Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2990 Desperate Counterattack 28

It was early spring, the weather was still very cold, and the river was naturally cold, but these people didn't care whether it was cold or not, and still planned to swim back to the south of the Yangtze River, which was better than staying in the north of the Yangtze River and losing their lives.

Even if some people managed to survive through this method, more people lost their lives in the north, because not everyone can swim, and those who can't swim can't defeat the Xihu people in the north, so naturally they will All dead.

The reason why there are no prisoners is because the Xihu people were angry at An Ran, and they were so angry that they had nowhere to vent their anger. Seeing that the people from the Southern Dynasties had hit the muzzle of the gun, and dared to take advantage of them at this time, how could they not vent their anger? The truth is, so he killed most of the people. Even if those people couldn't beat him and wanted to surrender, they didn't accept it.

So many people died, leaving Jiangnan filled with grief.

Many high-ranking officials and dignitaries have hanging garnets in their homes.

Why do high-ranking officials and nobles also hang 煳素 in their homes?

It turned out that they saw that the Xihu people could not defeat Tang Anran and felt that they were in trouble. In order to gain military merit, many high-ranking officials also sent their family members to gain military merit. When they won, they could gain an official position. In the end, these The dandy lost all his life in the north.

This is normal. Many ordinary soldiers can swim and can cross the river and save their lives. Most of these dudes can't swim. Even if they can swim, they haven't exercised, can't run fast, and can't make it in time. When he ran to the river, he was overtaken and killed by the enemy.

This led to the death of many noble children in the Southern Dynasties.

After this battle, they were defeated back to the south of the Yangtze River even after a short period of time. The entire Southern Dynasty couldn't help but become as quiet as a chicken. They no longer dared to talk about regaining the lost territory, and no one looked down on An Ran anymore. After all, they couldn't defeat them. Xihu couldn't beat Tang Anran. In this case, what qualifications did they have to look down on Tang Anran?

However, some people murmured privately to defend themselves, saying that the news from Xihu said that Tang Anran knew how to defend the city and had never beaten anyone. He was afraid that he was not good at attacking the city.

Therefore, in terms of siege ability, they may not lose to Tang Anran.

——They probably forgot that their siege ability was even worse, so when they got ashore by chance, they were beaten violently by the Xihu people and sent back in defeat.

Not only the defeated soldiers muttered this in their hearts, but also the emperor and others comforted themselves in this way.

You can't comfort yourself like this. Do you want them to admit that An Ran is very powerful and will one day attack and clean them all up? The emperor, Empress Dowager Liu, Marquis Anyang, and Mrs. Marquis Anyang were all frightened when they thought that they had killed Tang Anran's grandmother, her maternal family, her uncle's family, her mother, and abused her herself.

I heard that Tang Anran had established a large power in the north. Mrs. Anyang Hou and others were in a good mood, because Anran had not yet fought against the Xihu people at that time. They felt that if they had not fought against the Xihu people, it would not count. What, don’t worry.

But now, Tang Anran fought with the Xihu people, and the Xihu people couldn't defeat Tang Anran. Now they were afraid. They were afraid that after Tang Anran wiped out the Xihu people, he would turn around and wipe out the Southern Dynasty. Then they would think of themselves What should I do if I torture myself and others for what they did to her and her relatives?

Thinking about it this way, can you not be afraid?

In this situation, the only consolation is that Tang Anran never went out of the city to fight anyone, but only defended the city. They could only use this to comfort themselves, saying that Anran could not do anything to them.

It's just that they don't want to understand how Tang Anran, who was bullied by them and had no power to resist, was so capable and managed such a large force.

Either they had not confirmed repeatedly that Tang Anran was Tang Anran from the Anyang Marquis Mansion, or else they would all have thought that it was a person with the same name and definitely not Tang Anran, the daughter of Princess Anyang.

An Ran, who they thought had no siege capabilities, had equipped the entire army with the latest armors and steel swords. Even the horses had armors. There was nothing they could do about it. An Ran was developed in the countryside. In this countryside, it is normal to find iron ore. .

An Ran used modern metallurgical technology to make armors and steel swords that were thinner and easier for soldiers to wear. They were also harder than ancient ones. An Ran's swords could cut through other people's armor, but other people's swords could not cut through hers. So even in a field battle, the enemy is no match for An Ran.

Of course, An Ran only said that he came up with these smelting techniques after reading them in a book, and no one raised any suspicion. After all, there are people who can think of better smelting methods, otherwise there are many things in the world. How did it come about? Aren't some smart people thinking of it? If others can figure it out, An Ran can also figure it out. It's not unusual.

As for the siege battle, it was more difficult, so An Ran didn't plan to attack any city. After all, it would cost lives. Since she had a better way, she didn't have to do this.

For those Xihu people huddled in the city, Anron planned to surround the enemy. When the enemy had no food in the city, he would automatically surrender, or he would open the city gate and come outside to fight them to the death. Then he would fight outside. , the equipment on Anron's side has advantages, it is better than attacking the city and killing many people.

So those people thought that An Ran could only defend the city but not attack it, and they obviously underestimated her.

However, An Ran did not attack the city occupied by the Xihu people for the time being. She only rushed to build bastions. Once the bastions were built in all places in the north, it was time for her to take action.

An Ran is making preparations for war, and the Xihu people are also making preparations for war.

However, in addition to preparing war supplies, they also specially transported a lot of gold and silver treasures to the desert to strengthen the desert royal city.

They had thought that if they couldn't defeat Tang Anran, they would go back to their hometown.

However, after enjoying the beauty of the colorful world in the Central Plains, they really don’t want to stay in that poor place in their hometown, but they can’t help themselves when the time comes. They have to stay even if they don’t want to. What should they do? They use the wealth of the Central Plains to build their hometown Better yet.

The original royal court of Xihu was in a desert oasis. It was also a good place with fertile water and grass, and was known as the Little Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall.

In the past, I just had no money, so I didn't do well in management and construction. Now I have plundered the wealth of the northern part of the Central Plains, the wealth of so many places, and running an oasis, how can I still do well? It seems that the desert royal court was built very quickly.

No matter how good the construction is, if there is no output from the Central Plains in the future, most of them will not know how to deal with these things in the Central Plains, and they are afraid that their lives will still not be better in the future.

Thinking of this, the King of Xihu couldn't help but regret that he should have kidnapped some craftsmen and went to the desert, so that they could get these things from the Central Plains in the desert.

It's better now. Although they have robbed some people over the years, they are all used as servants and are not specifically targeted at plundering craftsmen, so the role these people can play is very limited.

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