Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2978 Desperate Counterattack 16

The other soldiers had never thought that the opposite side of Zhuangzi not only had trebuchets, but also bows and arrows. More importantly, there were such powerful archers with such a long distance and such fast and sharp arrows. The opponent definitely had great power. A strong archer would otherwise not be able to draw a heavy bow and shoot such a long distance.

What's more important is that the opponent is not only very strong, but also very accurate. From such a distance, he can actually hit the target with one arrow.

This allowed them to judge that this Zhuangzi was definitely occupied by people who were defeated soldiers like them, and there were sharpshooters from the camp inside, otherwise they would not be able to explain this.

Everyone shuddered when they thought that the people in this village had the same status as them and that there were sharpshooters. No one wanted to be the next person to be shot. The defeated soldiers fled in fear, only hating their parents. He lost two legs and was afraid that he would be the next one to be shot.

After those people escaped, there were only hundreds of ordinary people arrested by these people, a few horses, and a few corpses left on the scene.

An Ran held on to the wall and channeled his inner strength into his eyes. Seeing that those people had indeed gone far and were not pretending to be defeated, he immediately asked someone to open the village gate and clean the battlefield.

Looking at the people in Zhuangzi coming out, the ordinary people who were captured by the defeated soldiers were obviously a little restless, fearing that the people in Zhuangzi would do something bad to them. If they were not afraid of killing people with bows and arrows on the wall, they would have left long ago.

An Ran saw that the people did not dare to leave, so he immediately said: "I know that you were captured by them, so I won't hold you accountable. Just disperse."

After hearing this, those people breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people left in shock, and some saw An Ran's Zhuangzi as a powerful person and asked to be taken in.

Many of these people who were captured by the defeated troops were also refugees. Now that they saw a safe place and people's minds were at ease, some people naturally wanted to stay.

An Ran had already told the people in Zhuangzi before he retreated. Now the outside is getting more and more chaotic, and Zhuangzi's crops will be harvested soon, and he can expand his troops. He will expand some troops in time to protect Zhuangzi's safety. Everyone Also agree.

So when I heard those people say this, I said: "Those who have never committed murder, arson, rape, robbery or robbery can stay. If you have committed the above-mentioned illegal crimes, we will not stay. Even if you stay now, If we find out in the future, we will punish you, so if you have done bad things, it is not recommended to come in, otherwise you will be dealt with by us sooner or later."

Those people hurriedly promised that they had not done it, and An Ran immediately asked everyone to let them in.

About half of the people are willing to stay, and many of them are people with families, wives, children and parents.

This is also normal. It is because they have a family that they don’t want to run around.

It is even more normal that such people would be dragged here by defeated troops - they also want to take advantage of people's sympathy to make the people in Zhuangzi not bear to kill old people and children when they see them; if they really kill them, they will be even more I have an excuse to call the people in Zhuangzi butchers and devils.

Anyway, going to the trebuchet is not a war, the elderly and children can do the same thing, so there is no need to exclude it.

Then, if the old people and children are killed, it will also make the cannon fodder have a desire for revenge, and they will be more willing to help them climb the trebuchet.

But they didn't expect that all their plans would be in vain, because An Ran killed them and ruined their plans.

It was precisely because many of these people had families that An Ran felt comfortable letting them in.

Generally, those who have a family and run away with everyone will not be so bad-hearted. After all, if they were bad-hearted, they would have left the elderly and children behind and ran away.

After these people arrived, the first thing they did was to harvest the crops with the people in the fields.

Seeing so much food, the refugees who had not eaten for a while immediately burst into tears, feeling that they had chosen the right place.

When the people in the Anyang Marquis Mansion were harvesting crops, the defeated soldiers did not fight back with their carbines for the second time and continued to disturb everyone.

This is normal, because there are Zhuangzi everywhere, so there is no need to bite this hard nut. Since we have fought several times and failed, so many people have died, then go find food elsewhere.

So this time the battle ended with Zhuangzi, the Marquis of Anyang, completely victorious.

Later, as food becomes available, when refugees pass by, An Ran will choose those with families and families to take in. Those young laborers are afraid that the other party's character is not good, and secondly, it is easier for young people to survive outside. Enron basically doesn't take them in.

Soon there were more than a thousand people in Zhuangzi.

Of course, we did not recruit more than a thousand people at once, but slowly.

In case more than a thousand people were admitted in an instant, there were too few elderly people, so they could not be restrained and cause trouble.

They are slowly taken in, and the weapons are in the hands of the old people at the beginning, and gradually transferred to the hands of people who have lived for a longer time. In this way, there is no need to worry about someone making trouble and seizing power.

Although Enron is not afraid of these, it would be best to reduce trouble.

With more than a thousand people, the previous gangsterism and gangsterism will be put on the agenda.

After all, there are too many people, and I am afraid that I will not be able to support them just by relying on the fields of the Anyang Marquis Mansion. I have to take over other nearby villages and build more forts to expand their power.

With the victory of defeating the soldiers in the past as a guarantee, and now that many of us have armor and weapons, we have the courage to deal with the ordinary people in other Zhuangzi nearby.

So soon, several Zhuangzi around were collected.

Many of the people in the Zhuangzi around here had done trouble because they had nothing to eat, so they were naturally on Enron's blacklist.

An Ran was polite before fighting, asking them to hand over Zhuangzi first, and if they didn't, he would persuade them with reason (beat them up) and rob Zhuangzi.

After taking over several Zhuangzi, Anron stopped thinking about expanding the territory. After all, he couldn't do it too fast at the beginning, lest the construction could not keep up and something would happen. Instead, he continued to build the bastion to match the original bastion. , forming the momentum of horns, watching and helping each other.

After building several bastions, the fields between these bastions can also be used to plant more things and raise more people.

As a result, An Ran took in more people and its power further expanded.

While An Ran was growing secretly in the countryside, the desert aliens had conquered the north and were confronting the Central Plains Dynasty across the river.

The alien tribes in the desert were full of momentum, and the Central Plains Dynasty was about to be destroyed if it lost half of its territory due to the southern crossing. Everyone wanted to fight, so their morale was also very high. The atmosphere became solemn for a while, and a war was about to break out.

In the north, there has been turmoil for such a long time, and many edible things have disappeared. Fugitives from various places have become refugees. In order to survive, it is definitely not possible to fight alone, so many refugees have formed refugee groups and traveled to various places. Just eat.

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