Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 268 [Cultivation of Immortality] Mary Sue’s Sister 11

It's better now. As time went by, Ling Feiyan had conflicts with these people because of her character. Those people who were dissatisfied with her also began to laugh at her after seeing that An Ran was more powerful than Ling Feiyan. Ling Feiyan Feiyan told her to send him away, and Ling's mother was stupid enough to agree, so she said this.

Naturally, Ling Feiyan had no evidence. After all, it was all heard by her spies. Let those spies stand up as evidence. Firstly, she did not want to expose her spies in the mansion. Secondly, how could those spies do what they heard from them overheard? After getting the evidence, her words were unfounded, but she didn't expect to let those people use memory stones to record their gossip, so there was no evidence. When asked by Ling's mother, she was speechless and could only say unhappily: " Could it be that I, the dignified Miss Ling Mansion, can still wrong them! They did say unpleasant things about me. Such talkative women must be removed, otherwise they will be allowed to make trouble in the mansion, and they don’t know what they will do to the mansion. How about it."

This is a good theory, but that's not what you said back then. Oh, you just said that when the matter came to your head. When the matter didn't come to your head and you needed to use them to deal with our mother and daughter, you just thought Leave them alone to co-operate with the things in this world and do everything as you want. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

So Ling's mother immediately said: "Since there is no evidence, then forgive my mother for being helpless. After all, when we do things, we must provide evidence at least."

Seeing that Ling's mother was unwilling to drive people away, Ling Feiyan had no choice but to leave in anguish.

Not only is it not going well at home, but finding someone to deal with Ling Anran outside is also not going well. The reason is also very simple. She likes people from big families. Logically speaking, she should ask them for help. Based on their power , it is not too difficult to snipe An Ran. After all, An Ran is still young. Even if the Ling family is behind her, as long as the person she is having an affair with persuades her family, several big families will speak out together to give An Ran If the cultivation method is stamped with evil methods, then the Anran sect will not be able to continue to open.

But it's a pity that things went against her wishes. Those people she liked, because their favorability reached a high level, were indeed moved by her as soon as she said it. They talked about this kind of thing with the clan, but these young and talented people in the clan People were not controlled by Ling Feiyan's favorability tool, and her rationality was on the line, so she naturally disagreed with the suggestions of those people she liked.

The reason why this happens is very simple. People from such a big family who don’t have a few relatives with bad talents at home are willing to run to trouble An Ran when they see that there is hope. Then An Ran won’t teach them. If the family members have to teach others, even their opponents, and help others and even their opponents to grow in their cultivation methods, then the gains outweigh the losses. In this case, who is willing to listen to the words of ambiguous targets like Ling Feiyan, and their brains will be watered down? Running to find trouble for An Ran would naturally lead to the failure of Ling Feiyan's activities, which is normal.

Ling Feiyan thought this was depressing enough, but there was something even more depressing.

But she said that Ling's mother originally wanted to drive away the people who had laughed at her and her daughter. After all, now that her daughter was in power, she wanted to drive away those people. Even if Ling Feiyan objected, Ling's father might not listen to her.

But now she saw that Ling Feiyan wanted to drive people away, and Ling's mother didn't want to get her way. She didn't want to drive people away anymore, so she told Ling Feiyan like that before.

In fact, keeping this group of people in the house that he wanted to get rid of but couldn't due to various reasons, it was really embarrassing to think about how they laughed at his mother and daughter back then.

In the end, Ling's mother thought about it and drove the person away, but before she drove the person away, she told everyone the reason.

"You guys are talking about the second young lady. I don't know who I heard it from. The second young lady got upset. The first one came over and insisted on making noises to drive you away. I had no choice but to send you away. You Don’t blame me either.”

Naturally, Ling's mother didn't want to take the blame for Ling Feiyan, so she revealed what Ling Feiyan said, thinking that in this way, she could not only drive away these people who disgusted her, but also make these people hate her to death. Ling Feiyan, when the time comes, she will talk about all the excessive things that Ling Feiyan has done over the years. Then the good reputation that Ling Feiyan has been pretending to do outside over the years will follow the resentment of these people towards her. The skin is starting to fall off, and Ling Feiyan's reputation has become worse, but it is good for herself and her daughter, so Ling's mother deliberately emphasizes that the second lady said this, just to let these people remember the target of hatred, and in the future So that he can bring trouble to Ling Feiyan. In this way, even though he drives people away, he can still make them hate Ling Feiyan just like they did in the house, which is fine.

Sure enough, after she said this, everyone was unhappy. After begging Ling's mother to stay to no avail, and after being sent out, she really said bad things about Ling Feiyan outside, saying that she was domineering, saying that she stole her sister's man, and said After she robbed her, she didn't cherish it. After getting engaged, she flirted with many men without picking up the points, etc. Even though Ling Feiyan had the tools to win the favor of the men she liked, her reputation in the eyes of the public was getting worse and worse. Difference.

Ling Feiyan didn't know it at first, but by the time she found out, it had already spread a lot outside, making it difficult for her to restore her reputation. Who told those people to tell the truth? If she wanted to restore it, she would have to do something specific. Measures can't be restored at all, but if she wants to take specific measures, she has to cut off relations with those people she likes, so why would she want to.

Fortunately, she thought about it later and thought that she liked these people in the first place. Why should she cut off relations with those people just because outsiders talked about her as they wanted? In addition to causing herself pain, she had nothing to do with it. Any benefits, then why should she do what they want? Besides, why should I live for outsiders? Naturally, I can live however I want, so I don’t care about those people’s opinions and continue to have affairs with those young talents. This undoubtedly confirms the rumors spread by those servants. The rumors made her reputation worse and worse.

Looking at this situation, Ling Feiyan was naturally furious. She thought that since Ling Anran became more powerful than herself, everything had gone wrong for her. Ling Feiyan felt that she could not go on like this, so she wanted to cause trouble for Anran.

Since those people from the big families are unwilling to help or bring down the family, she will come in person with her harem. Anyway, her harem has a large number of people. Even if Ling Anran's current cultivation level is higher than hers, she will still be better than her. The few people I like are taller, but it is impossible to be higher than them together.

——It's a pity that she underestimated An Ran's strength, which destined this trouble-making battle to turn into a self-inflicted slap in the face.

Thank you to Yousheng Angel, 137 Datong, Xi Zixian, ShariC, and Faraway Nebula Honey for the gifts~~Thank you for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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