Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2976 Desperate Counterattack 14

But before Anron, she had fought countless people in many worlds. She was not afraid of fighting a small group of more than a hundred people, because she knew that in the era of cold weapons, a bastion was by no means a single force. More than a hundred people can break through without absolute numerical advantage, and there is no way to defeat it.

Therefore, An Ran was not afraid at all of the first battle in this time and space, let alone that the result would be beyond her expectation.

Facts have proved that this battle is just as Enron guessed, and there is no doubt about victory.

Although the enemy is well-equipped, this small group of broken troops does not have a qualified commander and obviously has little experience in sieges. This is normal. The troubled times have just begun. The officers and soldiers who have been at peace for too long have zero battlefield experience. Naturally, they will not Know how to attack a city.

Opposite them was a veteran who had experienced many forms of wars in ancient and modern times. How could they defeat such an opponent?

What's more, there is a bastion, a defensive weapon that is beyond their imagination. It is really difficult to break through, even if they have sophisticated equipment, and the opponent can't beat it without any weapons.

As soon as the battle began, these people began to attack the gate of Zhuangzi.

A big tree was cut down, the branches were chopped off, and it was made into a log. The ten strongest men were sent to carry it against the gate of Zhuangzi.

...Without any help from the defenders at Zhuangzi, these people all fell into the three-dimensional defense in front of the gate, a deep trap.

They all fell in because when they got to the door, they accelerated to increase the impact. Under the influence of inertia, the people behind them had to stop quickly before they realized that the people in front had fallen. , fell in together.

Ten people were lost at once, and they were strong men among them, equivalent to elites, which obviously made the remaining defeated troops a little nervous.

However, they felt that this was something they had not thought carefully about, and they should have thought of it earlier. These are troubled times, and there must be something arranged in front of the gate of Renzhuangzi.

Because they felt that this was not because they were incompetent in fighting, but because they were not thinking carefully, so even though they lost 10% of their men, they did not give up their plan to attack Zhuangzi and continued to attack.

Since there is a trap in front of Zhuangzi's gate, they will not attack Zhuangzi's gate, but attack the city wall. No matter how thick Zhuangzi's wall can be, it will definitely be easy to hit. Once it is penetrated, they can enter.

They didn't believe it. There were traps outside the wall.

...It turns out that their thinking was too simple. There were really traps outside the wall. Fortunately, they were a little more cautious this time. Although they thought there would be no traps outside the wall, everyone was still cautious when they rushed over, so only the little ones Some people fell in, but not all.

Seeing that there were traps everywhere, those people couldn't help but get angry and started discussing among themselves.

"What's going on? There's a trap and it's hard to get past it."

"This is not easy, just fill the trap and then fight it! I know this plan is hard, but this Zhuangzi has made me angry, and I have to fight it down."

"That's right, that's alright, just fill in the trap and fight again."

Immediately everyone went to dig up soil to prepare to fill the trap.

Of course, before that, we have to get the people out of the trap.

So someone stepped forward and tried to rescue those people with ropes.

Just when everyone came to the trap, threw down the rope, and tried to rescue those who had fallen, they found that many stones suddenly flew out of the wall and hit them on the head.

Those people looked at these stones and were frightened. They did not dare to stand by the trap to save others. One or two of them ran away in fear.

The reason why they were attacked was naturally due to An Ran's arrangements. This trap was originally intended to be surrounded by reinforcements.

Most people won't be fooled, but it is still useful for these rookies who have never fought before.

Sure enough, these people, seeing the person fall into the trap, ran stupidly to try to get the person out, and they were naturally beaten up by the people An Ran arranged on the wall.

These defeated soldiers did not expect that there was a small trebuchet on the small Zhuangzi wall. The target was these traps, causing them to lose a lot of people again, and they couldn't help but feel a little stage fright at the moment.

As for traps before, it can be said that they did not think carefully, but now, they even have trebuchets. This is not something that ordinary village leaders can make. This makes them think, could this Zhuangzi be tricked by something? Other broken troops occupied it. They used to be regular troops, so they know this?

They had stage fright, and if they attacked nearby, they would be hit by trebuchets. No one wanted to be hit, and then they couldn't think of a way to break it. These people didn't dare to fight anymore, and they immediately planned to retreat.

Of course, not everyone plans to retreat. There are also people who want to use the simple experience they have gained from fighting with foreigners before, or the stories they have heard, saying: "I remember when the foreigners attacked the city, we also had trebuchets in the capital. They still The attack is coming."

"The emperor ran away, and the people in the capital didn't fight at all. Besides, the foreigners were prepared and drove me to serve as a scapegoat for the people, leading the trebuchet. Can we catch anyone trebucheting?"

As soon as these words came out, someone thought deeply: "It's not impossible. If those people don't fight, we will attack the city. If we fight, we will have a trebuchet for the dead man, so we don't have to worry about our death. And we can also use psychology During the offensive, tell them that these people are ordinary people and they are innocent. If those people want to throw stones at them, they will probably weigh it, otherwise we will call them butchers and devils."

Everyone couldn't help but ponder after hearing this. Obviously, everyone thought this was a good idea.

"Then let's give it a try. This broken place has cost so many of our brothers. If we don't attack it, it's really hard to swallow this breath."

This group of people, considered a small group, suffered nearly 30% casualties in one fell swoop. They were angered and couldn't stand it anymore, so they planned to fight to the end with An Ran's Zhuangzi.

Little did he know that An Ran welcomed them to fight to the end, because An Ran still wanted to keep these more than a hundred pieces of armor and weapons.

However, the people on Zhuangzi didn't know that these people were planning to fight Zhuangzi to the end. They saw that the opponent had lost 30% of their men and retreated. They couldn't help but cheer, thinking that they had beaten away the enemy, but they never thought that the enemy just ran away. If ordinary people are caught, they will come back again.

After these people left, An Ran asked everyone to go out, and took away all the armor and weapons of those in the trap, as well as those who were damaged near the trap. As for the people, there was no need for them.

Such a group of people were defeated by a foreign race. They didn't want to fight off the invaders, but instead came to bully their own families. Based on this alone, you can see the quality of these people, so Anron naturally didn't want them.

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