gu Yanran's thoughts.

The queen sneered: "She said why the fake daughter could live a better life than her, but she forgot that my daughter is not a fake daughter, she is a princess. Since she, Gu Yanran, can go back to be a real daughter and enjoy happiness, my daughter is a real princess." Why can't she come back to enjoy the blessings? Subconsciously, she regarded my daughter as a village girl and felt that my daughter was not worthy of enjoying the glory and wealth! But she made a mistake. My daughter is not a village girl! If she wants to be jealous, just go Go get jealous of a real caring girl!"

She might still have some feelings for the third princess, but she didn't have any feelings for Gu Yanran. When the prefect said that the other party thought so, she was naturally angry, so she said this now.

And after listening to the prefect's words, since he knew that the third princess had known that An Ran was the real princess, but not only did not tell them, but also sent a killer to kill An Ran secretly, naturally he did not plan to meet the third princess when she asked to see them.

They originally thought that if the third princess was really a fake princess after the marriage recognition was successful, they would give her the title of county head because of their years of nurturing.

But after hearing that she was planning to kill her own daughter, the emperor and empress naturally lost affection for the third princess. Not to mention letting her be the county head, she also planned to take care of business.

It’s no wonder that the emperor and empress were so cold-blooded. Family ties in the Tian family were limited in the first place. In order to seize power, there were many incidents of killing each other. What’s more, for someone who is not his biological child, family ties would naturally be even more limited. Seeing the other person treat his biological daughter like this, then The relationship that was not much in the first place naturally dissipated quickly, and I no longer wanted to see her.

Now that he knew that the people in the Zhenguo Palace and Gu Yanran were also involved in the assassination of An Ran, the emperor naturally ordered people to "invite" the people in the Zhenguo Palace and Gu Yanran.

The officials from the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion and the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion rushed in like wolves and tigers, not knowing what was going on.

Until they heard from the official that the Zhenguo Duke and his wife and Gu Yanran were involved in the murder of the real princess, the Zhenguo Duke's and Zhongguo's mansions couldn't help but feel as if the sky was falling and were frightened.

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