Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2728 Infinite Horror 77

Captain Ye then casually gave some talismans to Mr. Qian so that he would not be suspicious, and An Ran and others left, preparing to meet the third suspect.

Celebrities are the hardest to meet, so An Ran and others prepared to be the last one to meet them.

But the third one was not easy to see, because just as Captain Ye thought, such a homebody, when he heard that they wanted to see him, he hung up the video phone and ignored them at all.

Press again and they won't answer the call at all.

"What should I do?" Xiao Zhang said with a big head.

"Let's go see that star first. I heard that filming happened to be in this city. It's convenient. We don't have to go to other cities to find him." Captain Ye said.

Wanting to meet big stars is always much harder than meeting that kind of money.

In the end, Captain Ye and An Ran decided to take a shortcut.

Captain Ye found the contact information of the star's manager and sent her a message, directly saying that he was a heavenly master and that the star Cui's hall had turned black and was suspected of being eroded by evil things. If not dealt with, there would be death within three days. He could help her solve this bloody disaster.

There is no need to worry that the other party will ignore his information. Captain Ye is ready to take action immediately to bring a bloody disaster to Cui Xingxing, so that the manager will be frightened and contact him immediately.

This Cui Mingxing, like Mr. Qian, had done a lot of bad things. Captain Ye would not be embarrassed at all to attack such people.

Although the agent read the letter, he ignored Captain Ye's letter.

Captain Ye discovered this from An Ran's monitoring of the other party's communication tools. He couldn't help but sneered and secretly thought that he couldn't cry without seeing the coffin, so he immediately did some tricks - Cui Mingxing was walking on the road after work from filming, Okay, I suddenly fell over and hit my mouth. I lost two teeth and my face was bruised and swollen. I touched my nose and it started to bleed. There was blood all over the floor. It looked scary, not to mention. In addition, her fans who gathered around to watch her get off work were frightened. One or two of them were extremely worried about their sister.

The manager hurriedly sent Cui Mingxing to the hospital. While waiting for the doctor to deal with it, the manager remembered the previous text message and hurriedly found it and contacted Captain Ye.

Captain Ye is experienced in pretending to be a magic stick. He immediately combined Cui Mingxing's actions and threatened him: "You have raised something, right? It looks like a backlash. If you don't deal with it, accidents will happen, and there will be more accidents." It gets more serious every time, and it’s possible that your life will be endangered.”

Oh my god, this sounds scary. Mingxing Cui is the most popular star in the hands of Manager He. If something happens and she can't continue to be in the industry, won't her cash cow be gone? How can this work?

So when Cui Mingxing saw something happened, Manager He, who had already trusted Captain Ye, told Cui Mingxing about it. After Cui Mingxing agreed to meet Captain Ye and his party, Manager He asked Captain Ye and others to come over.

As soon as Manager He saw Captain Ye, he asked, "Is Xiao Cui really going to be okay?"

Captain Ye nodded pretending to be solemn and said, "Yes, that's right. What did she do? Let me take a look and see what went wrong."

Cui Mingxing was frightened. Normally, she would not be stupid enough to show the things she did to outsiders, but now because she was scared, she listened to Captain Ye's words and honestly did the things she did. He took out all the things and showed them to Captain Ye.

Captain Ye took a look and found that although there were a lot of messy things, the really useful things were less than the money.

Immediately he picked out the only useful thing and said: "This thing is very evil, throw it away quickly, otherwise you will suffer losses in the future."

This is not false. These crooked things are definitely not good at all. If you are not careful, they will bite you.

Then Captain Ye sold Cui Mingxing an exorcism charm at a high price - of course Captain Ye would never give her a real exorcism charm, it was a fake - saying that she would be fine if she wore it.

They have to stay in this world for a while. They are not making any money every day, and their wallets are almost empty. They need to replenish their supplies, so they should just attack this Cui star.

Anyway, Cui Mingxing is not really black in the hall and is haunted by evil things. If she is given a fake evil-exorcism charm, she will not have any accidents next and she thinks the charm is useful. In this way, she will not suspect that the thing is fake.

Then Captain Ye and others came out.

After coming out, Captain Ye asked An Ran: "Can this woman be exposed? Otherwise, if she continues like this, she will harm more people."

An Ran said: "Sure, I will package the information about what she did and send it to some of her opponents. Let's see how they deal with it. I believe someone will target her."

Captain Ye nodded and said, "Sure, I'm relieved."

Otherwise, he would always feel unhappy if he saw a wicked person not getting any punishment.

Then Xiao Zhang asked: "It seems that it's not her. What should we do if the third suspect won't let us in? He is a homebody. If he stays at home for ten or eight days, we don't have time to spend with him. ah."

Captain Ye said: "He always has to go out to buy something, right? If he goes out to buy something, we will go into his house to see if we can find any clues; if he never goes out, then he will definitely buy takeout or express delivery. Then we will People pretending to be food delivery or express delivery people just squeeze in through the door.”

Xiao Zhang nodded and said, "This is the only way to do it."

Captain Ye’s method is still good.

An Ran checked his express delivery or takeout records and found that this man rarely went to the supermarket to buy food and cooked it himself. As expected, he ordered takeout for three meals. Now he saw that he had placed an order for takeout. An Ran and others estimated the time and arrived. In front of the third suspect's home.

Captain Ye wore the clothes of a deliveryman and pretended to be a deliveryman. He came to the suspect's door and rang the video doorbell. As expected, the man opened the door.

Captain Ye saw him opening the door and squeezed in.

An Ran and others who were waiting in ambush saw Captain Ye entering and followed suit.

The third suspect, An Ran, found out his surname was Ma. When he saw An Ran and others swarming in, he couldn't help but get furious and said, "What are you doing?! It's illegal to break into other people's houses, don't you know?"

Captain Ye and others ignored his roar and began to rummage around.

You've already come in, why do you still care if it's illegal? Let's get the matter settled first. As for whether this person will call the police, it is no longer within their scope to consider. They just need to retreat before the police come. They won't stay in this world for a long time anyway. Just avoid it for a while.

Besides, this person might not know how to call the police, because there are really strange things here. How dare he call the police?

It turned out that An Ran found what she was looking for very quickly.

An Ran found a lot of weird stickers in a closed room with pictures of strange monsters.

There is also a mirror.

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