Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2598 The Death of the Fake Daughter 42

The reason why he didn't ask about the Gu family in the countryside at all was normal.

An Ran is not a girl from the Gu family. The girl from the Gu family is a fake princess who wants to kill An Ran. Moreover, unlike Gu Yanran, An Ran grew up in the Gu family. An Ran only stayed in the Gu family for about a year and did not have much affection for the Gu family. So why did they ask about the Gu family in the countryside.

Speaking of which, their daughter, the third princess, and their former adopted daughter Gu Yanran found someone to assassinate the princess. The emperor and queen did not cause trouble for their family. They killed everyone in the family, and even implicated the nine clans. This was because the Gu family did not know who was not guilty. Go ahead, otherwise, I'm afraid the end will be even worse.

So the Gu family has nothing to talk about.

Mrs. Huang and others didn't mention it, and An Ran certainly wouldn't mention it.

In fact, on the day the emperor announced to the world that An Ran was a princess, he sent an edict to the Gu family explaining the situation.

At first, the Gu family was happy to hear that An Ran was a princess. Those who wanted to take advantage of the second and third bedrooms also thought that although the princess stayed in their house for a short time, she was still a princess. Maybe something leaked between her fingers, and that would be enough. They are developed.

Later, I heard that their former adopted daughter Gu Yanran and the fake princess, the real girl in their family, had found someone to assassinate the princess after hearing that An Ran was a princess. She is now in prison.

According to the regulations, assassinating the royal family is a serious crime against the Nine Clan. For the sake of An Ran's pleading and saying that they did not know anything about it, they will not be held accountable, but they are not allowed to harass the princess in the future, otherwise they will definitely be prosecuted for death.

Hearing this, they were frightened to death, and they could no longer be greedy. They were afraid that Gu Yanran and the fake princess would implicate them, and even blamed Dafang for this. After all, if Dafang hadn't raised a brain into Shui's adopted daughter Gu Yanran also raised a vicious fake princess. The two of them went to assassinate the real princess, so their family would not be in any risk at all.

Fortunately, there are four bedrooms helping Dafang, so the second and third bedrooms don't dare to bully Dafang.

An Ran naturally heard about these things, but didn't take them to heart.

At least I won't care about it for the time being.

In the future, when the family is divided, she will take care of the second and third bedrooms. After all, in the original world, she will not let go of the people in these two bedrooms selling their original bodies to the old rich man in the town as concubines.

In the memory of the original person, the fourth room of the big house treated the original person quite well, so they could be compensated appropriately.

But it won't be too much. After all, the original person didn't receive much kindness from the two houses, so she didn't deserve too much.

Soon the Huang family chose an auspicious day and moved into the Yong'an Marquis Mansion given by the emperor.

Yes, the emperor asked An Ran whether she wanted to reconcile with Master Huang Wu, and he found another noble family for her. After An Ran said that her life with Master Huang Wu was not bad, and the Huang family was also good, he gave her the title of Master Huang Wu. He was appointed Marquis of Yong'an and was given a mansion, so the Huang family lived in this Marquis' mansion at this time.

Although the Huang family has a large population, the Marquis Mansion is not small, so it can still be accommodated.

Because the owners of Yong'an Hou Mansion are An Ran and his wife, in addition to the largest courtyard for Mr. Huang and his wife to live in - this is a must, the elders must live in the largest courtyard - the second largest courtyard is for An Ran and his wife to live in.

The housekeeping power was originally in the hands of An Ran. After all, she was the mistress of the Hou Mansion and she was Mrs. Hou. However, An Ran said that it was quite tiring for her to manage a princess's house, so she would not care about the Yong'an Hou Mansion for the time being. Mrs. Huang happened to When he was still young and strong, Mrs. Huang continued to manage the house.

This made Mrs. Huang feel very fond of her.

In fact, before coming here, Mrs. Huang was a little nervous. Although it was good to move to the capital, she was the housekeeper in the county. Now that she was in the capital and living in her daughter-in-law's house, she would definitely not give her housekeeper rights. She was on her own, which meant that she could no longer take charge of matters at home.

When she thought about having to rely on her daughter-in-law to live her life in the future and act according to her face, and this daughter-in-law was not her biological son-in-law, it was impossible for her not to feel nervous.

Unexpectedly, An Ran was so good that he did not intend to take care of the house, but still left the housekeeping power in her hands. This made Mrs. Huang couldn't help but feel grateful, thinking that she must take care of the house for An Ran, without stretching her crotch, let alone He took advantage of this opportunity to enrich himself so that he could give the money to his own son in the future.

The reason why she is so wholehearted is not that she is particularly selfless, but that she understands that if she does this, An Ran will find out sooner or later. When he finds out, he will be angry with her and her children. In the future, when the old couple is gone, An Ran will If the husband and wife are angry about this, they may not be able to take care of their children. Isn't this a petty expense?

There's no point in annoying An Ran just because he's greedy for that little money.

Moreover, most of the family's property must go to the eldest son, the eldest son, which is his own son.

Relying on the relationship with the Marquis Mansion, the husband will definitely be able to make a lot of money in the future. In other words, relying on the relationship with the Marquis Mansion, the son will be able to inherit much more property than before. This should be satisfying. He cannot be dissatisfied. She has to fish for all this oil and water, which will annoy the princess and the consort. In the future, when the old couple leaves, they will no longer take care of her son because of their anger. No matter how much oil and water she fishes, no matter how much money her son has, there will be no big power for him to rely on. In the end, There will also be people who make clever excuses and steal all the money.

Because she understands that the Hou Mansion is her son's biggest support in the future, even though Mrs. Huang has the power of housekeeping, she will not do anything wrong, unless Mrs. Huang is a short-sighted person, or a fool, like Gu Yanran. He knew clearly that An Ran was the princess, so he didn't report the matter, so that he would get a benefit and instead go against the princess.

An Ran knew that Mrs. Huang was a smart person and would not do such stupid things, so she was relieved to hand over the housekeeping rights to Mrs. Huang.

Now that someone can help her take care of the house wholeheartedly, she can be happy and relaxed, how nice it is!

After Mrs. Huang took charge of the house, she faced the first major event - holding several large banquets in succession.

One is the celebration banquet for An Ran to be crowned princess, the other is the celebration banquet for Master Huang Wu to be crowned a marquis, and before that, there is a housewarming banquet.

There were three banquets in total, and all the upper-class circles in Beijing sent gifts. It was impossible for her to attend even if she didn't want to.

As soon as I came to a new place, I had to hold three large banquets in a row. I guess no other family would have this kind of treatment.

Mrs. Huang planned to have a housewarming banquet to warm up the show first, and then a banquet to celebrate An Ran becoming a princess. Because the banquet to celebrate An Ran becoming a princess would definitely have the most people and the strongest backgrounds. She could only hold two banquets first to gain experience. Dare to do something bigger like this.

Although she had to hold three large banquets as soon as she arrived, she was quite busy, but fortunately she had enough people - there were many people in the house, which was usually a bad thing, because the house would be starved, but sometimes it was also a good thing, like this time There are plenty of manpower to do things.

The sons, daughters-in-law, and daughters were all put to use and assigned different errands, so this matter was easier to handle. It also gave the children a chance to exercise, and also took this opportunity to get to know people in the upper circles of the capital. opportunity to integrate into the upper circles.

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