Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2676 Infinite Horror 24

Despite this, the original person didn't say anything. Even though she sometimes felt a little sad when she saw her sister treating others better than herself, she never asked her for anything.

Because of the character of the original body, even after the Lord God game started, the relationship between Li Xiaoying and the original body did not become tense. After all, she asked the original body for points and took advantage of the original body. In this way, Li Xiaoying and the original body had no relationship. Naturally, the relationship between the two was no longer tense.

But now, Li Xiaoying wants to take advantage of An Ran. If he doesn't take advantage of it, he will naturally be unhappy, so it is normal for him to take An Ran's eye drops at this time.

People like her love to take advantage. If they take advantage, nothing will happen. If they don't, nothing will happen.

At this moment, Father Li was obviously even more unhappy after listening to his youngest daughter's eye drops, but he did not dare to offend An Ran, lest An Ran would really do something like watch him die, so although Father Li was Not happy, but didn't say anything.

This made Li Xiaoying surprised.

You must know the character of her father. Although he is cowardly and incompetent to the outside world, at home, he is very powerful as the head of the family. Sometimes he is very mean when he speaks. For example, he once quarreled with Mother Li. He scolded Li's mother for giving birth to two daughters, saying that the family had been ruined by her.

These words were obviously very chilling, and made Li's mother cry very pitifully. Such a person, now unhappy, didn't even say anything about her sister. What's going on?

——Li Xiaoying doesn’t know. Since she knows that Father Li is a coward, doesn’t she know that such a person is the most bully and fearful of the strong? Seeing that An Ran can helplessly watch Ye’s father and Ye’s mother die, she never thought of asking someone to borrow points. Saving people, such a ruthless person, obviously shocked Father Li, so of course he didn't dare to mess with An Ran again.

After settling down with Li's father and Li Xiaoying, they did not come to trouble her in the following days.

Father Li and Mother Li have been helping in the village these days. Because of this game, many people died in the village and they all had to be buried.

There were just too many people, and the crematoriums in the county were overwhelmed. Not only was the county where I was originally from overwhelmed, but the whole country was overwhelmed. So I originally asked everyone to be cremated, but because the crematorium was too late, the country quickly The restrictions were relaxed so that people who did not want to be cremated could be buried.

So many people saw that they could not wait for cremation, so they laid the body on the mountain and prepared for burial.

These all require help, and many people have died in the village, and there are many places that need help, so Father Li and Mother Li have been busy with these these days, and soon they are no longer in the mood to care about An Ran's attitude towards him.

Of course, after seeing other people in the village being wiped out by the main god because they had no points, and then he was still alive, Father Li's mentality changed. He felt that it was good to survive on An Ran, and he couldn't ask for too much.

Especially when people in the village who have no points are looking for people to borrow points like crazy, Father Li feels that he is already very lucky because he doesn't have to worry about this.

Of course, remembering that his daughter said not to tell others that she could borrow points, lest she get into trouble, Father Li and Mother Li looked at the crazy looks of these people and naturally did not dare to say anything, lest anyone know that An Ran could borrow points. They might surround their home and force An Ran to give points.

If something happens and something happens to their daughter, who will they rely on in the future?

Or maybe the daughter is forced by them and has to borrow points for them. If she has no points to lend them in the future, what will they do?

Because it involves their own interests, Li's father and Li's mother certainly know not to talk about these things outside.

——They are old, and they don’t know that some people force others to give points. As long as the person who is forced reports it to the Lord God, the Lord God can kill the other party. That’s all they are worried about.

However, it is good that they are so cautious. Although Anron is not afraid of being persecuted because he can sue the Lord God, he is also afraid of being annoyed by others, so it is better if others don't know.

Although An Ran has been exercising these days, Li's father and mother don't know how powerful An Ran is, and they don't know that these people in the village are no match for An Ran, so they think this way.

In fact, An Ran also thought about teaching Li's father and Li's mother martial arts so that they could protect themselves a little, so that they could save some points when encountering some dungeons.

But it is a pity that Li's father and Li's mother are old and not very talented. It is very difficult to learn this. Especially Li's mother, who has been used to being idle all her life, really can't bear to practice martial arts hard every day.

An Ran saw that even though she taught them, they couldn't learn well. In addition, they had to go out every day for something to do, so she had no choice but to let them go. After all, she had no interest in forcing others to practice martial arts, but if she encountered danger in the game in the future , something happened, but don’t blame her for not teaching them martial arts.

In fact, now that An Ran has enough points, she can also buy team props to drag Father Li and Mother Li with her to ensure their safety.

If Father Li and Mother Li were not that kind of cheater, she would indeed take them with her.

But they are cheating. Let them be with her. Then they will know that she has earned a lot of points, and they are helping Li Xiaoying cheat her without knowing it. What should I do?

Besides, how do you explain that you can afford to use team props even though you have no points? Doesn’t that mean the lie is about to be exposed?

So they just wish themselves good luck. This was their own doing. If they hadn't helped Li Xiaoying deceive his original body and made An Ran afraid of them, An Ran wouldn't be so cold-blooded to them now.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoying didn't take them with him, so he didn't take them with him either, and they couldn't say anything about him.

Fortunately, after entering the game, generally as long as you stay where you were born and don't move, you will be safe in most cases. Only running to complete tasks is dangerous.

Ten days have passed in the blink of an eye, and it’s time to enter the game world again.

In the past ten days, Ye Chunming did not make a call. Apparently, although he did not divorce An Ran, Ye Chunming had cut off contact with An Ran due to his parents' affairs.

This was good, because An Ran didn't want to have anything to do with him. After all, she had not forgotten that he had a bunch of relatives and friends.

This time, if it weren't for the death of Ye's father and Ye's mother, or if his relatives and friends heard that she had a way to borrow points, they would probably contact her.

But now something happened to Ye's father and Ye's mother. They saw that they didn't even care about Ye's father and Ye's mother. Knowing that they might not be able to borrow points from them, they didn't contact them, which made her feel at peace.

I made an agreement with Father Li and Mother Li to let them figure it out on their own. If there is no danger, just do the task. If there is danger, just stay still to avoid getting into trouble.

Then An Ran settled the child again and entered the game.

As soon as An Ran entered the game, she determined the location with Yan Ke.

During these ten days, although Father Li and Mother Li were busy helping the village, An Ran was also busy.

Yan Ke established a guild just as An Ran said and pulled An Ran into the guild as vice president.

Then Yan Ke practiced martial arts, and An Ran helped give guidance from time to time, and the time was very fulfilling.

When entering the dungeon this time, the reason why An Ran asked Yan Ke's location was because, in order to take care of each other, Yan Ke used team props to bring An Ran and some other members of the guild into the same server.

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