Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2775 Little Husband 38

That way, not only would Tang Anran get out, but she wouldn't have to worry about her son becoming Fang Chen's teacher. She would be inferior to Tang Anran. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Tang Anran gave such and such instructions to his confidants.

Tang Xinran worked hard on her own, so after entering the Earl of Qing'an Mansion, she was not like ordinary girls who married in. She did not have many reliable confidants. Her confidants were very loyal to her - this is also the reason why the heroine As standard, generally speaking, the heroine's confidants are loyal, just like the heroine's men.

So she doesn't have to worry about being asked to do these things, and she will be involved in future incidents, because she believes that if the day comes, her confidant would rather die than expose her.

In fact, the people in the big and three-bedroom apartments have become more prosperous since they came to Beijing, and they have committed many things. They have brought in women of unknown origins to serve as concubines, which is nothing more than a trivial matter in the Tang family. It is common for people to be coaxed into gambling houses by people with malicious intentions, or even to participate in certain things that they are not allowed to participate in.

In the past, either An Ran, Tang Xinran, or the second wife had secretly stopped this after knowing about it.

It's normal for An Ran to stop him, because she knows that Uncle Tang San is better off. Once Tang's father causes a big disaster, she will be implicated, so she will naturally stop him secretly.

And why did Tang Xinran and the second room stop it? It was because they didn't dare to let the second room get into trouble before the old couple was dead, lest they would not be able to clean up the two of them in the end, and they would be forced by the old couple to clean up the mess.

The reason why they didn't build a third bedroom in the big house before was because the second house and Tang Xinran knew that they were going to build it when the old couple was around, and they would be the ones to finish it in the end. In this way, they naturally wouldn't do it.

But it's different now. One of the old couple is gone, and the other has suffered a stroke. It's the same as not. They can clean up the third bedroom of the big house. So when the third house of the big house commits trouble, the second house and Tang Xinran will not only not stop it, but even To add fuel to the fire, the third bedroom and the third bedroom will commit even greater crimes.

No, the third and third bedrooms in the big house were acting stupidly every day.

After the eldest and the third eldest brother saw no chance of becoming an official, they asked their sons to make friends with some dignitaries in the capital - in fact, they were just some dandies - so the two eldest brothers followed some dandies in the capital that day.

Of course, because Dafang and Sanfang had no money - many of the disciples of Dafang and Sanfang were addicted to sucking the blood of the second fang. They also felt that the available money was too little, not enough for them to have fun in Beijing, and they even argued Tang's father and others took out the land deed and sold it, spent the money, and said that they would ask the second house for it if they had no money to use it. Fortunately, Tang's father and others still had the last shred of sense and did not do such a thing. It's just that money is tight, so I have to find a second housemate. Of course, the old couple can't help now, and they can't even get this little money. Money is even tighter for the two housemates, so the only ones who can be handed over are some down-and-out kids. , rich, powerful and status, who will pay attention to them? After all, even the Earl of Qing'an's Mansion is in decline, who will pay attention to the country relatives of the Earl of Qing'an and his wife? Playing with these idiots, isn't it going to make people angry? Is it a joke?

That is to say, those dandies who are completely down and out and have trouble even eating and drinking will hang out with the brothers from the third and third houses to get some food and drinks.

Naturally, the third brother from the eldest house didn't understand this. He just thought that these people were from some big family. They all had good backgrounds and were worth making friends with, so they mingled together.

On this day, those dandy boys saw that since the old couple could not help and could not ask for money from the second house, their money became more and more tense. This is also normal. Just imagine that the income from a 700-acre field is only 700 taels of silver a year. On average, you only have two taels per day, so what can you do? Some people encouraged the people in the second house to do something so that they could make some money to spend. Then they mentioned Fang Chen and said, "Your uncle Fang is now from the fourth house." He's a high-ranking official. How can he make money by using his name? You guys are too careful. Who else in Beijing is as careful as yours?"

Needless to say, this person was sent by Tang Xinran. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to mention the Earl of Qing'an Mansion? After all, the uncle of the Earl of Qing'an has a greater background.

After hearing this, the people in the third room of the big house, as usual, did not know the importance, and immediately became excited, and immediately asked: "How to do this?"

The man said: "This is not simple. There are so many people in Beijing who have no way to seek help. You help them litigate for a small fee. In this way, you not only help the helpless people, but also make money for you. Isn't that right? A good thing that kills two birds with one stone?"

What this person is talking about is soliciting lawsuits, acting as a backer for others, and letting that person file lawsuits under the banner of the Fang family.

Maybe there are really poor people who need support, but more often than not, they are the kind of bullies who bully the weak because of their background.

In the end, once the superiors investigate and find out that they are using the Fang family's banner, Fang Chen will definitely be implicated.

So what Tang Xinran did was not evil.

Unfortunately, this matter was discovered by An Ran.

An Ran was almost speechless when she found out that Tang Xinran was causing trouble for her again. She was thinking about what this girl was trying to do. She had no enmity with her, so why did she always do this kind of thing.

However, since the other party is doing this, she naturally has to stop it. She cannot let the children of the third room and the third room do it, otherwise it will really affect Fang Chen.

But it was not appropriate for An Ran to let them use the name of the Earl of Qing'an. After all, the Earl of Qing'an had helped the Fang family, and she could not retaliate, so she thought about it and sent people to tell the two brothers that the military attache had not It is of no use, because the Fang family's foundation is too shallow. On the contrary, although the second brother has no official position, he is backed by the Qing'an Earl's Mansion and has a more famous name, so it is better to use theirs.

People with big houses and three bedrooms have always looked down upon the Fang family.

Thanks to Anran not buying a new house yet, the Fang family's small house is smaller than the three-bedroom house in the big house, let alone compared with the second-bedroom house or even the Earl of Qing'an Mansion, so how can they think highly of them.

Since I looked down on him, when I heard someone say this, I felt that these people were more right, so when I took over the lawsuit, I named it as the second house.

Originally, they wanted to use the name of Qing'an Earl's Mansion, but they were stopped by the Anron faction, saying that Qing'an Earl's Mansion had famous assassins, but there were no famous assassins, so they couldn't do anything in their name; and the second room did not do such a thing. , suitable to be used as a banner.

Sure enough, the people from the second house were persuaded, and they immediately went to act under the banner of the second house. They made a lot of money and were happy. They thought that the second house would prevent you from giving us money. I can still make money in your family’s name, and I don’t have to come to your door with a smiling face to ask for help. It’s great, much better than before.

The second room and Tang Xinran didn't know this yet, because Tang Xinran was afraid that if he moved too much, he would attract other people's attention, so after people said this, they left and stopped staring.

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