Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2723 Infinite Horror 72

Ding's father and others also suffered the same torture as classmate Ding, making these scum worse than death, and they couldn't die even if they wanted to.

After An Ran and others solved the crisis in this teaching building and gained a lot of points, everyone was ready to rest for a day or two. Then if no supernatural events came to them, they would take the initiative to go around to see where they could be found. What kind of supernatural incident can you solve and earn some points?

An Ran and others settled the matter in the teaching building. It took a few days for the school to find out about it.

The reason I know is that Captain Ye sent Xiao Zhang to inform him.

The school received Xiao Zhang's report and went to check it out. Then they found that the teaching building seemed to be back to normal and no longer gloomy.

At this time, the school authorities saw that the teaching building was back to normal, and they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. No matter whether they continued to use it or demolished it and rebuilt it, at least they didn't have to worry about the swarms of indescribable things inside causing trouble.

During this period, An Ran and others encountered several supernatural incidents.

This is normal. After all, their copy of the game is a world where indescribable things exist. It would be strange if they couldn't touch it.

However, no one has discovered the cause of this phenomenon. Why is there no such thing in reality, but it is in this world? It is estimated that discovering the root cause and then solving the indescribable things that exist in this world can only be left to those who are capable. , they can find some supernatural events and earn some points, which is considered good.

Just when everyone thought that by solving some supernatural events every day, they could successfully pass the level and get 10,000 points, while they were happy, An Ran clearly felt that solving the supernatural events in the past few days seemed to be getting more and more difficult.

In fact, although there were many indescribable things in the previous supernatural incidents in the teaching building, they could be easily solved as long as they had the talisman.

After that, Xiao Zheng’s hanging garden incident was a bit difficult to complete. It took everyone a long time to find the true form of the indescribable thing and then solved it.

The other supernatural incidents that followed were all trivial and were solved quickly. They seemed simple, but An Ran had already discovered at that time that the indescribable things around those people were stronger than the teachings alone. The ones in the building are even more powerful, but they are all individuals and don't look conspicuous.

Recently, it has become so powerful that An Ran feels difficult to deal with, which obviously means that the opponent's strength is increasing.

If there are many such indescribable things like the previous teaching building, it will actually not be easy to deal with.

Logically speaking, the strength of the indescribable thing should be randomly distributed and should not become more and more powerful.

There is only one possibility for this situation, that is, the indescribable things in this world are manipulated by someone. It is easy to see An Ran and others solve the indescribable things before. In order to embarrass them, the indescribable things are placed around them. Things become more and more powerful.

If this is the case, it is no wonder that there is a mission to solve the crisis in this world. It is estimated that if the manipulator is solved, the crisis in this world will be resolved.

An Ran told Captain Ye about this discovery.

Captain Ye nodded solemnly and said, "I also discovered it. But... if there is really someone behind this world, what does this person want to do with so many indescribable things?"

"Those indescribable things can kill others and absorb Yin energy to strengthen themselves. Can the person behind the scenes do the same? If so, is it to raise many indescribable things to provide themselves with Energy? In this case, if we destroy the things he raises like us, he will get angry and send some more difficult and indescribable things to intercept us? "

Captain Ye said: "What you described makes sense, but I don't know where this person is."

An Ran said: "It doesn't matter, let's just keep fighting. If he keeps winning, he won't be able to bear it, and he might jump out and find trouble for us personally. Won't he know then?"

Captain Ye nodded and said, "That's all we can do."

An Ran hesitated and said: "These indescribable things are getting more and more difficult. Do we still want Xiao Zheng and the others to follow us every time? Don't get into any danger."

In fact, not only was he afraid that they would be in danger, but he was also afraid of dragging them down. After all, the spirits were getting more and more powerful. If these spirits attacked Xiao Zheng and others, and threatened them with Xiao Zheng and others as hostages, it would be troublesome.

Captain Ye said: "If we don't take them with us, they will be left alone. What if something happens?"

An Ran sighed and said: "You are right, I am in a dilemma."

Captain Ye comforted An Ran and said: "Don't worry, they haven't redeemed the Sky Eye, they can't see those things, and their mental value will not be lost. At least it won't be a problem in this regard. For the rest, if indescribable things want to attack them, we will protect them." , it shouldn’t be able to attack.”

"I hope so." An Ran said.

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