Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3002 Global Card Drawing 5

Now Enron has five cards and 500 experience points.

In addition to the previous rebound damage and strength cards, there are new speed cards, strength cards and defense cards, all of which are E-level.

In addition to the rebound damage cards, the four newly obtained cards are all popular cards, especially the power cards, which have been confirmed to be the easiest cards to obtain.

She didn't see any of the healing cards, blood-increasing cards, life cards, etc. she wanted.

Fortunately, the defense card is pretty good for her. After all, her rebound damage, the higher the defense, the more she can hurt others while not hurting herself.

The more expensive cards on the market now include combat cards, healing cards, and equipment cards.

Cards like those obtained by An Ran all increase attributes. They are the most common cards and the cards that are easier to obtain in the market.

Four cards can be synthesized into the upper level card. Whichever card is the main card, the other cards will be synthesized into the upper level card of this card.

For example, she now has five cards. If she combines the other three as supplements and focuses on rebound damage, she can synthesize a D-level rebound damage card.

However, An Ran does not plan to synthesize it for the time being, because it is better to equip four cards than to synthesize four of them and only equip two cards in the end.

Unless she has two more cards, a total of seven cards, then she will synthesize four of them and equip the remaining three.

But plans can't keep up with changes.

On this day, she cultivated a bit of internal power. When the training was over, An Ran couldn't help but be surprised when she saw how much her attributes had improved. She found that the system card seemed to have detected her internal power, because the card interface had changed.

Name: Xiao Anran

Strength: 80~?

Life: 100~?

Agility: 80~?

Defense: 80~?

Note: Unusual energy has been detected in the host's body, and the specific data of the host cannot be determined.

Possessed cards: Damage reflection (E-level) (equipped), Power card (E-level) (equipped), Speed ​​card (E-level) (equipped), Defense card (E-level) (equipped)

Strength Card (E-level) (not equipped)

Experience points: 500

Number of people with cards: 7123456789 (Continuously declining - since almost everyone has cards, the total number of people has changed from continuous increase to continuous decrease. Obviously, many people have died)

Card rankings:

1.Thunder Card, S level

2. Healing card, S level

3. Star Staff Card, S level


The data about her in this interface, the points in the front are the cards equipped by An Ran and the physical data that she has improved through so many days of practice, and the points in the back are the new changes after the inner strength emerges.

In other words, when she has internal power, the data of these attributes exceed the previous data. Of course, the system cannot determine the specific number.

Of course, when the internal strength is used up, these attributes will fall to the original attributes.

This is of little use in the later stage with various powerful equipment and skills, but in the early stage, her internal strength is powerful.

An Ran saw that her internal power could be recognized by the system, so she planned to combine the five cards. Because her strength and speed were now guaranteed, An Ran could combine the three cards.

At that moment, An Ran combined two power cards, one speed card, and rebound damage.

Soon the rebound damage card became D grade, which can rebound 40% of the damage.

Coupled with a defensive card, Enron's data is still good.

After practicing for so many days, her physical fitness is almost the same as that of men with better physical fitness before the advent of the card world.

Coupled with a card that rebounds 40% of the damage, now ordinary people are no match for her.

Of course, the main reason is that after such a long time, apart from the card that people got at the beginning, many people did not get the second card, and the progress was very slow, so she naturally took priority.

In the past ten days or so, the country has completed its basic response - it has begun to issue notices requiring localities to ensure the safety of people's lives. As a result, there are more people patrolling the streets and fewer people are killing people to seize license plates.

Now in the Kingdom of Jin, if you want to get cards, you have to either spend money to buy them or do tasks. If you want to get cards and experience points by killing people, that doesn't work.

Although this ensures the safety of the public, many people are also worried, saying that foreign countries do not care much and those people will kill each other. In the end, many people with powerful cards will emerge and invade the Golden Kingdom.

Fortunately, someone said, we don’t have to worry about the Jin Kingdom. When that time comes, the country will definitely find a way, such as spending money to buy it from everyone, and the pile of masters will definitely be more than the random killings in foreign countries.

It is true that everyone thinks that when a foreign invasion comes, no matter the country, everyone may be willing to hand over the cards in their hands to the country, and the country will handle it uniformly, and pile up a large number of military experts to deal with foreign invaders.

Since there is no need to worry about invaders, everyone is naturally willing to live in a safe place. After all, many places abroad are now in chaos and are really dangerous.

And An Ran also started to do tasks now.

Now that fishing is no longer feasible, if you want to earn experience points, you can only do quests.

There are also many posts on the Internet recruiting team members to complete tasks. Obviously, many people are afraid of danger when working alone, so they want to recruit more people to complete tasks together.

An Ran has the internal strength, and it is not difficult to deal with these early task objects, so An Ran does not plan to form a team, but plans to do it on his own.

Fortunately, the map is now open and we can know where the mission object is.

The first person with four A-level or above cards will have the map activated. At the same time, the friend function, channel function, etc. will be activated.

Needless to say about the friend function, the channel function displays the channels of each country by default. You can switch to channels of other countries if you can read the text.

In the Jinguo channel, even if there is a limit that one person can only reply to one message per minute, the messages are sent very fast. An Ran can only use the message history to view the messages sent by everyone.

Most people think that the first person with four A-level or above cards should be someone from the Jin Kingdom's military, because the Jin Kingdom has the advantage of concentrating its strength to do big things.

But it's not.

The Kingdom of Jin is well versed in the principle of checks and balances. It is impossible to pile all resources on one person. If that person's loyalty is questionable, it will cause turmoil in the Kingdom of Jin.

So we do concentrate our efforts on things, but the purchased cards are given to a group of people. In this way, everyone has about the same strength, and more and more people will be armed in the future, so there is no need to worry about one person having bad intentions. What's going on? There are too many people with similar abilities, and one person can't make any waves.

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