Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2953 Where is the Fairyland 20

Of course, it was God's will that caused Chu Erniang to have talent, otherwise she would not have had this opportunity, because according to Chu Erniang's explanation, the teleportation array in the family temple really has talent restrictions. People without talent, go No.

After listening to Chu Erniang's words, An Ran realized that what she had guessed was almost correct.

Knowing the answer, An Ran did not kill Chu Erniang immediately because she wanted to prevent Aunt Chu from finding her.

Seeing that An Ran didn't kill her, Chu Erniang naturally wouldn't commit suicide. She also dreamed that Aunt Chu could find Chu Anran and rescue her, so naturally she wouldn't commit suicide.

Then An Ran also learned a situation from Chu Erniang's confession: not everyone can take someone to the world of cultivation, only those who are direct blood relatives of the original person can be taken there.

In other words, only parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, etc., will do.

Other people, not to mention ordinary people, even relatives cannot take care of them, and the teleportation array does not recognize them.

In other words, when the original person said that he would not take Chu Erniang and the people from Qingguo Duke's mansion to the world of cultivation, it was purely to deal with Chu Erniang, and it was just a joke, because they couldn't go in the first place.

Also, the people in the Qingguo Duke's mansion have no talent, and even if they go to the world of cultivation, they can't practice the art of immortality at all. This is something Chu Erniang only learned after she went to the world of cultivation.

Seeing that she had been tricked by her original self in her previous life, Chu Erniang hated her original self to death, so she wanted to kill her original self after she came back from cultivation.

After An Ran got the news, he went to inquire about it and found out that it was indeed the case.

The reason why this is the case is because the teleportation array in the world of cultivation is deliberately set up this way.

The reason why we set it up like this is that we don’t want to accept too many mortals, because there are already enough mortals in the world of cultivation, and they don’t want more, so as to avoid resource constraints. There is no other way. When there was no limit before, many people took in many relatives and friends. As a result, there were more and more mortals in the world of cultivation, so they were later restricted in this way. In this way, even if someone came to the world of cultivation, the number of mortals they could take in was limited, and the impact would not be too great.

In other words, if a person is gifted, he or she can be brought over regardless of whether he is a relative of the original person; but if he is not gifted, he cannot be brought over even if he is a relative.

But considering that some people came to this world and missed their relatives at home, they were accommodated and allowed to bring their direct blood relatives, but this was not the case for others.

Every teleportation array has such restrictions, making it impossible to break through.

In other words, if she wanted to bring someone over, she could only bring Mrs. Pingyang Hou, and no one else.

An Ran knew the answer and secretly thought that this was not bad.

In fact, she didn't want to bring more people. At most, she would bring her original mother and original brother's family, and she didn't want to bring the others.

Seeing that there is this restriction now, it couldn't be better. Just bring Mrs. Pingyang Hou and forget about the others.

While An Ran was concentrating on practicing, Aunt Chu didn't know about Chu Erniang's disappearance. Naturally, she didn't go to Pingyang Marquis Mansion to look for Chu Erniang.

Regarding Aunt Chu, Erniang Chu also talked about it.

Because Aunt Chu had tampered with the teleportation array, the place she was teleported to was the Liuyun Sect, which allowed her to get married to Aunt Chu very smoothly.

Aunt Chu heard that Erniang Chu was bullied by her aunt like her in the past, so she naturally treated her very well. In addition, she practiced cultivation and never got married and had children, so she treated her as her granddaughter. Erniang Chu usually just called her her Grandma's.

Aunt Chu's talent is better than that of Er Niang Chu. Like An Ran, she has dual spiritual roots. However, because she has no cultivation experience, she has only recently been promoted to the golden elixir stage, which took almost forty years.

An Ran calculated that this speed was almost twice as fast as his own, and he could easily catch up with her.

Because Aunt Chu didn't notice that Chu Erniang was missing for a while, and seeing that Chu Erniang's natal light was still on, she didn't look for anyone, so An Ran couldn't just wait like this and not take over Mrs. Pingyang Hou. After all, if she keeps waiting, Mrs. Pingyang Hou will get older and older.

So at that moment, An Ran said to Mrs. Pingyang Hou: "That great-aunt has never been found. Mother, how about you go to the world of cultivation with me first? The living conditions there are better, and you can live longer. Anyway, brother and sister-in-law The Marquis Mansion is managed very well, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Over the years, Mrs. Pingyang Hou had heard from An Ran that only direct blood relatives could go to the world of cultivation, and her son's family could not go there. So after listening to An Ran's words, she thought that this was also the case, so she listened to An Ran's words immediately. Ready to go to the world of cultivation.

She also wanted to go there and learn more about it.

Although she no longer has the status of a noble when she goes to the world of cultivation, she is so old and doesn't care about this status anymore. She just wants to go there and learn more about it.

Since Mrs. Pingyanghou agreed, the matter would be easy to handle. An Ran made a puppet to pretend that Mrs. Pingyanghou had passed away, and then took Mrs. Pingyanghou to the world of cultivation.

The conditions in the world of cultivation are naturally much better than those in the mortal world. If nothing else, the more spiritual energy in the air is better for the human body.

Of course, the more spiritual energy, the better. Ordinary people cannot stand the spiritual energy that is too strong.

But in an ordinary city like Luofu City, the concentration of spiritual energy is average. After all, it is not a place with spiritual veins underneath. There are only benefits and no disadvantages for ordinary people bathing in such an environment.

Also, the medical conditions in the world of cultivation are much better than those in the mortal world - most diseases can be cured by monks or elixirs.

In addition, mortals in the world of cultivation also live longer because there are some cheap life-extending pills for ordinary people to take.

If in the mortal world, an aristocratic woman like Mrs. Pingyang has an average lifespan of about fifty if her nutrition is guaranteed, in the world of cultivation, due to the improvement of medical conditions, life-extending pills and rich spiritual energy, then The average lifespan can reach about one hundred.

Mrs. Pingyang Hou was naturally happy after seeing it. After all, who doesn't want to live longer? Then she couldn't help but said to An Ran with some regret: "It's a pity that I don't have talent, otherwise I can bring your brother's family here. In the mortal world The life span of ordinary people is too short."

At the same time, she was also thinking that she was lucky that her daughter was not engaged at that time. Otherwise, if her daughter had a child with the other party, her husband's family would be advantaged, especially since she originally wanted to engage her daughter in an engagement with the Duke of Qing. Well, luckily it didn't work out, otherwise the Duke of Qing's house would be like JP, and if their descendants could go to the world of cultivation and enjoy the blessings, wouldn't it make her angry to death.

An Ran said: "It's okay. Although my brother and his family can't live in this kind of nourishing aura, if my brother is not in good health, I can secretly help him and his family treat him, and then secretly give them some life-extending pills, so that they can be healthy." Even if you don’t live as long as you can in the world of cultivation, you will live a long life.”

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