Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2607 NPC Cannon Fodder 4

At this time, Mr. Wang said that he couldn't stand her young lady, and asked her: "You are your young lady's confidant, does she have any shameful things, so that I can publicize them and clean them up?" she."

In the past, Xiaofeng was An Ran's confidant, so naturally he wouldn't say anything.

But at this moment, Mr. Wang said that he would take her as his concubine. She already regarded herself as Mr. Wang's concubine and recognized Mr. Wang as her master. In this way, she would naturally not let her former master go. After all, marrying a rich and powerful son is much more important than being a loyal maid, so Xiaofeng hesitated for a moment and sold An Ran, saying: "This is not the day when the young lady fell into the water. Miss Liu and others Are you kidding me? She has been complaining about these young ladies recently. Is this something shameful? After all, if word spreads, those young ladies will definitely be unhappy, and then my young lady will offend them. That’s all I know. , and nothing else.”

When Mr. Wang heard this, his eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "Forget it!"

Then he said to Xiaofeng: "Go back and beg your lady to let you renounce your citizenship. When you renounce your citizenship, I will take you as my concubine. Otherwise, I will spread what you told me and those ladies will find you." Your young lady’s trouble, your young lady knows that it’s you who told me that you were the one to sell yourself, she has your deed of sale, and I want to take you as my concubine, but she doesn’t let me, and she still causes trouble for you, that’s not good.”

Xiaofeng nodded and said, "Okay! I'll leave my citizenship right now."

Mr. Wang said, "Hurry up. I'll spread the word about this as soon as you leave the country. I'm anxious to see her misfortune."

When An Ran saw this, he couldn't help but wonder, why did the original body become such a mistress? She searched the original person's memories, but she couldn't think of any previous disagreements between the original person and Mr. Wang. After all, the original person was still young at the time, only twelve years old. How could he offend someone?

But looking at Mr. Wang's tone, it was as if the original person owed him eight million.

At first, when An Ran saw Mr. Wang hooking up with Xiaofeng, she didn't think that he was the culprit who had been bullied for three years. She just thought that he was just a young man who wanted to pick up girls. Until now, Mr. Wang said that he couldn't stand it. I had to correct myself before I realized that the person behind the bullying that I was looking for was this person.

Once she knew it, An Ran was confused, because this goal was too unexpected for her. Obviously, like many people who made trouble for the original person for no reason, this person also made trouble for the original person for no reason.

And this made An Ran feel strange. Why would Mr. Wang cause trouble for the original person for no reason? Could it be that this person was reborn, and the original person had a problem with him in the previous life, and he wants to take revenge on the original person in this life?

Thinking of this, An Ran asked the puppet to follow Mr. Wang, wanting to see what Mr. Wang was doing.

And this tracking made An Ran discover a shocking secret.

But he said that after Mr. Wang separated from Xiaofeng, he found a private room in a restaurant to sit down.

After sitting down, with no outsiders around, Mr. Wang suddenly said to the air: "The Lord God Panel."

Then, with An Ran's astonished gaze, through the puppet, she saw a virtual light screen popping up in front of Mr. Wang.

What's this? Are you a systematic person?

But soon, Enron discovered that it was not the case.

She asked the puppet to stand behind Mr. Wang, looking directly at the virtual light screen, so she could see clearly - this was not a system at all, but very much like a game control panel, with tasks, attributes, friends, mall, Backpacks, forums, etc.

While An Ran was watching, he saw Mr. Wang opening the friend item on the main god panel and sending a video call request to one of his friends named Ding Lili.

Being able to have friends and contact each other shows that this is not a system, but a game.

As for this Ding Lili, An Ran was not very familiar with her. She only remembered that she was the daughter of a low-level official. She seemed to be the daughter of an official whose status was lower than Mr. Fang. Mr. Ding had brought Ding Lili to visit his home before.

At this time, Mr. Wang sent a video call to Ding Lili, and the video call was quickly connected.

"The boss contacted me. Is this done to deal with Fang Anran?" In the video, a little girl in ancient costume asked lively and cutely. She looked exactly like Master Ding's daughter in the original memory.

Mr. Wang nodded and said: "It will be successful soon. You should see the results within five days."

Ding Lili's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she said with a smile: "Great! Now I can deal with that annoying Fang Anran. Several missions fell into her hands, and I was almost eliminated! Without letting out a bad breath, It’s hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart.”

Mr. Wang smiled and didn't say anything. He just said, "Remember to prepare the final payment."

Ding Lili nodded and smiled: "No problem, as soon as I see the effect, I'll call you right away."

Mr. Wang also smiled and said: "Boss, come back to me if you need anything in the future."

Ding Lili smiled and said, "Okay."

The call between the two ended, and then Mr. Wang opened the forum option and browsed the posts on the forum.

An Ran saw that there was a lot of content in the posts on the forum.

"Find a big guy to help with a task. The price is negotiable."

"My points ranking is getting lower and lower. I'm so afraid of being eliminated. Who can save me? The price is easy to talk about!"

"The Lord God is really not a human being. He eliminated more than 10 million people last time. Those people disappeared in the real world as soon as they said they would disappear."

"The Lord God said that there are too many people in the world. If half of them are wiped out, half of them will definitely die. It has been so long. Do you still imagine that the Lord God will not do what he wants?"

"I hate XXXNPC in XX world so much. I always fail to complete the tasks related to him. Is there anyone in XX world? How can I teach him a lesson? I'm so angry."

"I'm in the XX world. Send me a private message and I'll help you teach him a lesson. The fee is not high."


As Mr. Wang kept browsing, only now did An Ran understand that the world where Ganqing was originally located was a world of the Lord God? Oh no, it's not a world of the Lord God, it's a copy of the World of the Lord God, or some sort of world with a last-place elimination system. People with low points rankings will be wiped out, not only in the World of the Lord God, but also in the real world.

As for the original person, because she is very quiet and introverted, taciturn, the tasks related to her are difficult to complete, which arouses the resentment of the players, and then they spend money to find people who can deal with the original person, and deal with the original person, just like Ding Lili. .

An Ran looked at it and couldn't help but feel speechless. He secretly thought that it was no wonder it was like this. The original person had also been unlucky for eight lifetimes and provoked these fourth natural disasters.

Now the murderer has almost been found, but it is not easy to deal with the people who harmed the original body, because these people are players. Even if Enron deals with them, as long as they do not die or be eliminated, they will still be in the real world. Still having a great time.

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