Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 273 [Cultivation of Immortality] Mary Sue’s Sister 16

Thinking of this, Ling Feiyan couldn't help but become anxious. Fortunately, she was outside the Ling Mansion, so Ling Feiyan didn't care about letting people find out that something was wrong with her relationship with her harem, so she shouted: "Come here! Help! ah!"

While shouting, he thought to himself that he would never go out again, so he hid in the house. In this way, no one would dare to come to Ling's house to rob someone.

I thought again, no wonder they didn't come in. I'm afraid they just did it well. Once the situation goes wrong, they will find trouble for themselves. This is in the Ling Mansion. They are afraid of the Ling Mansion and will definitely not dare to do anything, so they chose Let's meet outside.

When she thought that she was so stupid, she actually believed them, came to meet outside, and ended up in such a situation, Ling Feiyan couldn't help but regret it, and at the same time thought bitterly, when her system was restored, she would definitely fill up their good cards. Gandu, wait until they love you to death, then abandon them all, it will make them miserable! Let them do this to themselves now!

However, no matter how much hatred she felt in her heart, she could not stop everyone from taking her away. She just shouted a few words and was silenced by several people before she was discovered. She has no cultivation at the moment and has only a few golden elixir stages. Master, it is not easy to deal with a person without cultivation.

And because she always likes to go out with a few people, no one suspects that there is something wrong with everyone taking her away now.

Fortunately, on the way to Ling Anran to establish a new sect, everyone met Ling's father and other Ling family members.

As soon as she saw Ling's father and others, Ling Feiyan struggled, hoping that Ling's father and others would save her.

As a result, she didn't need to make a fuss so that Ling's father and others would find out that something was wrong with her. Zheng Xin and others stopped. Without him, they were not afraid of grabbing Ling Feiyan. Ling's father and others dared to say anything, because even Ling's father If no one comes to them, they still have to go to the Ling family for an explanation. After all, there is such a witch in the family, controlling their emotions, so they have to give an explanation. So now everyone reluctantly bowed to Ling's father. , without saying any more nonsense, he pulled out Ling Feiyan and said: "Your Ling family brought out a witch to control our feelings and let us accompany her to misbehave. She caused a lot of trouble and also made We have lost a lot of face outside. After what happened, it may be difficult for us to find a Taoist partner in the future, and we will have no descendants. Fortunately, she has lost her cultivation and lost control over us, so she let us We were able to break free from the shackles. Although the shackles are gone, we have suffered a great loss. What explanation are you, the Ling family, going to give?"

The Ling family saw them taking Ling Feiyan with them earlier and thought they were going out to play together. After all, Ling Feiyan usually went out with a few people like this. Although Ling Feiyan was liked by so many men, the Ling family always It feels strange. After all, there are many people outside who say nasty things to the second young lady of the Ling family. They also think that those male cultivators are mentally ill. How can they be willing to share a woman with so many people? Yes, their men also have it. Three wives and four concubines, but to be honest, they all know that most of their wives and concubines are not willing to share a husband, but they are unable to do so due to various reasons. For example, some are forced by their families, and some are due to poor conditions. Holding a thigh, the former is like Ling's mother, and the latter is like Ling Feiyan's biological mother, Aunt Yang. Like those powerful female cultivators, who is willing to share a man with other women, while Zheng Xin and others are willing to share a woman even though they have good conditions? , it’s hard not to feel weird.

But since it was done voluntarily, outsiders like them couldn't say anything.

At this time, when they suddenly heard the other party questioning them like this, they couldn't help but be stunned, thinking about what nonsense they were talking about, and how to control their emotions?

But looking at the way these people swore so confidently, it didn't look like it was a lie. Could it be that this was really the case? That's right. Otherwise, who would be willing to share a woman? This also explains their previous behavior.

So Ling's father and others followed what they said and used their spiritual sense to explore Ling Feiyan's situation. Sure enough, they found that her cultivation level was gone. At the same time, there was an unknown substance in the spiritual platform. Now it was difficult for everyone in the Ling family to believe it even if they didn't want to believe it. After all, It's not fake that there is something in the spiritual platform, it's not fake that the cultivation level is gone, and it's impossible for all these former talents to lie at the same time, so, in other words, Ling Feiyan was really able to control people before Emotional stuff? That makes sense, why these people are obviously talented people, their brains were quite normal before, and they are willing to share Ling Feiyan with others, but they are controlled by Ling Feiyan!

But now is not the time to find this surprising, but the time to appease the emotions of several victims. Obviously, everyone who knows that he has done a lot of embarrassing things in the cultivation world has ugly faces now. How about comforting them? They go back and tell their families. When those families think that their children are embarrassed outside, they are not stupid. It turns out that it is controlled by the Ling family. They will definitely jump up and settle accounts with the Ling family. After all, whose family If you are not afraid that your family's reputation will be ruined and your family's reputation will be damaged outside, you can throw the blame away now, and you would be a fool not to throw it out quickly.

When I thought about being blamed by several families, saying that their children were controlled by the Ling family using evil methods, who would dare to deal with the Ling family in the future? Maybe the Ling family will be punished by the entire cultivation world for this matter. After all, the Ling family has something to control people's hearts. Who is not afraid? When thinking of such serious consequences, one or two of the Ling family naturally started to explain. When he got up, one of the elders saw that the head of the family, Father Ling, was in a trance and didn't speak, so he had to speak himself and said: "We ourselves don't know about this, and if we knew, we wouldn't forgive it, so don't worry, After we go back to investigate, if the situation is true, we will definitely give you an explanation."

And why is Ling's father in a daze?

But he said that Ling's father heard that Ling Feiyan could control people's hearts before, and his mind wandered a little, thinking that this damn girl had such a good thing, why not give it to him? If he had this thing, he could control those people he wanted to control, Ling The family has become so prosperous in recent years. Isn't it stupid for this idiot to have such a good guy and not know how to revitalize the Ling family, but instead go for some lovemaking? - Well, that's probably This is the difference between the protagonists written by many male authors and the protagonists written by female authors. The protagonists written by male authors have golden fingers and always love to conquer the world, while the protagonists written by female authors also conquer the world, but there are many, Although he had a golden finger, he still circled around men and never thought of using these golden fingers for more purposes. At this time, it was normal for Ling's father to think like this.

But he is also a person with a bad mind - Ling Feiyan has already had an accident due to a system crash. How dare you be so greedy and want to use this thing? Aren't you afraid of being troubled by others if something similar happens in the future? So it's not that you have a bad mind. What is it?

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