Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2731 Infinite Horror 80

After listening to Ma Zhairen's words, An Ran thought that this was probably the reason why the mirror was broken and could be divided into countless pieces that could possess people, because as long as Ma Zhairen didn't use the blood draw to recall these indescribable things, they would If you keep living, you will naturally be able to possess people. Instead of turning into countless indescribable things, you can possess countless people at the same time. Just like the mirror in Ma Zhairen's room was not broken just now, it can possess people at the same time. The same goes for everyone there.

At this moment, An Ran and others couldn't help but look solemn after listening to Ma Zhairen's words. After all, this person named Ma has been doing this for more than two years. The earliest mirror has possessed many people, so this thing , I still don’t know how powerful it is.

So An Ran and others took Ma Zhairen to the hotels where he had stayed and cleared them one by one, and asked Ma Zhairen to start from the most recent ones and then slowly clear out the ones with the longest time - An Ran and others thought about time The longest indescribable things are the most powerful, so leave them to last.

Ma Zhairen didn't dare to do anything, because he found that An Ran's IT skills were very powerful. If she found out and lied to them, he would probably suffer a lot, so he honestly followed their instructions and went first. Most recent hotel stay.

Every time An Ran goes to a hotel, he will investigate who has stayed in the hotel after Ma Zhairen left, and then come to the door to remove the indescribable things attached to those people. There is no way, according to Ma Zhairen's explanation, even if he will The indescribable things in the mirror are summoned and turned into stickers. Those who have possessed them cannot be summoned back and must be removed at home.

During this period, An Ran and others saw a lot of tragedies. It's not that the indescribable things were eliminated, people died, etc. An Ran discovered that all the possessed people were still conscious, but they were just possessed. The indescribable things were just squeezed into the corner. No matter how those indescribable things invaded their bodies, they could not eliminate the original consciousness of these people.

This is also normal. You must know that not everyone can seize a body. Seizing a body is generally something that can only be done by a powerful cultivator. After seizing a body, the consciousness of the original owner is completely erased.

These indescribable things can snatch the original owner's body, but they are not that capable of destroying the original owner's consciousness, so at most they can squeeze the original owner's consciousness into a corner.

Although the consciousness of the original owner is still there, and the tragedy of destroying the indescribable thing will not cause the original owner to die, many tragedies still occur after the indescribable thing invades the consciousness of the original owner.

Those who are not married are better off. Those who are married have spouses who find something is wrong with their spouses. Those who are not smart think that their spouses temperament has changed drastically and cannot bear it, so they get divorced. Those who are smart think that something is wrong with their spouses and are they possessed by some evil thing. She got pregnant and looked for masters everywhere to get her spouse back.

The latter is okay. When your spouse comes back, you can basically continue to live with Meimei.

Divorced people are miserable. Now An Ran and others have to come to tell the other party that their body has been taken away. Some people who know the truth are willing to remarry, and some people have new partners as time goes by. No more, no chance.

Of course, there are also careless spouses who do not notice anything wrong with their spouses and continue to live with the indescribable thing. Such people are indeed not separated from their spouses, but when their spouse's consciousness returns, they think of their significant other being with the indescribable thing. However, I will also feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Therefore, these indescribable things have not caused many family tragedies. An Ran and others can only help as much as possible.

The only good thing is that even the oldest mirror arranged by Ma Zhai people, the combat effectiveness of the indescribable thing is not as good as An Ran and others, so it was successfully eliminated without any loopholes.

There are quite a lot of things that Ma Zhai people have done. An Ran and others destroyed the indescribable things and brought back the possessed people who lived there. They spent a lot of time to give them time to survive in this world. Less and less.

Everyone saw that they couldn't find the person behind the scenes, so they were not worried. Anyway, they could earn points if they could, and it didn't matter if they couldn't earn them.

Of course, the main reason was that everyone saw that Ma Zhairen's mirror monster was difficult to deal with. They were afraid that the people behind the scenes were more powerful and they couldn't deal with it, so they stopped worrying about that thing and decided to just let it happen.

However, I don’t know whether their luck was good or bad. In short, after they took the Ma Zhairen to one place after another and eliminated all those indescribable things, everyone accumulated a lot of points. When they were happy, The person who ordered Ma Zhairen finally couldn't help it and jumped out.

It turned out that those people he arranged were not the opponents of An Ran and others, and were eliminated by An Ran and others. He is about to leave. He only thinks that An Ran and others will always be in this time and space, and will continue to eliminate the arrangements he made. By then, his losses will be too great. In order to stop An Ran and others, they will continue to If he wants to cause destruction, he is prepared to destroy them personally. Otherwise, if his deeds are destroyed by them, he will not be able to succeed.

An Ran and others did not realize that the person behind the scenes had appeared beside them at first. After they solved the last mirror monster, they sent the Ma Zhai people back and then returned to the city where they first appeared.

Of course, Ma Zhairen has done so many bad things, so he must be punished, otherwise everyone will not be able to swallow their breath when they think of those families who were possessed by the mirror monster and caused tragedies.

However, everyone has been thinking about how to deal with Ma Zhairen for a long time, but there is no way. He is not like Mr. Qian, who has a criminal record and can be dealt with by handing it over to the relevant departments; nor is he like Cui Mingxing, who has an enemy and can be dealt with as long as she is Tell those people what she did, and those people will deal with her. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this Ma Zhai. She cannot submit a criminal record to the relevant departments. She is not a star and has no rivals. So if you want to deal with him, ordinary methods won't work.

As for beating him to death and maiming him, it's even more inappropriate. After they leave this world, the police here can't solve the case and let them leave the reputation of a criminal gang.

After thinking about it, everyone agreed to An Ran's proposal to create a fantasy for him, the content of which was similar to the things he had done, so that he could be frightened in it.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, everyone thought what the guard in the teaching building did was pretty good, and they were ready to follow suit.

After solving the problem of Ma Zhairen, everyone returned to the original city, preparing to leave this world after spending the remaining time.

Anyway, in this world this time, they earned a lot of points thanks to the Ma Zhairen incident later. After all, there were so many mirror monsters. They killed a lot of them and got a lot of rewards.

An Ran and others were preparing to lie down and survive the last few days, but that day they discovered that something was wrong - why did the hotel look different when they woke up?

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