Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2971 Desperate Counterattack 9

Suddenly An Ran was surrounded by about twenty people who were determined not to leave.

Those who decided not to leave were seniors and young ones. They couldn't bear to leave the elderly and children behind and travel lightly. They also didn't have enough money to find a carriage and horse to take the elderly and children with them, so they decided not to leave at all. .

They still have a sense of luck and want to see if they can survive. In their opinion, even if the aliens attack, they still need people to work. They are either rich people or ordinary people. When the time comes, they will give those people People just have to work, it doesn't necessarily mean they won't survive.

Of course, there are risks involved. If the enemy is in a bad mood and kills the whole family, it is possible. After all, they have heard rumors of massacres of cities and killing men and taking away women and children.

"Miss, what do you think?"

Although in the eyes of everyone, An Ran is still a child, but looking at her calm appearance, I thought that her grandfather was the late emperor and her mother was a princess. Maybe she had inherited some wisdom from the Tian family? Although the current emperor does not look good, and it seems that the emperor is not smart, but in their opinion, he is still stronger than ordinary people like them, so it was a mess at the moment, and they asked about An Ran and wanted to see See what she says.

An Ran said: "As early as when many people in the capital ran away, I thought about what I would do if my father and the others didn't take me away, so I also had some small thoughts. Let's talk about it and let everyone see if it makes sense. , one person is short-term and everyone is long-term, let’s see if there is anything you want to add.”

"Miss, please tell me."

Everyone saw that An Ran spoke really kindly, and their attitude became better and better. They thought that the eldest lady was quite good, at least she could understand the situation clearly, and she didn't pretend to be the master at this time.

An Ran said: "We definitely can't stay in the capital, in the city. This target is too big. Once the aliens come, they will definitely be the main target. So my opinion is, let's go to the Zhuangzi that the government bought a hundred miles away." Go up. Even if the foreigners in the wilderness come, they will not go to the countryside at first, but will only search in the city. We take advantage of this opportunity to quickly strengthen the walls of the village and train the villagers to prevent attacks by refugees or small groups. We may be able to survive the attacks of defeated troops and foreign soldiers. As long as we are lucky and the foreigners do not go to the countryside and there are only refugees or defeated troops, we may not be able to survive."

After listening to An Ran's words, everyone suddenly became energetic, and someone immediately said: "I heard that the barbarians only have a few hundred thousand people. Excluding the elderly and children, there are only so many people. Our Central Plains is so big, and they are wandering around the city. That’s about it, there aren’t that many people going to the countryside to rob, so Miss’s method works.”

An Ran secretly thought, that's strange. In the mission world she has experienced, some of them were hundreds of thousands of people who invaded a country and established a firm position. There was no way, they were small, but they broke the old dynasty, so they could use the people of the old dynasty. Man, isn’t this manpower coming? If you don't have anyone, you can use people from the old dynasty to fight against the people from the old dynasty. When Zhuangzi changes dynasties, you will still be insecure.

So she just planned to temporarily deceive these people into that Zhuangzi.

After she has a base, she will naturally gather the refugees and develop secretly. Anyway, she still understands one thing, that is, the foreigners will not go to the countryside at first, because they have to attack the north and wait for all the cities in the north to be conquered. After occupying it, they still want to try to see if they can attack Jiangnan.

Only when she finds out that she can't attack the south of the Yangtze River for a while will it be possible to rectify the north, and this time will definitely not be short. She has plenty of time to slowly grow stronger.

It has to be said that everyone agreed with An Ran's proposal. Many people immediately said that they had to leave quickly. After all, if the aliens were to attack soon, it would not be close for more than a hundred miles. They had no money to hire a car and relied on their legs alone. To leave, and the elderly and children cannot walk fast, it will take at least three days to leave. The situation in Beijing is becoming more and more tense day by day. Moreover, when they get to the place, they have to settle down and it will take time, so it is naturally better to leave early.

Of course, the most important thing is to protect An Ran. After all, they are all servants. When they go to Zhuangzi, the village leaders are afraid that they will not listen to their orders. But with the eldest lady An Ran here, it will be different. The eldest lady has the power to dispatch them. If the people in the village dare not to obey the instructions, they can follow the eldest lady's orders and deal with them. In this play, the master is famous.

The people who were planning to stay discussed living on Zhuangzi. The wavering people over there were quickly attracted. They felt that the survival plan prepared by An Ran and the people who stayed behind was good, and they decided to stay. Got involved.

There was no way, none of the people who were planning to flee to Jiangnan came up with a good plan. They felt that the people who fled to Jiangnan were too unreliable. On the contrary, Enron was much more reliable. At least they had a well-formed and feasible survival plan. They were already wavering, so they naturally decided to stay.

Soon there were hundreds of people planning to stay, and the rest planned to leave.

After discussing it, we started to make our own preparations.

An Ran asked everyone to sort out all the valuable things in the house. If they could, they would take the small things with them on the road, and if they couldn't take the big things, they would sell them for money.

Of course, people in the capital are now preparing to escape. These things may not be worth much, but there are always people who are lucky and think that the aliens cannot invade. If they buy it now, they will make a profit later, so if they sell it, they should pay back Can be sold.

Everyone acts together, and what is sorted out is shared by everyone.

When An Ran didn't want to sell, he had to be wary of anyone taking the money from the sale. He immediately made an estimate based on the value of these things, and then drew lots - in case someone argued that the things he was sharing were not valuable, he drew lots directly - -Everyone divides the money, and then sells it himself. How much the money can be sold depends on his own ability.

The servants saw that An Ran did not occupy the things in the house and were willing to share them equally with everyone. They had a lot of affection for her. They all thought in their hearts that the eldest lady is a nice person. Anyang Hou and his wife are not human beings. They bullied her like that before. .

An Ran himself also drew lots and was assigned a screen.

Basically, they are all big pieces like this, and others include tables, chairs, and benches. They are all made of good quality materials. Normally, they can be sold for a lot of money. But now everyone thinks they are too bulky and heavy to take away, so they plan to drag them out and sell them at a low price.

It's definitely not cost-effective to sell them cheaply, so Enron didn't want these things to fall into the hands of others and be wasted in the future, so they took some silver and copper coins from space and sent a few intelligent robots out to buy them in the city. Those who buy the Anyang Marquis Mansion also buy other people's houses. After collecting it, they put it in their own space. When it comes to Zhuangzi, when they need it, they let these people show up and sell it to themselves. This is equivalent to using it cheaply. money and received a bunch of supplies.

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