Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2659 Infinite Horror 7

The reason why he wanted to act together with An Ran was because An Ran was good at fighting, and he wanted to follow behind to take advantage - to see if he could grab the monsters, but An Ran had almost beaten the zombies, and he went up to hit the target, hoping to get the chance to kill the zombies. of points.

Although An Ran didn't know that he wanted to rob the zombies, she naturally wouldn't take him with him, lest the zombies he had worked so hard to kill would not belong to him because of Yan Ke's help. That would be bad.

At this moment, An Ran didn't realize that Yan Ke was a player. This was normal because there were only 100,000 players in a server, so An Ran never thought that he could meet a player in the same building. After all, this was not the case. What a coincidence.

Although she didn't guess that Yan Ke was a player, it didn't stop her from taking him with her.

Yan Ke heard what An Ran said. He couldn't say that he was a special soldier. In fact, he didn't have any fighting skills at all. He just looked like a tall man. If he was asked to fight outside, it was not for zombies. Are you delivering food?

He couldn't say that, otherwise he would say that he couldn't defeat the zombies. If he believed him before and thought he was really a special forces soldier, wouldn't he have to doubt his words? And he didn't want others to doubt his words. You know, these people now Standing behind him and taking him as the leader is because of his tall and powerful image and his status as a retired special forces soldier. Without these, would these people still take him as their leader?

And he still wants to accumulate more points. It is really difficult for him to fight alone. He still needs someone to fight in a group with him, so he cannot lose these supporters.

So after An Ran said this, he couldn't deny that he was not good, so he had no choice but to give it up, thinking that he still had to exercise when he went back. At least he had a good foundation, he was tall and strong, and he had played basketball and football before, and he learned online A few tricks, no better than a little girl Li Anran? After all, women are inherently weaker than men in terms of strength. If a little girl can do it, he doesn't believe that he can't.

After you know a few tricks, you can go out secretly and try it out - you can't let these supporters find out, lest they find out that he is lying, and they will not listen to his encouragement in the future and go out to kill zombies with him.

Alas, this zombie dungeon is too difficult. It would be nice if there were those slow zombies in some movies and TV shows. He dares to fight those kind of zombies. One or two of the zombies in this dungeon are like madmen, running fast and with great strength. Bizarrely, he was afraid that he would be bitten or scratched by a zombie, turn into a zombie, and fail the mission. How could he dare to fight?

After getting rid of Yan Ke, An Ran came to his company with the middle-aged boss.

After knowing which office contained zombies, An Ran asked them to hide in another office, then stepped forward and gently turned the door handle of the zombie's office, opened it suddenly, and quickly distanced themselves.

A group of people were heard coming back inside. The zombie who was scratching at the door was suddenly pushed open by An Ran. Although he was hit by the door and took a few steps back, he quickly rushed out.

Outside is the living room. The apartment that the boss bought for his company is a large one. The living room is very large, with a conference table in the middle. An Ran runs around the conference table, pulling up a chair to stop him from time to time.

Zombies are not smart and don't know how to pull out a chair, so their speed is often blocked by the chair. Taking advantage of this opportunity, An Ran will turn around and chop him with a knife.

Relying on this method of flying kites, the three zombies were soon chopped down by An Ran.

The boss and others who were lying on the glass window in another office to watch the battle saw An Ran take care of the three zombies and came out immediately.

Although the middle-aged boss was cheating before, now that he sees that An Ran is really powerful, he doesn't continue to cheat. Of course, the main reason is that he can't continue to cheat. After all, he is no longer being unreasonable. If the residents united to find trouble for him, his life would be difficult, so he handed over his hand and said: "This girl is so awesome! Qian is convinced!"

Immediately, as agreed before, the residents who came up with them each received some supplies and left.

An Ran saw that the matter was settled, and was about to go back, but boss Qian said: "I don't know when the country will be able to solve the zombies outside, or even whether it can be solved. Miss Li, you are so skilled, why not organize it?" Everyone, go out and search for supplies. After all, there are not many supplies in this small supermarket in the building. With so many people sharing it, it can only be used for a month at most. If the supplies are gone in the future, you will continue to have no way to survive. You must go out to search for supplies. It happens now There are not many people looking for supplies. It is the most convenient time to go out to look for supplies. When everyone comes out to look for supplies, once the nearby supplies are searched, they will have to walk a long way to find supplies. That would be too dangerous, Ms. Li, Do you think Qian’s proposal is feasible?”

An Ran wanted to go out to fight zombies and rescue people. If someone was willing to go out together, it would be a good idea to go out with more people and more strength, so he nodded and said: "Okay, but let everyone exercise first. At that time, I would pick some people with good physical ability to go out to search for supplies. Those with poor physical ability would not only be unable to fight zombies, but would also be a drag on other people. This is always not possible. After all, I am not particularly powerful. , I can’t protect the other party either.”

She said she wanted everyone to exercise, but actually she also wanted to exercise.

It will take at least ten days and a half. She has some martial arts skills. It would be better to lead a team out to search for supplies then. Otherwise, go out now. If something happens, her ability is limited and she cannot save people. Those people will have to be found. If it's your own trouble, that won't be good.

Boss Qian would naturally not object to An Ran's words, and the two of them immediately agreed to let people exercise and get in shape first, and then wait seven days to choose the people to go with them, and then go out after the selection.

Although it was agreed that everyone should act together in seven days, An Ran would not wait for them for seven days. Now An Ran went back to continue practicing. On the second day, he pushed open the door of the unit and came to the community to kill zombies.

There were few zombies in the community, and the space was large, making it easier for Anron to fly kites. It was even easier for Anron to kill. He quickly killed many zombies, saved many people, and accumulated a lot of points.

An Ran was killing zombies outside, and Yan Ke naturally saw it upstairs. He was very greedy, thinking that it was so easy to kill An Ran. Even if he was close, he shouldn't be so close. After all, the man's power was there, so that day After thinking about it, I ran out to kill the zombies.

In order to prevent the fight from happening smoothly or even failing, causing the residents in the building to doubt his identity and stop supporting him, Yan Ke deliberately chose a place where the residents of the building could not see him, which meant that he was out of sight of the residents of the building. .

Fortunately, An Ran has cleaned up the surroundings in the past few days, so Yan Ke can still walk a little further.

As a result, it is easy to watch others fight, but it is particularly difficult when it is your turn to fight.

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