Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2633 NPC Cannon Fodder 30

The reason why it was never discovered that this player was responsible is because this player was very cautious and did not appear at Wang's house at all that year. It was not within the scope of her investigation, so the situation was never discovered.

In addition, she was already married at the time and had little contact with girls like them, so she never realized that she was also a player.

This time I was able to find out, thanks to the fact that I never gave up monitoring everyone present that day, including the servant of the Wang family. Because I had been monitoring the grandma, it was only then that the grandma asked the Wang family for money, and An Ran could discover the truth. .

Such a player with few contacts would attack the original person for the same simple reason. He also accepted a task to improve the original person's favorability. She failed to do so, so she had points deducted. She hated the original person so much that she arranged for the natives to think of her. Kill her.

As a result, the original person was quite lucky, and he didn't die and was rescued.

An Ran estimated that she had targeted her later, because after monitoring, she found out that this player was blackmailed by the nanny of the Wang family, and she once said something in this regard, to the effect that she didn't expect her to be so difficult to deal with, even if she failed back then. , but it still hasn't been successful, and now it still leaves such a tail, which worries her.

From her words, An Ran speculated that in the original world, Wang should have targeted the original body, but not during the three years when the original body was bullied after falling into the water. After all, the original body at that time was already pitiful enough, and she did not need I took the risk, but after marrying the prince, the pain I suffered may have something to do with the Wang family. After all, the Wang family is the original eldest aunt. We are so close and know her best. I want to find her. It’s too easy to get into trouble, so the suffering suffered by the original body and the children may be related to the Wang family, but she is not married to the prince now, which messes up the plot, and it is difficult to know whether this is the case.

But one thing is unmistakable, that is, there is nothing wrong with dealing with this woman. After all, this woman has attempted to assassinate the original person.

It is not difficult to deal with this woman, because if the player dies in the game, he will die in reality.

So what she has to do is to let the nanny of the Wang family identify that Wang made her fall into the water and almost killed herself. With her current status as the princess of the county, Wang will definitely be exiled even if she does not die. Then she will find a chance , if you kill her on the way, you can kill this player.

For Miss Liu and others, An Ran just dealt with them, but for Wang, the reason why he wanted to kill him was normal, because if someone hadn't saved the original body in time, the original body would definitely be killed by Wang. Death, Mr. Wang, this was an attempted murder.

Moreover, the original person was bullied later because of this incident.

What's more, the original person married a prince, and both he and his children suffered, and it was most likely related to this Wang family.

Wang has done so many bad things to the original body. It would be completely unjustifiable for An Ran not to bring her to justice. The original body would probably feel aggrieved and not give herself a five-star rating.

Therefore, even if it was to make the original person feel the pleasure of counterattack, An Ran had to deal with the Wang family.

Enron's plan was relatively successful.

That Aunt Wang asked Mrs. Wang for money, and Mrs. Wang ostensibly gave her money, but she felt that if this kind of thing broke the first time, it would happen again next time, so she was ready to kill Aunt Wang to silence her.

So I originally planned to let Aunt Wang identify what Wang did, but in the end An Ran felt that it would be better to let Wang kill Aunt Wang first, and then An Ran would expose the matter, and let Wang be executed immediately for killing someone. , anyway, this Aunt Wang is also one of the murderers and needs to be dealt with.

Of course, in order to let people know that this matter was caused by the Wang family looking for Grandma Wang to harm her, An Ran naturally used some means - An Ran used the magic of fantasy to make Grandma Wang realize that Wang might be harmed in the future. She would not admit it, and would even kill her to silence her, so she secretly wrote down the entire story of what she had done for Wang. In this way, even if Wang wanted to kill her and silence her, and the letter was exposed, she would be able to drag him down. His death is not in vain if he supports him.

As for An Ran, even if Aunt Wang was killed by the Wang family, once the people from the Yamen investigate Aunt Wang and find this letter, they will know that it was the Wang family who killed Aunt Wang. If it was revealed that Nanny Wang had harmed her and then killed Nanny Wang to silence her, she would not be able to survive.

If Mrs. Wang wanted to kill Grandma Wang, she would definitely kill her. After all, she couldn't leave anyone alone to threaten herself.

However, in this ordinary world, although Wang is a player and has many skills, their use is restricted so as not to affect the balance of the game. Otherwise, she would not have to bribe Aunt Wang to push her into the water, and Ding Lili would not have to ask Mr. Wang for help. To clean up the original body, so if she wanted to kill Nanny Wang, she could only use ordinary means - just like Fang Anyun, she was planning to find the natives to kill Nanny Wang.

This kind of murder can usually only be done by natives, and players generally won't accept it. After all, once it is exposed and caught by the local government and sentenced to death, there will be no chance.

Wang is older, knows a lot more than a little girl like Fang Anyun, and has more money, so she wants to find someone to kill someone, and it's an old woman whose security level is much lower than An Ran. , it was not that difficult. Soon, Grandma Wang was killed in a dark alley when she went out to buy things. Her belongings were robbed, making it look like she had been robbed and killed. .

The case was reported to the Jingcheng Yamen, and the Jingcheng Yamen investigated as usual.

Soon the people in the yamen found a letter from Grandma Wang's house. The content of the letter gave the case a new twist - in the letter, Grandma Wang bribed the eldest daughter of the Wang family and asked her to help promote the Fang family. The third girl, who is now the Princess of Yongkang County, entered the water and made it clear that she wanted to kill her. Then she said that she had no money and wanted to ask her for help and borrow some money to spend. She felt that Wang didn't seem to want to. I was happy, but I was afraid that I would be killed by the Wang family, so I deliberately wrote down these things, and said that one day in the future, if I die, it will definitely be killed by the Wang family.

After reading this letter, the capital government office, which originally thought it was a simple robbery and murder case, did not dare to treat it casually. After all, it involved the Yongkang County Prince's Palace.

Although the status of the Wang family is not bad, starting from the fifth rank, and the Cui family of Wang's husband's family has a similar status, it is not high enough to intimidate the capital's yamen. After all, the status of the capital's prefect is much higher than that of the Wang family and Wang's husband's family. The Cui family is much taller, so naturally they will not help the Wang family suppress this matter.

Besides, he didn't dare to suppress it. After all, during the investigation that day, too many people saw the letter. Even the prefect of the capital, even friends of the Wang family or the Cui family of Wang's husband's family, did not dare to suppress it, because once it was leaked, The prefect of the capital was about to run away without food. After all, behind the Yongkang Palace was the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. As a prefect, how dare he go against the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel?

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