Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2621 NPC Cannon Fodder 18

But no matter how sad Mr. Zhou is, he has nothing to do. He doesn't dare to marry, so he can only watch others marry. After all, Fang Anran can never remain unmarried for the rest of his life.

After Mr. Fang settled An Ran's marriage, he quickly engaged Fang Anyun to the You family.

But after An Ran got engaged to the Prince of Yongkang County, Master You and An Ran were naturally in trouble. Originally, the You family would definitely not mention the matter of getting married to the Fang family again.

However, the You family's family background is quite prominent, and Mr. You's fifth grade is not bad. Mr. Fang didn't want to lose it, so he arranged to give it to his beloved daughter Fang Anyun.

In the Fang family, although Yuan Shen is the most beautiful, because he is boring and not lovable, Mr. Fang has only average feelings for Yuan Shen.

On the contrary, Fang Anyun has been sweet-mouthed since he was a child, and Master Fang loves Fang Anyun even more.

The reason why Mr. Fang matched Mr. You to Fang Anyun without waiting any longer was because An Ran was married to Prince Yongkang. Logically speaking, he might be promoted. After being promoted, wouldn't he be able to find a better match for Fang Anyun? After all, Fang Anyun is two years younger than An Ran. He is still young now and can afford to wait.

However, Mr. Fang is only at the seventh rank now. He feels that no matter how he is promoted before Fang Anyun grows up, he will not be able to rise so quickly to above the fifth rank. Therefore, it is appropriate to marry Fang Anyun to Mr. You. Marry your daughter at a low age, after all, after you get promoted, there may not be a better person coming to propose marriage.

The You family naturally disagreed at first.

In fact, Mrs. You agreed. After all, she heard that An Ran was married to the Prince of Yongkang. In the future, the Fang family would have two backers, the Prince of Yongkang and the Minister of Civil Affairs, so a marriage with the Fang family would not be a bad idea.

In particular, I heard that Fang Anyun is not as beautiful as Fang Anran, so she is suitable to be the mistress of the house, so she is willing.

But it doesn’t count if she is willing, but her son is not willing. Hearing that he could not marry Fang Anran, he married Fang Anyun instead. Young Master You felt that he had not got a good one, but a defective one, so naturally he was unwilling.

——This is different from the original world. In the original world, the original person was engaged to Prince Wang. The reason why Prince You married Fang Anyun was that he felt that the original person had no vision to marry such a person, so he deliberately married Fang Anyun so that the original person could marry him. Looking at herself, she was blind. She didn't choose him to choose someone like that. In this way, she would naturally not think that Fang Anyun was a defective product that the prince did not want. After all, the prince was in worse condition than him. He would not think so, but Prince Yongkang has better conditions than him. If he picks the one he likes first, it will make Mr. You feel like a good thing was picked up by Prince Yongkang and he picked a defective product.

It has to be said that situations are different, and people's moods are also different. In the future, Fang Anyun's situation will be different from his original world. This is the power of the butterfly effect.

This was not mentioned as an afterthought, but at the moment, Mr. You was unwilling at first, but soon, his parents talked about the future development of the lower family, and seeing Fang Anyun's sweet mouth at the banquet, he was happy, so The two families settled on the marriage.

Mr. You was not very happy. In fact, Fang Anyun's mood was also very complicated.

Originally, she was happy to be engaged to Mr. You, especially when she first heard that her father was planning to marry her sister to Mr. Wang, that trash who slept in flowers and willows. Then if she could marry Mr. You, who had better conditions, She is naturally willing and proud - this can be seen from the original world.

But now, her sister did not marry the prince with poor conditions, but married the prince of Yongkang County with excellent conditions. If she gets engaged to Mr. You again, her mood will not get better. She feels that she is picking up something that An Ran does not want. Even though she was happy before, secretly happy that she could marry so well, but when she saw her sister marrying better, her mood immediately changed.

You know, Fang Anyun was in a bad mood when he first heard that Mr. Zhou had a special regard for An Ran.

In order to prevent An Ran from successfully marrying Mr. Zhou, Fang Anyun once contacted Mr. Zhou by relying on his sweet words to please him.

Of course, because Mrs. Zhou had never invited her to come over for a banquet, she only came into contact with Mr. Zhou when Mrs. Fang invited Mr. Zhou to come and play during a banquet.

As a result, she, who had always been lovable, was of no use to Mr. Zhou for some reason, and he didn't answer her words at all.

Little did she know that Mr. Zhou was a player. He was only interested in completing tasks and had no interest in participating in her house fights.

Moreover, Mr. Zhou is a modern person. Even if he doesn’t like to watch TV or novels about palace fights and house fights, he can always get access to this knowledge on the Internet. He can tell at a glance that this Fang Anyun is a bit of green tea and white lotus, and he talks sweetly. The banner of being likable is actually to poach An Ran. Mr. Zhou himself does not like such a woman. After all, even though An Ran is not as beautiful as Fang An Ran, he is even more ugly than Fang An Ran. Why should he like such a woman? ?

In fact, An Ran had seen this scene a long time ago. After all, she had a puppet or artificial intelligence next to Mr. Zhou and could know Mr. Zhou's situation at any time. So, could An Ran not know about Fang Anyun's hookup with Mr. Zhou?

However, she knew that Mr. Zhou was a player and would not talk to Fang Anyun except for missions, so she didn't take it to heart and just watched Fang Anyun's performance without saying anything.

Fang Anyun saw that she had not been able to seduce Mr. Zhou, and she was jealous beyond recognition at first, wondering why her sister could get in touch with a man with such good conditions, but she could not seduce him.

As a result, more than a year passed in the blink of an eye, and Mr. Zhou did not propose marriage to Fang Anran. This made Fang Anyun feel relieved, thinking that it seemed that Mr. Zhou did not like Fang Anran.

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but feel happy about my misfortune.

As a result, before she could gloat about her misfortune, another member of the You family came to propose marriage.

Although the You family is not as good as the Zhou family, the conditions are also very good. This makes Fang Anyun angry. She wonders why one or two people have taken a fancy to Fang Anran. Isn't it just that she is a little prettier? Is she beautiful enough to be eaten? Can you live well if you are beautiful? Why!

Fortunately, a trash Wang family came to propose marriage later. She had heard about the virtues of Mr. Wang. She immediately hoped that Fang Anran could marry him, and then she would keep the better Mr. You for herself. She is beautiful, but she is not marrying as well as herself. She is so angry! In this way, she can say in the future, what's the use of being good-looking, is it because she's not as good as me?

In addition, it would be nice to let An Ran suffer in the Wang family.

Originally, this matter was almost successful, because Mr. Fang loved her and was willing to tell her anything, so she knew that Mr. Liu promised that as long as Mr. Fang married Fang Anran to the prince, he would give him a promotion, etc. She knew My father agreed.

This made her extremely happy.

Just when she thought she could get her wish, Fang Anran married the disgusting Prince Wang, and she married the good Prince You. However, her sister got engaged to the Prince of Yongkang County at lightning speed, which made her unable to help I was stunned. When I heard about this, I almost couldn't hold it back and lost my composure in front of everyone.

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