Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2596 The Death of the Fake Daughter 40

The official only invited the Duke of Zhen, his wife and Gu Yanran to Dali Temple. As for the third princess who also committed a crime, the emperor and empress did not invite her to Dali Temple because they had raised her before.

But assassinating the princess was no small matter, so she was invited to be imprisoned in the Royal Huai En Palace.

The third princess wanted to deny the invitation when the official sent her to the Huai'en Palace.

"I don't know anything. I haven't done anything. Why do you want to arrest me?"

The official said: "His Majesty asked you to stay in Huai'en Hall first. If you have no problem, you will be released."

This is also true.

Although the emperor knew that the confidant nanny must have been ordered by the third princess, he would not deal with the third princess now until the answer was obtained through interrogation. He would only ask the official to invite the third princess to the Huai'en Palace to stay. Once the interrogation was completed, Once the results are out, deal with her again.

The third princess is naturally unwilling, but no matter how much she yells, using her status as a princess to order these people not to approach her, or scolding these people for daring to disobey her, it will not help. After all, she has the emperor's life in hand, and she is afraid that you will scold them for disobeying her. ? I still don’t know who is the disobedient person. After all, the emperor wants to arrest her, and she dares to resist the order. Who is the disobedient person? So in the end, she was arrested by the officials and taken to Huai’en Palace.

Seeing that the third princess was captured, the Cai family couldn't help but secretly cry out for bad luck. They thought about why they married a fake princess. Forget about the fake princess. They were not smart enough to attack the real princess. I'm afraid it would even hurt them. , can this make them feel unlucky?

And just when the official officers arrested the Duke of Zhen and his wife, Gu Yanran, and the third princess, the gangsters were frightened. They heard that the person they killed was the princess. Except for a few who were still on the run, the others all surrendered. They surrendered. After all, many gangsters have families. I heard that if they don't surrender, if they are caught, they will be executed, and even the nine clans will be implicated. They don't want to end up in such a result, so the emperor has promised that as long as they surrender Surrendering oneself would lead to a lighter punishment and would not bring harm to the family. Many people surrendered themselves to avoid taking any chances and continuing to flee. If caught by the emperor, the whole family would be executed, and even the nine clans would be implicated.

——They still believed what the emperor said. After all, it was impossible to go back on his words.

As soon as these murderers arrived, the case began to move quickly.

If the Zhenguo Duke's Palace, the Zhongguo Palace and the Cai family were in panic because of the arrest of the third princess and others, the Huang family in the capital, or more specifically the Fifth Young Master Huang, was in for a huge surprise.

Of course, it wasn't a surprise at first.

After hearing the imperial edict from the palace that An Ran was a princess, Master Huang Wu was very worried at first. With his status, An Ran would divorce him. So when he heard that An Ran was a princess, he was surprised and his first reaction was not Not happy, but worried.

But after An Ran came back from the palace, Master Huang Wu was no longer worried.

When An Ran came back from the palace, the emperor had already told the world that An Ran was a real princess. So after An Ran came back, Master Huang Wu first congratulated her, and then said hesitantly: "Madam, you have become a princess, will... ...Will you make peace with me?"

It is said that it is reconciliation, but actually it is divorce. However, a woman cannot divorce a man, so if she wants to separate from a man, she can only reconcile.

In terms of reconciliation, with An Ran's status as a princess now, he was completely powerless to object. When he thought of this, Master Huang Wu felt a little sad, because he and An Ran had always been in harmony. If An Ran reconciled with An Ran, he would not be able to oppose it. I feel that it is difficult to find a wife who is so compatible with me, so naturally I am a little sad.

After hearing what Young Master Huang Wu said, An Ran couldn't help but smile and said, "I'm living a good life, why should I reconcile with you?! Just be the consort in peace, I will become a marquis soon."

When Young Master Huang Wu heard what An Ran said, he immediately came to life. He immediately smiled and said, "Then you have to teach me some things about the upper class circles in Beijing. I don't know anything about it. Don't make a joke."

An Ran said: "No problem, I'll take care of it."

Originally, Young Master Huang Wu should go back at this moment, but because of what happened about An Ran becoming a princess, he had to send someone to hurry up and spread the news back.

Then soon the Huang family also sent people to rush over and send a reply. The letter stated that they did not have to come back because it was the festival. They would go to Beijing and planned to move their family to Beijing after the festival.

This is normal, and they also understand that Master Huang Wu will definitely be granted the title of Marquis in the future. In other words, the Huang family will become a Marquis Mansion in the future, and this has become a Marquis Mansion. If you don't go to the capital, what are you doing in the countryside?

Master Huang Wu would not object to his family's reaction. He immediately told An Ran, and after An Ran had no objection, he did not send a letter back to prevent them from entering Beijing.

The case of assassinating the princess was not a matter of time, so while the case was still being tried, the Huang family entered Beijing.

Before that, An Ran spent this year's Mid-Autumn Festival in the palace with the emperor and empress. Firstly, since the Huang family was away, there was no need to spend it with her husband's family; secondly, they had just reunited and wanted to spend more time together, so they Mid-Autumn Festival in the palace.

The emperor and empress heard that An Ran knew martial arts and asked An Ran to perform for them.

Since it was a family banquet, it was naturally unrestrained, and the other children also had their own performances.

An Ran performed a Kung Fu that she had watched Duke Zhen Guo practice before leaving, so that the emperor looked familiar and would not suspect that her martial arts skills were secretly learned from Duke Zhen Guo.

Sure enough, the emperor who fought with Duke Zhen immediately recognized An Ran's Kung Fu, which was exactly what Duke Zhen had used before. He couldn't help but praise: "I didn't expect that this kid like you has martial arts talent. The Duke of Zhenguo didn't teach you, but you secretly learned it, and yet you managed to learn so well."

The queen glanced at the emperor and said with a smile: "This must be the talent inherited from His Majesty."

The emperor and Yourong nodded and said, "It seems so."

Yes, the emperor of this dynasty is both civil and military. He can go into battle to kill the enemy, and he can govern the country with military skills. The reason is also very simple. Although Zhen Guogong and others are from a rough background, the emperor himself is one of the nobles of the previous dynasty. He was born in a family, but he saw that the previous dynasty was cruel and unkind, so he raised troops to start a rebellion.

Although he was the son of an honorable family, the emperor had practiced literature and martial arts since he was a child, so he was good at both civil and military affairs. He fought many battles in his life, many of which he fought in person.

Since the emperor was also good at martial arts, it was not unusual at all for An Ran to practice martial arts, and it even made the emperor feel honored.

He had always regretted that among the children he gave birth to, some of his sons were good at martial arts, but none of his daughters were good at martial arts. One or two of them all looked like traditional noble girls. Although it was easier to get married this way, they were not him. Like what I see.

Unexpectedly, God gave him such a surprise. The child who was living outside was actually good at martial arts. This naturally made the emperor like him, and he soon became more fond of An Ran than he was of the fake third princess.

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