Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2791 Little Husband 54

Although she sympathized with Tang Xinran's experience, An Ran would not let Tang Xinran go because of this. She felt that no matter what, Tang Xinran had done so many things to her, and if she didn't repay him, she would be treating her too lightly.

In fact, for the current Tang Xinran, what hurts her the most is that the Earl of Qing'an falls in love with another woman. In other words, if she wants to give the Earl of Qing'an a woman he likes, she will definitely hurt him to the greatest extent. To Tang Xinran.

However, An Ran would not do such a thing unless absolutely necessary. After all, the relationship between the male protagonist and the female protagonist was good, and she could not do anything to ruin other people's emotions.

In addition, she had a good impression of the Earl of Qing'an and did not want to bring any stain on him.

He clearly wanted to take revenge on Tang Xinran, but in the end, he ended up creating a stain on the Earl of Qing'an, making him fall in love with another woman and becoming a scumbag to Tang Xinran. This was not what An Ran would do.

Not wanting to do this to deal with Tang Xinran, and not wanting to harm the Earl of Qing'an or the Earl of Qing'an's Mansion, and indirectly dealing with Tang Xinran through this method, An Ran could only think of other more difficult ways, directly dealing with Tang Xinran himself. .

This is also what it should be. After all, there are grievances and debts, and whoever did it will be dealt with. You can't be like Tang Xinran, who sent people to brainwash Tang's father and others because he didn't want to live a good life, and wanted to Father Tang and others did bad things in the name of the Fang family, hoping to bring misfortune to the Fang family and make themselves miserable.

However, when dealing with Tang Xinran, An Ran was still afraid that the heroine's halo would still be there. Although he tried his best to succeed in the fight for the heir, it did not mean that he had defeated the author's right hand of God or the will of the world. If Tang Xinran still had these Without Dongxi's support, she would not succeed in dealing with Tang Xinran.

So when An Ran dealt with Tang Xinran, he also wanted to see if these behind-the-scenes things were still there, which was also a kind of test.

If it succeeds, it means that the halo of the heroine may be fading; if it fails, it means that things such as the will of the world are still there, and if you want to deal with Tang Xinran, you may have to find another way.

If he didn't want to hurt the Earl of Qing'an Mansion or the Earl of Qing'an's son, An Ran still had a way to deal with Tang Xinran. After all, Tang Xinran had done many small tricks, and it was not difficult to find a way to deal with Tang Xinran.

At that moment, Anran recalled all the little tricks she knew Tang Xinran had done, and wanted to see which one of Tang Xinran's actions she could use as a breakthrough to cause some trouble for Tang Xinran.

An Ran soon thought of something Tang Xinran had done, and felt that it might be a breakthrough.

But it is said that Tang Xinran is the most popular house-fighting heroine at the moment. Her life so far has been spent fighting various people in the house. When she was young, she fought in the Tang family, and when she got married, she fought in the Qing'an Earl's Mansion. Although now I have established a firm foothold in the Earl of Qing'an Mansion, but I don't relax my spirit every day, and I still fight up and down with my family.

Fight with the brothers of the Earl of Qing'an to prevent them from taking away the property belonging to their husband and wife.

He had to fight with his sisters-in-law to prevent them from taking over the housekeeping rights, or accidentally letting them take advantage of the Countess Qing'an's power and climb over him.

Fighting against unmarried sisters-in-law, although these unmarried sisters-in-law are basically concubines. After all, the Countess of Qing'an is very old. Basically all her biological girls are married, and the remaining ones are unmarried. , naturally she is a concubine.

Logically speaking, she was the wife of the Earl of Qing'an, and she was still in charge of the family. Those concubines did not dare to do anything to her and wanted to stay with her.

But don’t forget that the marriage of concubines is still in the hands of the Countess of Qing’an, not her. Therefore, in order to find a good marriage, those concubines naturally listen to the Countess of Qing’an in everything. In this way, many of them are on the side of Countess Qing'an.

Although the countess of Qing'an lost her limelight because her son supported Tang Xinran, and the housekeeping power was handed over to Tang Xinran, it does not mean that she is honest, because she only gave in to her son's love for Tang Xinran, and was not truly convinced. Tang Xinran was still dissatisfied with Tang Xinran in his heart. As a result, having such a group of concubines in his hands, he could not help but use these concubines as spearmen to cause trouble for Tang Xinran.

So even though she was a concubine, Tang Xinran didn't dare to be careless and wanted to fight.

Tang Xinran's method of dealing with these concubines was also simple, using carrots and sticks.

She is rich, so treat her well and give her a large dowry when she leaves; treat her badly, let alone give her a dowry. The standard dowry money from the father-in-law may be required when she buys her dowry. To be more modest, she was the one who made the housekeeper. No matter how the marriage was decided by the Countess of Qing'an, she was still the one who paid for the dowry in the end.

So she used this power to deal with some girls who dared to side with Countess Qing'an and cause trouble for her.

An Ran planned to pick one of them to cause some trouble for Tang Xinran.

She doesn't need to worry about who is good or bad among these concubines. She only wants to say one thing: no matter how much Tang Xinran wants to deal with these girls, she can use other methods. It is unreasonable to tamper with these girls' dowry because it belongs to these girls. Tang Xinran would naturally not be able to hold on to his things if they were withheld.

So now Enron plans to start from this point.

It just so happened that a girl was getting married in the Earl of Qing'an Mansion recently, and Tang Xinran was preparing a dowry for that girl.

This girl just happened to be bad to Tang Xinran, so Tang Xinran planned to deal with her by deducting her dowry money just like he did with the previous girls.

An Ran planned to let this girl find out about Tang Xinran's withholding of dowry, and then the girl would definitely make a fuss, and Tang Xinran would be scolded at the Earl of Qing'an Mansion.

An Ran happened to investigate and found that this girl was not a very good person. Although the Countess of Qing'an controlled her marriage, she was torn between the Countess of Qing'an and Tang Xinran. She neither dared to offend this nor I didn't dare to offend that person. It was quite miserable. In the end, I could only try my best to be nice to the Countess of Qing'an, and at the same time keep a distance from Tang Xinran, so as to please the mistress and not interfere with her in the marriage.

In fact, the concubines in the Earl of Qing'an Mansion are quite miserable. After all, the relationship between the aunt and the eldest sister-in-law is not good, so they will naturally have a hard time being caught in the middle. After all, one is the person who controls their current destiny, and the other is the future. The mistress of her natal family controls their future destiny - if she is offended and suffers from her husband's family in the future, she will not protect herself if she comes to her natal family. Therefore, the concubine living between the Countess of Qing'an and Tang Xinran You guys, isn't it a bit miserable? No matter what you do, you are not a good person.

Although she kept a distance from Tang Xinran, she did not dare to offend Tang Xinran at the same time. Therefore, when the Countess of Qing'an asked her to deal with Tang Xinran, she could only pretend to be stupid and pretend that she could not do it well or failed. The Countess of Qing'an looked at her. She was stupid and had no ability, so she stopped using her to deal with Tang Xinran.

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