Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2949 Where is the Fairyland 16

In fact, Mrs. Pingyang Hou had seen this woman before, but she thought she was Pingyang Hou's new favorite, so she didn't take a closer look. After all, Pingyang Hou would change his new favorite from time to time, some would be sent to the backyard, and some would still be doing it. The maid, she wanted to see them one by one, but she couldn't see them at all, so she never cared much.

After hearing what Marquis Pingyang said, Fang took a closer look. At this glance, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "This is... Er Niang?!"

Although the child has grown up and changed a lot, from the outline, it can still be seen that it belongs to Chu Erniang, so at this time, Mrs. Pingyang Hou asked.

Pingyang Hou nodded and said: "Yes, it is Er Niang."

Seeing the arrogant look on Chu Erniang's face, and the way she didn't come forward to salute when she saw her, Mrs. Pingyang Hou understood in her heart that this girl must have had some adventure and is now prosperous, otherwise she wouldn't be so proud. She looked like that, so she immediately asked: "Where has she gone? What is her status now?"

Marquis Pingyang said: "She met the fate of an immortal due to a strange combination of circumstances in her family temple, and now she has become an immortal."

"Immortal?!" After hearing this, Mrs. Pingyang Hou couldn't help but said in surprise. At the same time, she thought to herself, this is really unfair. Such a vicious little girl can actually become an immortal?

But yes, not all immortals are good, there are also good and bad ones. It seems that Chu Anyun is the bad immortal among the immortals.

Pingyang Hou nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Then when she comes back..."

Mrs. Pingyang Hou had an ominous premonition. After all, this girl was so vicious when she was young and wanted to kill her own daughter. In the end, she was punished by herself and sent to the family temple. Now that she has become an immortal, she doesn't think that she will be so evil when she comes back. Thanking her, he would probably cause trouble for her, which naturally gave Madam Pingyang Hou an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Pingyang Hou said: "Er Niang was very unhappy about what happened back then, so...she wanted me to deal with you and Yuan Niang..."

After hearing this, Mrs. Pingyang Hou couldn't help but change her face and said: "You want to kill your wife and daughter?!"

No wonder there are no other servants around, only his confidants. It turns out he wants to kill them!

Naturally, Marquis Pingyang didn't want to do such a thing, but for the sake of longevity, he had no choice, so he immediately said: "Who told you to treat Erniang like that and offend her? You can't blame others."

After hearing this, Mrs. Pingyang Hou couldn't help but sneered: "So she wants to kill Yuanniang, and I can't even punish her!"

"Whatever you say, anyway... for the sake of immortality, I can only do what she said." Pingyang Hou broke the pot.

Then he waved his hand and asked his confidants to come forward, trying to hold down Mrs. Pingyang Hou and An Ran and strangle them to death.

In the original world, this is how Pingyang Hou killed his original body and his mother.

Chu Erniang on the side listened to Pingyang Hou's instructions, thinking that she would no longer be able to see the annoying aunt and sister, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

As a result, just when the four male servants came forward and wanted to kill An Ran and Madam Pingyang Hou, An Ran and Madam Pingyang Hou should have no escape. Madam Pingyang Hou took An Ran's hand and wanted to escape from the room and find herself. When the servant girl rescued herself, An Ran saw a flash of light suddenly appear on her hand, and then she saw a purple thunder and lightning explode on the head of the male servant. The four of them immediately fell to the ground and burned to ashes.

An Ran originally thought that killing the four male servants would be forbidden by heaven, but he was able to kill them. Secretly, it seems that monks cannot kill mortals because there is a prerequisite, that is, they cannot kill mortals for no reason, but if mortals want to kill monks and the monks fight back, is allowed.

Different worlds have different rules. She originally thought that this world couldn't fight back. She originally planned to take Mrs. Pingyanghou away with her sword first if she couldn't fight back. But since she could fight back, she didn't have to take the extra step and take Mrs. Pingyanghou away. Then I asked the emperor for help and could kill these people directly. This was more convenient. After all, the fewer people who knew about some things, the better.

An Ran's actions immediately shocked Chu Anyun.

"How come you know magic?!" Chu Anyun screamed.

It’s still a rare thunder type!

If An Ran can also do magic, then she is also a monk? But if she is a monk, why can't she see her cultivation? ! Could it be that... her cultivation level is much higher than hers? Because only in this way could she not see An Ran's cultivation.

But she didn't believe that An Ran was a monk, let alone that her cultivation level was still above hers, so she screamed because of such an accident.

An Ran said calmly: "I accidentally got a fairy fate in the mountain behind my family temple."

"Impossible! My great-aunt only left a teleportation array and nothing else. How did you get the immortal fate?" Chu Anyun denied.

"Warning! The character appears OOC! Please eliminate it immediately, otherwise you will be punished by electric shock!" As soon as Chu Anyun finished speaking, the system reminded An Ran like this, and attached a three-minute countdown, which means that she had to eliminate other people's OOC within three minutes. The suspicion of her character being OOC.

This was the first time a character had been warned about OOC, which surprised An Ran.

Hearing Chu Anyun mention his great-aunt, An Ran finally understood who made the teleportation array in the family temple.

When she discovered it at that time, she felt that the thing had appeared in the Chu family temple. Since so many people in the Chu family had the talent for cultivation, she was afraid that there would be someone in front of them who could cultivate, and it turned out to be true.

Only women go to the family temple, so it is normal that there is a person in front of me who can cultivate the truth and is a woman.

But she didn't expect that the person was her great-aunt.

Hearing Chu Anyun mention his great-aunt, An Ran instantly thought of an old incident that happened more than thirty years ago.

About forty years ago, the ancestor of the Chu family had a concubine. After the ancestor of the Chu family became rich, he took in many concubines and gave birth to many concubines and concubines. She made a mistake and was driven into the family temple.

Shortly afterwards, he died of illness - just like Chu Erniang six years ago.

A few years later, the ancestor's wife and another married concubine died on the same day.

At that time, people were still surprised and thought about how the two people died on the same day. Now think about it, if the teleportation array in the family temple was arranged by Chu Erniang's great-aunt, this great-aunt should have also done it after she became successful in cultivation. When you come back, kill your ancestor's wife and the married concubine.

Most of the reason was that the married concubine had a conflict with the great-aunt Chu Erniang said, and then the ancestor's wife helped the concubine, which made the great-aunt unhappy. She came back after practicing successfully. Later, just like Chu Erniang did to herself and Mrs. Pingyang Hou, she killed those two people.

In other words, what happened to the original body also happened decades ago, and two innocent people died. But those two people were poor and did not encounter the system, so the murderer was still cultivating. It's going well.

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