Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2699 Infinite Horror 47

Now Li's father and Li's mother are completely dependent on Anron and no one else. After they came out, the younger daughter removed the blockade and contacted them proactively, but she didn't mention it at all and said that she would give them points in the future. In other words, If trouble comes and there are no points to deduct, the only option is to go to the eldest daughter, not the younger daughter.

They used to like the younger daughter who was sweeter in the past, but now they find that when they are in need, the younger daughter cannot rely on them because of the lack of points. However, the older daughter can help them borrow points to pass the level, so they can't help but treat the younger daughter. I have some opinions. After all, if anyone just watches him die and doesn't care, no matter how much he likes the other person, he won't be able to like him anymore.

So now they are very indifferent to what Li Xiaoying says and basically ignore her.

In the past, when Li Xiaoying called them, they might have to talk to her for a long time. Now, after they came out, Li Xiaoying called them, and they ignored her. They just said "uh huh" a few times and then hung up.

Li Xiaoying couldn't help but sneer at the attitude of her father and mother, but she didn't intend to change her mind. After all, points were the most important thing. It was a matter of life and death in the future. If one of her parents had to die between her and her parents, then Naturally, she doesn't want to die herself, she just wants someone else to die, even if that someone else is her parents.

The next day, An Ran discovered from the circle of friends and relatives of her ex-husband's family that Ye Chunming was indeed dead this time because he did not give points himself.

An Ran thought that with Ye Chunming's shameless character, he might have borrowed points from him when he was in a critical condition and sought medical treatment before his death.

Although they divorced, it was Ye Chunming who took the initiative, but when it comes to life and death, he will definitely come to borrow money. The excuse may be related to the children. In his original world, he used such words to drain the whole family. The points of the original body, in this world, even if divorced, I am afraid there will be no exception.

An Ran's master account blocked Ye Chunming, so even if Ye Chunming called him, he couldn't receive it. Seeing that Ye Chunming was dead, An Ran released Ye Chunming from the blacklist, and then Then he discovered that, as expected, Ye Chunming had called him many times before, but unfortunately he had blocked his phone calls and couldn't get through.

She also sent a lot of text messages, and what she said in the text messages was exactly what she thought, that she was borrowing points from herself.

His tone was normal at first, and he politely said that he could borrow some points from himself and pay them back in the future.

Slowly, seeing that he didn't respond, and then the fifteen minutes for borrowing points were almost over, and he started to become anxious. The tone of each text message became more intense. Sure enough, he said something related to the child, saying something like "Do you want to..." Threats like watching your child's father die, how will you explain it to your child in the future?" are also quite funny.

At the last moment, when he saw that he still refused to borrow it, he began to curse, cursing himself for being cruel and ruthless, and saying that he would go to the eighteenth level of hell.

In fact, An Ran didn't understand. His newly married wife and brother were not members of the national team. In that case, he should have a lot of points. Why didn't he lend him points and just watch this cheap brother-in-law die?

An Ran didn't know that the person's parents, wife, sister, including himself, had not passed the level and all needed points. His points were only enough for himself and those people, but not enough for Ye Chunming, so he could only give up on Ye Chunming. Anyway, this kind of cheap brother-in-law, as long as he earns enough points in the future, and the sister doesn't have to worry about finding a new husband if her husband is gone.

And Ye Chunming's new wife naturally does not dare to disobey her brother who gave her points. It is impossible for her brother to give points to Ye Chunming. Then the family is not enough and her parents died, so it is normal that Ye Chunming will be sacrificed in the end. .

Ye Chunming is even more funny. He even divorced himself. He borrows points from himself to act like an uncle. He scolds others if he doesn't borrow points. He also curses himself. Didn't you marry a very powerful new wife? Find a powerful new wife. Borrow it, why bother with an ex-wife who has nothing to do with you anymore? You probably feel deep down that you are still the easy-to-talk person like you used to be, and you feel easy to bully, so you just keep looking for yourself.

Not only Ye Chunming died, An Ran discovered that many of Ye Chunming's relatives and friends also died, and in the original world, these people survived this time by draining the original body.

Now that these people are dead, An Ran can't help but feel happy. After all, these people can be regarded as one of the murderers of the original body. If it weren't for these people and the original body had so many points, he could still survive many game copies.

Now that these people are dead without her giving them points, she can indirectly avenge them.

In fact, at the last moment, these people could not find anyone else to borrow points from, so they also called and sent text messages to An Ran, a former relative. Although these people were not blocked by An Ran, because they were not in the ranks of An Ran to cancel anti-disturbance, they She didn't get through to her phone either. She could only find out from those text messages that these people had also asked her to borrow points.

In fact, not only these people, many people who know her game number have sent her messages, wanting to borrow points from her.

Of course, I don’t know if she has any points on her hands. She probably casts a wide net. If she lacks points, she will send a text message to everyone on her list to see if she can get someone to help.

This time, Li Xiaoying’s husband, who is good at playing games and is very good at playing games, did not complete the task. After all, the game environment this time was too harsh. Most people were thrown to the surface. Once discovered by the local indigenous people, unless they bought a lot of props and skills , otherwise you won’t be able to survive being greeted by hot weapons.

Li Xiaoying's husband, like most people, was thrown to the surface. It was not the worst luck. He was thrown directly in front of the serious criminals on the surface. But even so, after meeting the serious criminals on the surface, Killed by the opponent.

Li Xiaoying's husband had been dealt with when he played games, not to mention people like Li Xiaoying and others, so this time, her husband couldn't help but bleed heavily.

After all, his father-in-law, mother-in-law, Li Xiaoying, and himself, there are only four of them, each with two thousand points (after completing the last game, the average person still has two thousand points, so this time, four thousand points will be deducted, leaving only a gap of two thousand points). That’s eight thousand points.

Then he borrowed a thousand points from Li's father and some points from relatives of Li Xiaoying's father-in-law and mother-in-law, and spent more than 10,000 points. In this way, Li Xiaoying's husband suffered a lot of bleeding and lost a lot of points.

He might have accumulated enough points to be able to open a guild, but this time not only did he fail to accumulate points, but he also lost so many points. It was obvious that the guild would not be able to open.

Once the guild failed to open, the three chances to avoid death were gone. This made Li Xiaoying's husband Fang Li unhappy with Li Xiaoying. After quitting the game, he got angry at her and told her to turn off the communication in the future. I don’t want to continue losing points.

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