Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3027 The woman with the live broadcast system 8

Ning Feifei meant that Prince Xingguo and others gave her the courage. After hearing this, the girls became even more angry and scolded Ning Feifei for bullying others.

But because Ning Feifei is really powerful, these famous ladies really can't do anything to her.

In fact, this is the reason why Ning Feifei is still sitting here, because she knows that these people can't do anything to her at all.

It's not like when she first came a few years ago, when she didn't have any admirers and couldn't do anything, now she has so many admirers and so many people supporting her, who dares to do anything to herself? She is not afraid of these people at all.

What's more, Crown Prince An can almost handle it, and she will definitely be the princess in the future. The super princess has a much higher status than these people, so how can she be afraid of these people, let alone take these people seriously.

Don't look at what these people are yelling at you now. When you become a princess, these people will stop scolding you. They will probably kneel down and lick you. After all, how much these people flatter you and despise you. After all these years in ancient times, could she still not understand?

I think back to those days, when I first came here, because the Ning family was a family of petty officials and had a low status, these people looked down upon her even more than they do now. Every time she visited her aunt's house in Cheng'en Gongfu, no one paid her any attention. People also ignored her.

Because these people have their own small circles, people of the same status hang out together. Those with a lower status than them, especially since she was too low at the time, naturally look down on her and will not pay attention to her.

As she grew older, many princes and grandsons fell in love with her. These people no longer dared to look down on her, and they no longer treated her as non-existent. However, they did not accept her because she stole the person they liked. Well, then he started scolding her like this.

As for the servants, they seemed to realize that her status would not be low in the future and that she would marry a good family, so they treated her much better.

Of course, not only did some servants treat her much better, but some women who she did not steal their husbands or fiancés also treated her much more affectionately.

Ning Feifei understood that this was flattering others and suppressing others.

Now that she knew what these people were like, Ning Feifei could naturally imagine how they would flatter her when she became the princess in the future.

Knowing that these people would fawn over her in the future, Ning Feifei was no longer afraid of them. She even had time to think about which people would fawn over her in the future. A handful.

Regardless of others, anyway, if Chu Anran changes his attitude towards her and pleases her in the future, she will definitely humiliate him severely and let him understand that she is not one of those men who will be fooled by her pretty face. Looks impressed.

Ning Feifei couldn't help but feel very happy when she thought about how she would humiliate the other person and make the other person furious.

An Ran felt Ning Feifei's eyes on her.

She is a person with keen senses, and it is easy to feel a malicious look from this gaze. She is speechless at the moment. She is really aggrieved by her original body. She is a real little white flower, not the kind of person with scheming intentions. In fact, he turned out to be a very weak person with little ability, but as a result, Ning Feifei thought that he was a scheming little white flower, and targeted her maliciously, leaving her speechless.

These days, it's really outrageous for your fiancé to be hooked up with someone, and the person hooking up with you thinks you're bad and wants to cause trouble for you.

However... Ning Feifei feels that she was originally a scheming little white flower. If she changes her personality in front of others, it may make people think OOC. But in front of Ning Feifei, if she troubles her in private, Ning Feifei probably won't be surprised. There is even a feeling of "I guessed it right, she is indeed a scheming little white flower".

Thinking of this, An Ran thought that if he met Ning Feifei in private sometimes, he could face her with his true temperament and trouble her without making her feel weird.

It was a blessing to be able to be in front of Ning Feifei without fear of revealing her true nature and causing OOC. She always thought that she was a scheming little white flower.

Just as I was thinking about it, someone CUE An Ran said, "Sister Chu, you are also a victim, why don't you express your opinion on this matter?"

After hearing this, An Ran blinked her eyes, and with an innocent expression that made Ning Feifei feel sick, she said something that made Ning Feifei sick, and said: "Actually, I don't care. Anyway, my husband will have concubines in the future. Miss Ning will like it." Prince, I will not object, we will all be sisters together in the future."

Since Ning Feifei thinks she is a scheming little white flower, An Ran feels that this character is quite to her liking and she can stand up from now on.

How could Ning Feifei be a concubine for a Hou Shizi? Let alone a concubine, she was not willing to be his wife. After all, her goal was to be a princess, and Hou Shizi's status was too low in her eyes, so An Ran said this, Ning Feifei would definitely be disgusted to death by her magnanimity in accepting her as a concubine.

Ning Feifei was really disgusted after hearing An Ran's words, but she couldn't say that she had no interest in becoming Prince Hou's concubine. After all, Prince Yongding was one of the fish she raised, so she clearly refused. If it was passed down, If you reach the other party's ears, don't let the fish leave.

Anyway, it is impossible for her to marry the Yongding Hou Crown Prince, so Chu Anran is just trying to show off his quick words for a while by disgusting her. What's the use?

So Ning Feifei didn't say anything at the moment and just snorted coldly.

At the same time, she secretly thought that Chu Anran was just a scheming little guy. The viewers in her live broadcast room also asked her if she was mistaken. Maybe she was a real little kid.

Would a real little white flower know her pain points and deliberately say these things to make her feel sick? It's obviously a fake little white flower.

Others, however, didn't know that Ning Feifei wanted to be the princess. They just thought that An Ran really thought so. They couldn't help but said: "Sister Chu, you are too kind. You want to be a sister to such a bitch? She Is it worthy?"

Just when Ning Feifei was about to retort, a servant came over and said something in Ning Feifei's ear. No one else heard it, but An Ran, who was trained in martial arts, could tell that it was the invitation from Prince Xingguo. Ning Feifei went over to play.

It happened that Ning Feifei also wanted to find a suitable place to get off the stairs and leave this place that was not friendly to her. In fact, after being scolded by so many people, Ning Feifei also wanted to leave, but she felt shameless after being scolded away. She held on and didn't leave. Now that there was a step down, she naturally wouldn't stay here any longer, so she nodded and left with the servant.

Seeing Ning Feifei leaving with a servant, many ladies bit their lips, knowing that this must be another young master, looking for Ning Feifei. After all, the person looking for Ning Feifei is a girl, so she should send a nanny or a maid. That's right, if you send a manservant, he must be a young man.

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