Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2751 Little Husband 14

Yes, the person in the second house is ready to completely cut off contact with his old family and secretly live a wealthy life.

The Tang family's Tai Chi products, it's normal for them to want to do this.

So when Tang's father came to Fang's house again to beat the autumn wind, but failed, he ran to the second bedroom, only to find that there was a new person in the second bedroom.

Father Tang asked the people in the house: "Who are you? Where is the family before here?"

The new landlord said: "I don't know, I bought it from them a month ago."

Father Tang couldn't help but sneered when he saw that the second house had been sold. He knew that they were doing this just to hide from him and others. However, if you can run away, you can't run away from the temple. You will have to go home during the Chinese New Year. I'll ask you again then. Where is your new house?

Some parents asked, thinking about it, they didn’t dare not tell him, and once he knew the location, he would be able to come over again to enjoy the autumn breeze. So, what’s the use of selling the old house and buying a new one?

Tang's father guessed that Erfang sold the house to avoid his entanglement, but he only thought that Erfang just bought a new house in a different place in the county. Unexpectedly, he hid in the capital and had no intention of contacting his hometown. , so it was destined that he would not be able to find them.

It was during the Chinese New Year when Uncle Tang and others did not come back, and Father Tang discovered that Erfang and his family were missing.

At first, he thought that the other party was in the county town, so he entered the city full of anger after the New Year, vowing to find the second house. He also secretly cursed, thinking that the second house was childish. The county town is such a big place, you can go there. Where can I go without finding you?

As a result, I couldn't find anyone after searching for a whole day. I came several times later and still couldn't find him.

By now, Tang's father had vaguely guessed that the second wife was most likely not in the county seat and had gone somewhere else.

Realizing this, Father Tang couldn't help but cursed angrily, and immediately told Grandfather Tang and Grandma Tang about this.

Grandfather Tang and grandmother Tang heard about this and were naturally very angry.

Grandma Tang said: "I have told you a long time ago that Erfang and his family have no conscience, and they gave birth in vain. Old man, you are still protecting their family. Look, he just disappeared without a trace, and you don't care for us in old age. You can live well by yourself." The days are gone! What a white-eyed wolf!"

Grandfather Tang couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, and said: "I was thinking that he is my son after all, how bad can he be, but how could I know that he would just abandon us and ignore us?"

Father Tang said: "Then what should we do now? Just let them go like that and ignore you?!"

Grandfather Tang knew that he couldn't just let it go, because once he said that, the first and third bedrooms would probably not care about them. After all, it was okay for the second bedroom to run away, so why couldn't they?

So Grandpa Tang immediately said: "Of course we can't forget it. Let's ask around. When we find out, let them make up for the missing alimony in the past few years."

Aunt Tang San said unhappily: "Then we have to find a time to go there? If we can't find it all the time, the second house will never have to take care of you? Then we will take care of you? Why? Why should the rich take care of you while the poor take care of you? How can we take care of you?" It makes sense, which family doesn’t support the rich and supports the poor, but when they come to our house, they ask the poor to help the rich?"

Isn't that true? Now everyone in the third and third bedrooms complained.

After hearing this, the old couple couldn't help but feel depressed, and immediately said: "How about that, you guys will also separate your family, and I will live alone with your mother. You don't have to support us until the second brother comes back. Is that okay?"

This is another family separation, and the big house and the third house are willing to use this method.

In the past, we didn't separate the families because we thought that the second wife would have to honor the two elders every year and they would suffer a lot if the family was separated. But now, the second wife has disappeared, and they can't get anything from the two elders. In this case, it's natural It is cost-effective to divide the family.

Especially for the eldest family, Tang's father thought that Tang Anran married well and it would be beneficial to him to separate the family, so he was even more willing.

Although An Ran is ignoring him now, he believes that it is because of the obstruction of the old lady Wang. When the old lady Wang dies and his daughter takes charge of the house, good times will come for his family, so he is naturally willing to separate the family.

——Father Tang never thought, if Wang is dead, is he still alive? You must know that other people's living conditions are better than his. Unless there is an accident, otherwise under normal circumstances, the Wang family will definitely live longer than him. Therefore, it will be beneficial to him to separate the family. How long will it take?

An Ran also knew about the departure of the Tang family's second wife, because Tang Xinran had hired someone to beat up Tang's father, which made An Ran pay attention to Tang Xinran, whom she thought had nothing to do with her. He was afraid that she would continue to cause accidents, so An Ran So he sent a puppet to follow her so that he could keep track of what she was doing to the Tang family, just in case.

Then it was discovered that Tang Xinran and his family were preparing to go to Beijing. At this time, An Ran discovered that it was earlier than in the original world.

Although An Ran discovered this, she did not tell the Tang family.

As I said before, as long as what the second wife does does not affect her, she will not meddle in her own business.

I just watched the people in the second house pack up their things, sell the house and leave.

When the Tang family split up, the Fang family also had filial piety.

Seeing the Fang family's filial piety, Wang's two daughters and her parents' family also started to move around.

Yes, Fang Chen is only the youngest son of the Wang family, and he has two daughters.

Then there is the Wang family and her natal family.

This is normal. Who doesn’t have some relatives these days?

However, none of these relatives are helpful. In the original world, when the Fang family had conflicts with the clan, although these people also came forward to help the Wang family, they were just like the Wang family. The good thing is that these people are not saying they won’t help, but they just don’t want to come.

The reason is also very simple. Wang's family and her two daughters' husband's family are far away from the Fang family. They are not in this town, but in a neighboring town.

In this era, even if it is a neighboring town, it will take a long time to go back and forth, so if you don't get benefits, who is willing to come.

Especially the Wang family's natal family, who are as top-notch as the Wang family, so they don't want to do anything useless. After all, they are protecting the property of the Fang family and it has nothing to do with the Wang family. Who wants to expend all the effort to protect it?

As for the two daughters, they don't want to see their natal family decline. After all, it is a good thing to have a good natal family to support them.

But, if a monk has water to drink, these two monks...

One family helped, but the other family didn't, so they were unhappy and felt that they were at a disadvantage. They made an appointment with the two families to come together, but one family felt that the other family was fine if the road was closer, and the own family was farther away and it would be much harder. Isn't this not their own? Pay more? unfair.

Some people think that their son is getting older and is being bullied by his husband's family. With someone's support, he does not necessarily need to rely on his natal family. In other words, his natal family has no use value. In this case, should he help his natal family? It doesn't matter, anyway, if you help your mother's family, the money will not fall into your hands. In this case, why do you have to work so hard.

So when everyone was helping the Fang family, seeing that Wang was stingy and unwilling to give them much benefit, they were not so dedicated.

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