Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 299 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 16

Lei Qing saw that she was sensible and said this, and he was relieved. He was really afraid that An Ran would think that he had brought Li Wei here and then bring up the divorce, so he nodded and said, "I know, if nothing happens." , just go back and don’t come to me again. I have a family. If you come to me often, it will have a bad influence."

Li Wei couldn't help but turn pale after hearing what Lei Qing said. She knew what Lei Qing meant, and it meant drawing a clear line with herself.

It was obviously fine yesterday, but now we have to draw a clear line. It seems that after returning yesterday, Ji Anran might have said something to Lei Qing, like threatening Lei Qing that if Lei Qing didn't break up with her, she would break up with Lei Qing. Qing's divorce and the interruption of cooperation with Lei Qing made Lei Qing afraid, so he could only do this to himself.

——She only guessed a small part, but she never thought that An Ran did not threaten Lei Qing with the intention of discontinuing cooperation. It was just that Lei Qing didn't want to see An Ran fall into the arms of others, so he didn't want to leave.

Thinking of this, Li Wei couldn't help but sympathize with Lei Qing. It was depressing to marry such a wife who dared not offend him.

She thought, no man wants to be held hostage by his wife, so when Lei Qing becomes more powerful, he won't have to worry about Ji Anran's cooperation. By then, Ji Anran will definitely not end well. Then she will say Maybe she can still be with Lei Qing - she feels that the thunder power is very powerful, and it is not comparable to Ji Anran's water power. So in the future, after Lei Qing becomes very powerful, one day he will not need Ji Anran. Safe.

Thinking of this, Li Wei calmed down and said: "I know, I'll leave right away."

One day, she will return to Lei Qing.

Seeing Li Wei leave, Lei Qing looked at An Ran and felt relieved when he saw that An Ran didn't say anything about leaving.

However, no one was in the mood to think about this kind of affection between children soon, because the situation outside was getting more and more serious.

The base has communication links with the outside world.

News has spread from the bases in the northwest and south, saying that bugs that fly in the sky, swim in the water, and even burrow in the ground have appeared. This news makes this base nervous. Everyone is not afraid of bugs that swim in the water or fly in the sky. After all, This refuge base is a large underground bunker. It doesn't matter whether it's swimming in the water or flying in the sky, but the monsters that burrow in the ground are scary. If one of these monsters breaks into the base one day, the base will be in chaos.

So al-Qaeda organized patrols with superpowers, and if something went wrong somewhere, they would rush to the rescue.

There is a saying that good things do not work but bad things do.

The more people are afraid that the monsters who drill holes will come, the more people will come.

That night, there was a monster that dug a hole into the base. Although it was later eliminated by the patrolling supernatural beings nearby, it killed many people before it died.

Everyone thought that if this one was killed, it would not be a problem, but it backfired.

As if it was a signal, after one of these ground-burrowing monsters appeared, they appeared one after another. Not only around this base, but also around various bases across the country and around the world, such ground-burrowing monsters appeared.

Some scientists said that probably the monsters smelled that there was food underground, but could never eat it. So, like those monsters that swim in the water and fly in the sky, they adapted to the needs and evolved the ability to drill holes, and began to provide them to various bases. Make holes.

The original person's memory only has the memory of monsters drilling holes, but he can't remember when this phenomenon occurred. After all, it was already the end of the world at that time, and everyone basically didn't remember time. In addition, the original person had no superpowers, so it was different from the original one. Lei Qing also separated at that time and ran with Zhang Yuxuan. His memory is very confusing.

Since he didn't know when this phenomenon would appear, Anron couldn't warn him. Fortunately, after the first monster appeared, Anran knew that this was the beginning of a large-scale attack on the base by hole-drilling monsters, so he quickly reminded the base to be on guard against it in the future. There is still this kind of monster coming. Just because you kill that monster, you can't think that everything will be fine.

Naturally, the base also thought of this problem, and with An Ran's reminder, they stepped up patrols.

Although An Ran understands that there will be more and more monsters in the future, even if the base strengthens patrols, it will be useless. After all, there is no way that thousands of superpowers can defeat endless monsters. In the end, they will still have to escape - but at any rate It can last for a while.

At this time, Lei Ji's family began to hold a meeting to discuss the situation.

"We must leave immediately. We can't wait for the monsters to attack this place before leaving." Chen Xinran said with a pale face.

No wonder she was so frightened. She was unlucky and encountered a monster that day. Fortunately, An Ran was by her side and killed the monster, otherwise her life would have been lost.

In the past, Chen Xinran had only seen monsters on surveillance cameras and didn't think they were scary. After all, what's the difference between the monsters on surveillance cameras and those seen on TV? If you haven't been there, you'll never know how scary they are.

Chen Xinran, who had personally experienced a monster rushing towards her, naturally couldn't bear the fear anymore and wanted to leave this place where she felt that the monster was targeting her, just like a delicious snack box of a monster.

Sister-in-law Ji, on the other hand, disagreed and said, "Where can we go after leaving here? It's certainly not safe here, but can it be safer outside than here?"

Sister-in-law Ji's words actually made sense. Chen Xinran just felt that the place was frequently attacked by monsters, so she felt unsafe, but there were monsters everywhere outside, and it was actually even more unsafe to go outside.

"Then what should I do? I think this place will be attacked by monsters sooner or later. It's not safe at all! There will be too many people and it will be difficult to escape! Although there are monsters outside, our team has so many superpowers, and the place is open and convenient. Escape is not necessarily bad outside." Chen Xinran said.

After witnessing the monster attack that time, she felt that she now had a phobia of confined spaces. She always felt that this refuge base was like a monster's snack box, not safe at all, and she didn't want to stay in it at all.

Seeing that his wife was so frightened, Lei Qing's younger brother Lei Cang said, "I think what Xinran said makes sense. What are your plans, brother?"

In any case, you have to listen to Lei Qing's plan. If Lei Qing is not willing to leave, then he can't leave even if he wants to, because without Lei Qing and his team of superpowers, they have no superpowers and no firepower. If you go out, you will die.

Lei Qing looked at An Ran and said, "What are your plans?"

Once you go out, you need to protect the supplies. After all, there are so many monsters outside. Without supplies, it will be difficult to move forward. Although it can be installed in a truck, it is definitely not as convenient as installing it in a safe space. After all, the target of the truck is too big. Once it falls, it will be difficult to save. It can be found out, but An Ran himself has special powers, and usually nothing will happen to him. If An Ran stays with him again and he also has special powers, then there is no need to worry about the safety of supplies.

So he naturally asked An Ran what he thought. If An Ran didn't want to leave for the time being, it would be inconvenient for him to leave even if he wanted to.

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