Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2785 Little Husband 48

Fang Chen was young and energetic, and he was not the kind of person who couldn't stand up to trouble. When he saw that the third prince didn't like his boss, he was scared away.

Since the third prince doesn't like his boss and his boss is ready to support the fourth prince, let's go with him.

The situation is not good, it's not too late to run away. Anyway, it's impossible to get scared and run away before it starts.

Fang Chen thought so, and An Ran didn't have to stop him.

Anyway, the third prince and the fourth prince, from the current point of view, have similar reputations externally, they are half the same. It is not that the third prince is particularly good, but the fourth prince is particularly bad. Supporting the fourth prince is a villain.

This is normal. The dynasty has been running for many years. There are many mediocre princes now, and not many are particularly talented or wise. Their greatest ability is to maintain their status.

So as long as you don't choose someone with particularly bad character, it doesn't matter which prince you side with.

Speaking of which, Concubine Han and the third prince revealed their likes and dislikes too hastily. Before they even got the throne, they showed their malice towards some people with military power. Is this stupid?

But I guess they didn't take General Fang and others seriously. After all, the world is not in chaos now. Many people really don't take the military attache seriously. They probably think it's okay to offend him. Anyway, the capital holds military power. He is not the only one, so it doesn't matter if he is offended, he is not afraid.

Besides, they probably have never thought about the use of military power in fighting for heirs. After all, it is not fighting for power when the world is in chaos, but sometimes it is a struggle between civil servants, and there is no need for soldiers.

No matter what Concubine Han and the third prince thought, since Fang Chen was ready to side with the fourth prince, An Ran had to help Fang Chen. After all, she didn't want the mission to fail.

Tang Xinran soon heard about Fang Chen's movements.

Of course, I didn't know that Fang Chen was planning to support the fourth prince. I only knew that Fang Chen didn't plan to side with the third prince.

The reason why we know this is because the Earl of Qing'an came to win over Fang Chen and wanted Fang Chen to join him and help the third prince.

It is normal for the Earl of Qing'an to seek out Fang Chen. After all, the Earl of Qing'an has no real power, and Fang Chen has real power. Naturally, he wants to pull Fang Chen together. They can become a rope and have greater strength, so that others can be higher. Take a look at their power.

The prince of the Earl of Qing'an thought that it would be easy to find Fang Chen for help, after all, their relationship was so good, but he found out that Fang Chen said that he did not intend to side with the third prince.

When asked why Fang Chen didn't plan to side with the third prince, Fang Chen naturally couldn't tell. It was because his boss had a bad relationship with the third prince. He didn't plan to side with the third prince, but planned to side with the fourth prince, so he also followed the fourth prince's side. After all, his boss's movements were so unpredictable. It was a secret, and he couldn't leak it to anyone casually. He could only say that he did not intend to side with the Third Prince. As for the reason, Fang Chen could only apologize and said that it was not convenient for him to answer.

At this point, the Earl of Qing'an knew that he might be a step too late. Fang Chen had already been won over by someone. There was no other way and he had to forget it.

As soon as Tang Xinran heard about this, she started to give Fang Chen eye drops and said: "Look at how much you have helped others. When you need help from others, they will not help you. You are really a white-eyed wolf. From now on Don’t help him.”

The Earl of Qing'an heard what Tang Xinran said, so he spoke for Fang Chen and said, "I was a little late. He has already taken his side, so I can't blame him."

Tang Xinran asked curiously: "Which company does he belong to?"

The Earl of Qing'an shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it is very likely that he is following his superiors in line. After all, in the army, basically the subordinates follow the orders of the superiors."

"Then which company does his boss work for?"

The Earl of Qing'an said, "I don't know yet. After all, they won't tell me. I still need to investigate."

When Tang Xinran heard this, she couldn't help but pray secretly, hoping that the third prince would come to power, so that if the Fang family was on the wrong team, something would happen. Then she would not have to be unhappy with Tang Anran, who was born in a disgusting big family, and still lived like this alright.

Thinking of Dafang's previous bullying of himself and his family, and thinking about the fact that Dafang's third room would rather ask Tang Anran for help than his own family some time ago, and gave Tang Anran the 10,000 taels of silver his family gave them. Tang Anran added a lot of wealth, and now life is getting better and better, which makes Tang Xinran very unhappy.

But they were getting better and better together, and they were all ranked fourth grade. And then they didn't live together, which made it difficult for them to use any kind of conspiracy. She really couldn't do anything with her.

Now that he saw that there was a fight for heirs, Tang Xinran felt that the opportunity had come. Success or failure depended on this. As long as Tang Anran's family was in the wrong team, no matter how well Tang Anran had done before, he would have to suffer from the northwest wind in the future.

And she feels that this kind of thing is still very likely to happen, because she doesn't know if she has passed through the female halo. Anyway, in recent years, she or her husband have basically been successful in anything they do, making her better and better.

If Conglong succeeds, not only will her family be able to move to a higher level, but Tang Anran's family will also be unlucky. For her, it is simply a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

So she naturally prayed that her family would be successful. After all, it was about whether Tang Anran, who was an eyesore, could disappear from her eyes.

——Obviously, Tang Xinran's disgust for An Ran has exceeded his hope for the prosperity of the family. This is normal. After all, being the Earl's wife is already honorable enough for Tang Xinran, and the Earl of Qing'an Mansion is even more For her, prosperity is only the icing on the cake, but letting Tang Anran disappear is the result she wants most. One is the most wanted, and the other is just the icing on the cake. It is self-evident what the direction of Tang Xinran's prayers is.

The old emperor's illness became worse and worse, not better.

More importantly, being in a coma and unable to write a will is very troublesome. After all, without a will, bloodshed is most likely to occur.

As the old emperor's illness became worse and worse, the atmosphere in the capital became more and more solemn.

Many families have strengthened their security forces, fearing that at a critical moment, someone would be in dire straits and the enemy's vital forces would be wiped out. In that case, even if Conglong succeeded, the family would be physically destroyed by the enemy, which would be meaningless.

In order not to expose his martial arts skills, An Ran also asked Fang Chen to deploy some manpower at home.

But it was just a casual arrangement, because An Ran knew that he was not an important person, and it was estimated that no one would come to his house to kill people and set fire to it.

The old emperor's condition quickly deteriorated, and the night to seize the palace soon came.

Other families in the capital may need spies to send messages from time to time in order to know the situation in the palace, but An Ran has a puppet next to the third prince, so he can keep track of the progress in the palace at all times.

Normally An Ran wouldn't keep an eye on the puppets at all times, but now because such a big event happened, he naturally kept staring. If you ignore the fact that there are people he knows among them, just watching everything happening in the palace through the puppets is quite interesting. It feels like watching a costume TV series.

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