Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2663 Infinite Horror 11

It doesn't matter who he goes out with, so An Ran will naturally not refuse Yan Ke's request.

Yan Ke couldn't help but be happy when he saw that An Ran didn't refuse. He secretly thought that he was so happy to be able to hug someone in this dungeon and earn some points.

A month passed quickly.

Before An Ran left, the community where An Ran lived had become safer and safer, and the surrounding defenses were getting better and better, and a defensive circle was built outward. I think even if she left, the community would be able to survive for a long time. Until the state comes to their rescue.

Outside, An Ran's zombie cleanup was also very wide, and a lot of zombies were cleaned up. Although compared to the huge crowd in the city, the zombies cleared up by An Ran and the team searching for supplies were still not enough to see, but at least there were fewer zombies around their residence.

Now the community where An Ran is located accepts many people from outside to live in. After all, many people have turned into zombies before, and many of them are a whole family turned into zombies - usually one person turns into a zombie and then bites the unprepared ones. Another person, and then the whole family turned into zombies - so the house was vacated for people to live in, which led to more and more people being rescued by An Ran.

Enron's main mission was successfully completed, and a lot of points were accumulated for branch one and two.

Before leaving, An Ran asked the Lord God System how to deal with her disappearance from this world after she left.

The answer I got was: She would pretend to be her and leave the community to find the base.

This answer is acceptable. After all, it is always strange for a living person to disappear for no reason.

"Do you want to leave the game now? Countdown: 15:00. Y/N"

An Ran felt that she had nothing to explain, so she clicked "Yes".

After exiting this world, An Ran did not appear in the real world like her system, but in the main god space.

Players appear together in a lobby. After logging out, they can walk out of the lobby. There are various places set up in the main god space outside.

For example, there is a training place where you pay a certain amount of points and a virtual teacher will teach you various combat skills. Of course, you don't need to learn this from An Ran. Her combat skills may be richer than those of the virtual teacher.

There is a food city opened by the Lord God. Points can be exchanged for various delicacies. They are all very cheap and have certain buffing effects that increase various attributes of the players. Players can buy some food before entering the game.

In addition, players can also trade various materials here, including items rewarded by tasks, items purchased by players in the mall that will not be used in the future, and even points, etc.

These transactions can be conducted directly on the Lord God's mobile phone without face-to-face transactions. However, for transactions on the Lord God's mobile phone, unless you know the other party's number and trade directly, otherwise the Lord God will charge a 10% handling fee for transactions on the Lord God Exchange. That is, points.

It is not easy to get points, and naturally you don’t want to pay 10% to the Lord God Exchange, so players can also set up stalls to sell things here, set up stalls to sell things, trade face to face, and enter the other party’s number to buy and sell without any handling fees.

Fighting is not allowed in the Lord God's Space. It is very safe. It is also very safe to make transactions here. You don't have to worry about someone taking something and not paying the corresponding price.

However, because it is very safe, after logging out of the game, you can only stay for free for one hour. If you exceed the time, one point will be deducted for every hour. Don't look at it too little. For some people who don't have points, it is still very reluctant to part with it.

The time spent in the main god space flows at the same speed as reality, but the time in the game copy flows at a different speed. Generally, only one minute passes in the main god space or reality in one day in the game.

As soon as An Ran came out, she changed her appearance to avoid being recognized by acquaintances and causing trouble. She also wanted to stay quietly for a while.

Players have one chance to change their appearance for free, and points will be required to change their appearance thereafter.

All in all, points are spent everywhere.

As soon as she changed her appearance, An Ran discovered an acquaintance - Yan Ke.

Only then did An Ran realize that Yan Ke was actually a player.

There are 100,000 people in a server, but the chance that she can be in the same building as a player is too small.

So it is very important to change her appearance, otherwise Yan Ke will recognize her when he sees her now. Knowing that she has earned a lot of points, he might get close to her, and he might ask her to borrow points from her in the future. If so, some extreme people will find out the other person's name and where they live after leaving the main god space, and then send someone to kill the other person.

So in a place like this, you can't be too careful. At the very least, you must not use the same appearance as in reality, lest you accidentally offend someone one day and the other party secretly finds someone to deal with you. That would be bad. After all, no matter how powerful the player is in the game, in reality, except for your physical fitness, everything else is not yours.

At that moment, An Ran ran to buy some points. Of course, he didn't buy them from a stall, but from the exchange.

After all, when you go to a stall to buy points, you have to go from stall to stall to compare which one is cheaper. It is too troublesome. It is not like an exchange. You can directly rank by the amount and you can see who sells cheaper points.

There are also people selling points on the Lord God Exchange. After all, there are always some people who want to save trouble and don't want to set up a stall.

Enron is currently looking at the points on the market. Most people are afraid that they will be sold cheaply, so they offer very high prices, basically 10,000 yuan per point. However, this kind of thing generally cannot be sold for the time being, because everyone is still there for the time being. Wait and see, no one will buy the more expensive ones anyway.

However, some people may be in urgent need of money, so they will sell it cheaper. If 10,000 yuan per point cannot be sold, they will lower the price to 9,000 yuan per point, or even lower.

After all, a basic zombie copy like this is not too difficult. Generally, people with some skills should be able to save a lot of points. If they have a lot of surplus, it is very possible to exchange the points for some money once there is a need for money in reality. use.

Not to mention anything else, what happened now is that the Lord God lets people play games. Many working people may not be in the mood to go to work. If they don't go to work, and then they have mortgage payments, etc., plus they also need money for daily living expenses, then He will definitely exchange some points to pay off the mortgage and use them for living.

Not to mention that things like Lord God have happened, how can we still pay the mortgage? As long as the state's control is still there, it is definitely not possible to not repay the mortgage.

Enron soon wiped out some of the cheaper credits on the market.

In fact, 10,000 yuan per point at the moment is not expensive after a few copies, because there are many people who have not completed the task and need points, so they buy a lot of points.

Not to mention that points are too expensive, there are always rich people in this world. After all, people all over the world are in this system. People in our country are poor and have no money to buy them, but in developed countries abroad, there are always rich people who buy them.

Demand around the world is driving up the price of points.

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