Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2704 Infinite Horror 52

Everyone felt that what An Ran said was quite reasonable, and they felt that An Ran's zombie-killing skills were useful against zombies. If used against humans, humans would be much more responsive than zombies, and most people would have teammates to cooperate with them. Defense teammates would watch your attacks. , will immediately put up an earth shield or gold shield for protection, and An Ran's attack like that will have no effect at all. After all, with her attack, it is not easy to break through a thick earth shield or gold shield.

That is to say, zombies have no IQ and are stupid. Only if they can't detect them when attacking them sneakily can they be successful.

However, although they think An Ran's words are reasonable, many people are still eager to try and learn. After all, every boy may have a martial arts dream. Many people have imagined that they can learn martial arts. Now that they have the opportunity to learn, who doesn't want to learn? Where to study?

However... this thing should be the treasure of every ancient martial arts family, and outsiders may not be able to learn it, so after those who want to learn say they want to learn, they embarrassedly say: "This thing must not be passed on to others, I am just talking about it. , I don’t have to teach you.”

An Ran heard them say that they wanted to learn, but he didn't hide anything. Anyway, the world has superpowers, and it doesn't matter if the natives learn martial arts again, it will not destroy the balance of the world, so he immediately said: "The world has become like this, the ancient martial arts family is here There is no one thing out of ten in this disaster, so I will not stick to the ancestral rules, otherwise many martial arts will be discontinued, so if you want to learn, I can teach you."

When everyone heard that An Ran said he was willing to teach, they couldn't help but be happy, but they immediately worried and asked: "We are old, can't we learn?"

After all, in martial arts novels, martial arts are generally learned by children.

An Ran said: "No, it's just that the learning speed is not as fast as that of children. But the learning speed is the same in other aspects. Children learn faster, not only in martial arts."

Everyone couldn't help but be interested when they heard that they could still practice martial arts at such an old age.

At that moment, An Ran explained some basic martial arts content, and then said: "This also requires talent. People with poor talent cannot practice well. I have only achieved this result after practicing since I was a child. I think in the apocalyptic world now, you estimate We don’t have much time to practice this, so it’s most important to practice your superpowers well. After all, the more powerful your superpowers are, the more powerful you can kill zombies.”

Those people nodded and said, "That's true."

Nowadays, many people feel that they don't have time to practice this, so forget it. After all, as An Ran said, cultivating superpowers is more important.

However, some people have written it down and plan to learn it when they have time.

An Ran just did it unintentionally, but she never thought that in this world, one day, some people with poor supernatural talents would gain power beyond their own level through the martial arts she taught, assisting their supernatural powers, and People dare not underestimate it, and the phenomenon of coexistence of supernatural powers and martial arts has formed. After all, there are only a few people with amazing supernatural talents. Most people have ordinary supernatural talents, so they will improve their level through practicing martial arts. That’s normal.

As a result, in this world in the future, there will be many people who have dual cultivation of magic and martial arts - supernatural powers are almost the same as magic, so they are called dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

Don't talk about the future, but talk about the present. In the next few days, An Ran will still kill zombies as he did today, and still achieve good results. There are fewer and fewer zombies surrounding the downstairs.

Everyone rejoiced and felt that victory was just ahead.

As a result, at this moment, another group of people arrived.

The situation was the same as they were back then, with the convoy attracting a large number of zombies following them.

I happened to pass by their building.

This large group of people immediately attracted the surrounding zombies and surrounded them in this direction. The convoy was about to be surrounded by zombies from the front, rear, left and right.

Captain Zhou and others all had expressions of panic. They secretly thought that they had managed to break through, but they met such a group of people again. The day of breaking out was still far away. How could they not be depressed?

An Ran looked at it and thought to himself, this is how I felt when you came here.

But she didn't say this out loud.

Because there were zombies near their building, and a large number of zombies died outside the building, this group of people knew that there were only people in the building. Seeing that the situation was extremely critical, they couldn't help but shout: "Friends in the building, help us. !”

It doesn't matter what An Ran thinks about Captain Zhou and others. Anyway, An Ran will definitely lend a helping hand if he has a mission to save people.

At that moment, An Ran threw a few stones and killed several zombies that were most harmful to the convoy.

After all, in addition to fighting zombies, she also has the task of rescuing people, so naturally she is not fighting the most powerful zombies, but the zombies that are most harmful to the convoy and most likely to kill people.

Sure enough, she eliminated the zombies that were most harmful to the convoy, and the system showed that she saved several people. Obviously, if she hadn't eliminated these zombies, several people would definitely have died.

Captain Zhou saw An Ran taking action, hesitated for a while, and then ordered his men to help.

However, he still told his subordinates and An Ran: "Save 50% of the superpowers. Sometimes, people are more terrifying than zombies. If we consume 50% of the superpowers and still fail to save them, we have to consider whether we should continue to use them." Keep going.”

After all, not every team is like his team, and the people are still good.

An Ran understood what he meant. It was just that he was afraid that the people who came here were not good people. If they were exhausted and misbehaved with them, it would be bad. At that moment, An Ran and his teammates listened. Everyone nodded in agreement to what Captain Zhou said.

With the help of An Ran, Captain Zhou and others, the group of people were successfully rescued from the zombie siege.

The men fled into the building in disgrace.

Although he finally came in, the movement just now attracted all the zombies nearby. As time went by, more and more zombies blocked the outside.

When Captain Zhou and others saw them coming in, they asked them to go to the 20th floor or above, lest there were too many people on the ground floor, and the zombies would smell the smell and attack the building crazily, which would make the building unable to hold on.

Although we still don’t know the character of this group of people, the crisis has not been resolved yet, so this group of people are still honest and obedient. According to Captain Zhou, only those with earth and metal abilities who can stabilize the building are left to help. Fixed the building, and everyone else went to the twentieth floor or above.

They were actually followed by speed zombies. After all, the speed of speed zombies is no slower than these cars. As long as they are targeted, they can almost stay there. Unlike some zombies, they can't keep up with each other while the car is driving. Speed ​​up and fall down.

Although the speed zombies are not like the five-element zombies who can throw fireballs and knives, once they are fast and catch up with the car, they are no worse to the harm to the people in the car than the five-element zombies, so they have always been the main target of the convoy. Just now When An Ran rescued people, he saw the opportunity first and dealt with the speed zombies before saving these people.

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