Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2679 Infinite Horror 27

The only advantage of this copy is that as long as you kill all the monsters, the task for the day is completed and you can rest. You don't have to fight all the time because there are no monsters to fight for you.

Unlike the previous dungeon, some desperate Saburos were fighting day and night in order to gain points.

Now that there were no monsters, An Ran picked out the best equipment and put it on himself. The rest, An Ran sold it to the locals who needed it at a price that was cheaper than in the tower defense game mall. Anyway, these low-level equipment were estimated to be too much. It will be useless in two days. It is better to sell it to people who need it. After all, there are several types of equipment in one suit. Not everyone can kill so many monsters and obtain so many equipments like her.

After getting some coins, I finally exchanged a green weapon in the mall.

With the green weapon and the level not low, An Ran thought that it would not be a big problem for him in the next few days.

After doing this, An Ran began to practice martial arts.

Although after a few more levels, she will probably have to rely on game skills to pass the level. The martial arts she has practiced will no longer be enough. However, after practicing martial arts, the strength is her own. Those skills can only be used in this game and cannot be taken outside. Go, so An Ran naturally wants to continue practicing martial arts instead of wasting time wandering around.

Of course, the reason why I didn't plan to wander around was because I had wandered around before and didn't find anything interesting about this place, so An Ran didn't want to wander around.

The Lord God said that this world is a game world. Naturally, it does not mean that this world is fake. It means that this world is controlled by tower defense games, causing the whole world to become a tower defense world. It does not mean that this world is fake. It's fake, like a hologram, but it's also real, it's just that the real world has been digitized.

The tower where An Ran is located should be in the suburbs. The original person has seen it and there are traces of the city around it. However, after being controlled by the tower defense game, many places were transformed into tower defense game fields one after another, making it difficult to see what it originally looked like. That’s all.

An Ran secretly thought that this is also a sad world. After all, if his real world was controlled by some tower defense game and wiped out most places, he would build a tower defense game field and play games every day. If he couldn't beat it, he would be beaten. The monster pushed the tower to his death, and he was probably going crazy. It was rare for these natives to remain normal.

According to the Lord God system's explanation and the original person's memory, the tower defense games in this world are just like the Lord God games, one copy after another.

However, it is different from changing the world in the Lord God game. The tower defense game does not change the world. Instead, each game lasts for thirty days, and then takes a thirty-day break. After thirty days, the tower defense game starts again, and it is not the same as the last time. The same, and on average the difficulty has increased, which means it is getting harder every time.

——This is also the reason why the Lord God lets the players stay here for thirty days, just to let the players experience this game once.

Every time you play again, the levels, equipment, etc. obtained by everyone in the last game will be cleared. Only the improvement of personal physical fitness is yours.

This world has experienced two tower defense games, and countless people died. This is the third time. Many people's physical fitness has improved a lot compared to the first time four months ago. This is also during the day. The reason why those people dare to rush up when there are monsters is because those who have survived now have experienced the game twice. Generally speaking, both their mental and physical qualities have been greatly improved before they dare to rush up. Yes, if it were someone I had just met, he would probably not dare to hit him for fear of being scratched to death by the monster.

The reason why the main god sent the players to the third dungeon was probably because they felt that the main god players had already experienced two dungeons and should have become a lot more powerful. The first dungeon was too simple and not exciting enough, so the main god players were allowed to participate directly. Third game.

At night, Yan Ke probably knew that An Ran was not fighting monsters, so he sent a call to An Ran.

"How was your harvest today? I guess, based on your skill, it should be pretty good." Yan Ke said.

An Ran nodded and said: "It's okay, how about you?"

Yan Ke said: "My results are average, but I found the national team. They have many props and have practiced many skills. This time the game should be stable, so there is no need to worry about not being able to beat it."

"They are great, so you won't be able to get points?" An Ran felt sorry for him.

In Enron's view, this game is quite easy, so he should earn more points to prepare for the future. After all, he still doesn't know how difficult it will be in the future. In the earlier games that are easier, earning more points will always make it easier. OK

Yan Ke said: "It doesn't matter. My main task is to practice martial arts and improve my strength. Anyway, I still have more points for the time being. Besides, if you follow them, you can always get some points, so it's not like you gain nothing."

After An Ran heard what Yan Ke said and secretly thought the same, she stopped feeling regretful, although she would not let go of such an easy opportunity to earn points.

The two of them continued to chat for a while, and then continued to practice. In order to improve their strength quickly, they both raced against time to practice.

There was nothing to say all night, and around nine o'clock the next morning, a new day and a new monster appeared.

The tower defense game watch showed that there were fifteen waves of monsters today, but An Ran remembered that there were only ten waves of monsters yesterday.

Judging from the original memory, in the later stage, there will be twenty waves of monsters, twenty-five waves of monsters, and thirty waves of monsters.

Therefore, it is easier to take it easy at the beginning, even if you don't have any skills at the beginning. It is the player's own attribute. Because the monsters are easier to fight and the times are less, it is still easy to deal with. You can finish the fight quickly and then you can rest.

But later on, we have to fight thirty waves of monsters a day. Although there is an intermission to give players time to eat, drink, go to the toilet, etc., it is getting harder and harder.

In addition to the large number of monsters today, monsters with thick skin (that is, high defense) and high attack began to appear.

Although the people guarding this tower still have no skills, after yesterday, everyone has equipment and leveled up, and it is still barely enough to deal with these monsters.

Especially An Ran. She has practiced martial arts and has high attack power. She killed the most monsters yesterday, got the most and best equipment, and also has the highest level. It is really not a problem to defeat these monsters.

So because An Ran had the highest attack, on this day, An Ran killed the most monsters, gained the most, and leveled up the most.

The natives saw that An Ran's level had risen high, that he had good equipment and strong combat effectiveness. Not only were they not jealous, they were also happy. After all, if there are powerful people in a tower guarding team, they often don't have to worry about being unable to defend, especially when facing the BOSS. ,Don't worry.

So seeing An Ran's high combat effectiveness, he was naturally happy, thinking that they would be able to guard the tower more easily this time, hoping that no one would die.

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