Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2646 NPC Cannon Fodder 43

Although she has no power to get rid of Mr. Cai for the time being, An Ran cannot just watch the fruits of her labor and run away like this. If the other party has already run out of the capital, there is nothing she can do. , she still has the power to destroy the opponent, so she will naturally have to work harder.

So An Ran reminded Prince Yongkang as he had thought before.

But Prince Yongkang really thought as he thought. He felt that An Ran was being overly cautious and didn't take it seriously. He had no intention of going to Dali Temple to remind them of this matter.

"Such a thing won't happen. Marquis Yongning doesn't have many connections. How could he handle such a thing? Besides, even if I unconditionally trust you, it's not convenient to mention this matter to Dali Temple."

"It was reasonable to remind them to seal the city gate last time; now that people are in Dali Temple prison, if we need to remind them again to prevent Marquis Yongning from looking for a scapegoat, doesn't this question the incompetence of Dali Temple's governance? This will make people angry. From Dali Temple, I can’t do such stupid things.”

Therefore, Prince Yongkang did not intend to go to Dali Temple and say such words not because he did not believe An Ran's reminder, but mainly because he did not want to offend Dali Temple by saying such words.

Although he is a county king and has a transcendent status, the clan has no power, and he does not dare to offend those with real power too much.

An Ran saw that he had reminded Yongkang County Prince that Yongning Hou might be looking for a scapegoat. Yongkang County Prince really didn't take it seriously. Of course, it could also be said that he couldn't take it seriously, so he knew to stop Yongning Hou from Yongkang County Prince's side. The plan was hopeless and we had to find another way.

But she is not without cards.

Madam Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is a player!

So when An Ran was looking at the route of Prince Yongkang and was unable to stop the plans of Marquis Yongning and Master Cai, An Ran planned to contact Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel to see if he could trigger a task for her to pay attention to this matter.

However, Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel is not easy to get in touch with. After all, although she and the princess of Yongkang County are biological sisters, they cannot move around every month. At most, she comes to visit her sister occasionally to see how her sister is doing.

There were very few visits, and it was impossible to have too much contact with An Ran. After all, the purpose of the other party's visit was to visit the concubine. In this way, how to successfully trigger the mission in a short period of time was not an easy task.

And as a pregnant nephew-in-law, she couldn't suddenly run to the official minister's house frequently to avoid raising suspicion.

Moreover, An Ran did not want to intentionally trigger some difficult tasks for Mrs. Li unless there were special circumstances.

Although Mrs. Li seems to be a player with a normal mentality, An Ran does not want to test it on her. A normal person will have a psychological breakdown if he encounters a difficult task. Therefore, An Ran usually triggers her tasks, which is simple. She played to increase her points to repay her for saving her from danger.

But now, it's obviously a special situation. If he doesn't ask Mrs. Li for help, Mr. Cai will replace Marquis Yongning.

So when An Ran heard that Mrs. Li came to visit the concubine again that day, he sat with Mrs. Li for a while as usual.

Soon An Ran brought the topic to Marquis Yongning and talked about Marquis Yongning being sentenced to be executed by the Queen of Autumn.

"I really didn't expect that just for that little money, Yongninghou actually wanted to kill me and the prince. This is incredible. Fortunately, the adults at Dali Temple solved the case quickly, otherwise we would have to be worried all day long. Live on the land." An Ran said.

Mrs. Li nodded and said: "No, it's too dangerous. I couldn't help but sweat for you after hearing this."

Indeed, Mrs. Li was really worried that An Ran would die, because An Ran was her weapon to earn points. From time to time, she would receive some insignificant tasks from An Ran, and she could earn points by doing them casually. It was so cool.

With such a weapon that is exclusively for her to increase points, Mrs. Li naturally does not want anything to happen to An Ran.

After all, if An Ran is gone, it will be difficult for her to accumulate points in the future, just like those tasks she took on before.

An Ran said: "It's okay now. After being sentenced to death, the prince and I can feel a little more at ease, but... I'm still a little worried that if he can continue to escape, he will still pose a danger to us."

Mrs. Li smiled, patted An Ran's hand, and said: "I have already been sentenced to death by Qiu Hou, and I am still locked up in the Dali Temple. How can I still escape? Don't worry."

An Ran looked stunned and seemed a little embarrassed and said: "I also know that I am overthinking, but I don't know if pregnant people like to have random thoughts. I have been having nightmares these days, dreaming that someone helped Yongning Marquis find a scapegoat. , helped him escape. After Yongning Hou came out, he found someone to kill me and the prince because he was resentful of us... I had such nightmares for several days, which made me unable to sleep well..."

Mrs. Li smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just a dream..."

Just as he was about to continue his persuasion, he saw the Lord God's panel activated and issued a mission: "Relieve the troubles of the Princess of Yongkang County: Prevent the Marquis of Yongning from being replaced by others."

This task is probably more difficult for her, so the points awarded are extremely high.

When Mrs. Li saw it, she couldn't help but be shocked. She thought to herself that it was not the niece's wild imagination, but could the Marquis of Yongning really be betrayed?

But how can a medium-sized clan with little power achieve this? You must know that not everyone can buy the Dali Temple Tianlao.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Li speculated that the person who could bribe the leader of Tianlao Prison must have a high background.

And this makes people even more confused: How can a middle-level clan hire such a person to help him escape.

After finding out that she was a player, Mrs. Li had a guess - this Marquis Yongning was a player, right? Only players with points can spend their points to ask people with a much stronger background to help them. After all, people with a much stronger background than themselves, no matter how strong they are, will be willing to take over as long as others give them more points. Mission, after all, in this time and space, background strength does not matter, points are the most important. For points, it is common for people with strong power to help people with weak power, unlike in reality, if you want to hire people with strong background I have too many people helping me, and sometimes people don't pay attention to me at all.

Since the task was clearly stated, to prevent Marquis Yongning from being betrayed by others, what he had to do was to ensure that Marquis Yongning would be killed smoothly and not be betrayed by others.

This matter is not difficult for her. After all, her husband is the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. As long as she talks to her husband, it will not be impossible.

Although her husband is the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel and not the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, he still has this power.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Li took over this task.

Then he continued what he had left unfinished before and said with a smile: "I will watch it for you, is that okay?"

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