Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3063 The woman with the live broadcast system 44

Logically speaking, Empress Dowager Zheng is really sick, and An Ran should really take care of her illness. However, Empress Dowager Zheng has been tormenting An Ran for so long, instead of making An Ran sick, she has made herself sick. This effect makes An Ran sick. How could Queen Mother Zheng dare to ask An Ran to come and take care of her when she was sick? She was afraid that the other party would not only fail to take care of her, but would instead make her sicker and worse. After all, An Ran had tormented her all the time when she was not sick. I'm sick. I'm already sick. Don't let An Ran get seriously ill. So when Empress Dowager Zheng got sick, she asked An Ran to go back to rest instead of letting An Ran take care of her illness.

Empress Dowager Zheng did not need An Ran to wait for her illness, so An Ran was naturally happy and relaxed.

However, Empress Dowager Zheng was getting older, and her illnesses came and went like spinning threads, lingering and lingering. She had not recovered from the illness for a long time, so she had no time and mood to torment An Ran, so that An Ran could have time to develop her power in the palace. Basically, everyone in the palace is within her sphere of influence.

When Empress Dowager Zheng recovers from her illness, An Ran's influence will dominate the palace. It will be even harder for Empress Dowager Zheng to find fault with An Ran. After all, she has just come up with some tricks, but An Ran already knows about it and has already done it. In response to preparations, what else can Queen Mother Zheng do?

Of course, this is not mentioned later, but at the moment, after An Ran resolved the provocation from Empress Dowager Zheng, Ning Feifei outside the palace finally found the right man she wanted to marry, and used props to successfully get him to propose marriage.

The man who can satisfy Ning Feifei naturally has good conditions - he is the son of a prince who will not be demoted. His family conditions are also very good. He is not the kind of down-and-out nobleman. It is said that this family is very rich. Anyway, he is from a subordinate. From the clothes and the standard of daily life in the mansion, it can be seen that the Duke's mansion does live a luxurious life, and this is exactly what Ning Feifei wants. After all, she not only wants to marry into a high-status family, but also wants to marry into a life. A good family didn't want to marry a down-and-out nobleman who didn't have much money to spend, so seeing that this family was in good condition, he spent all his money to buy a prop and successfully got the other party to propose marriage to him.

The reason why An Ran did not stand in the way of such a good condition was because An Ran saw that Ning Feifei wanted to marry this family. When investigating the other party's situation, she found an interesting information - the Duke's government had committed many things in order to make money. , it’s not just a borderline thing like lending money, but it’s done a lot of illegal and criminal things, such as corruption, embezzlement, bribery, etc.

That's right. If there was no money, how could this family live such a good life?

In this case, An Ran married Ning Feifei, and planned to wait until Ning Feifei married, and then hand over the information she had investigated to the forces that relied on her, and let them turn it into the Duke's Mansion (the Duke Ning Feifei was going to marry). The government) dealt with it in accordance with the law.

Ning Feifei has been planning for a long time, but her husband's family has fallen. I believe she will be angry to death. Even if she wants to divorce and remarry, she has reconciled and divorced twice, and she is older. There is no need to worry about whether she can remarry with good conditions. People are gone.

As long as Ning Feifei does not do well in the future, An Ran feels that she has avenged herself and the other victims.

Not to mention that An Ran followed Ning Feifei's plan to marry into the palace, but in the palace, after An Ran took charge of the palace affairs, she naturally dealt with a lot of harmful things in the palace, making the harem environment much better.

Of course, it's not completely good, because the emperor is a beauty control, and even if some of the stunning beauties he likes are tampered with, as long as it doesn't involve An Ran, An Ran usually won't do anything. After all, if he always touches the people the emperor likes, , An Ran was afraid of arousing the emperor's resentment, which would not be conducive to her actions.

An Ran was not afraid of the emperor's resentment. After all, he would be dealt with in the worst case, but as long as the troublemaker did not get her involved, she would not cause trouble for herself for no reason.

Of course, she won't tolerate those who want to mess with her, whether they are favored or not.

Fortunately, the concubines in the harem gradually discovered that An Ran was powerful, and everyone who found trouble with her was in trouble. Now except for fools, basically no one dared to cause trouble with An Ran, including the emperor's favorite concubine.

Except for those who are favored and think they have a few pounds or a few taels, they may be arrogant and think that they are powerful. It will be okay to cause trouble for An Ran. They will cause trouble for An Ran. As long as they know how much they have, even if the emperor favors them, They don't dare to cause trouble for An Ran, because they have seen too many former waves die on the beach. Who dares to think that they can provoke An Ran if they are favored.

Because there were beauties that the emperor particularly liked, and many of these beauties had unclean hands and feet, so although An Ran tried his best to maintain the environment in the palace, he still couldn't say that all the concubines in the harem were honest and had not committed any illegal crimes. Yes, there are still people who have harmed others.

Even so, the harem environment is much better than when An Ran came in, with no one to manage the harem and the harem was a mess. For those honest concubines, this is a good change, so these concubines are satisfied with An Ran managing palace affairs. After all, An Ran Unlike Concubine Wang Xian, who was arrogant and domineering and bullied low-ranking concubines, An Ran would never bully them as long as they were honest and did not do anything illegal or criminal. In this way, the life of these concubines in the palace would naturally be easier. Then they would treat An Ran, Naturally, he was satisfied and felt that it was good for An Ran to be in the position. At least it was much better than Concubine Wang Xian and Empress Dowager Zheng managing palace affairs. After all, at that time, honest people like them were completely bullied.

But who wants to be bullied? It’s just that they don’t have the ability to fight back when bullied, so they can only endure.

Now, An Ran has come to power and taken over the palace affairs. Those who like to bully others and have dirty hands have all been dealt with by An Ran. The remaining people have clean hands and are not bullies. Among them Those who were punished were those who bullied them.

Seeing that the person who bullied her was dealt with, these honest concubines naturally liked An Ran.

After the environment in the palace improves, the chances of concubines getting pregnant again increase.

Of course, given the emperor's indulgence in sexual intercourse, the quality of his semen was probably not good, so there were not many concubines who became pregnant. In addition, even if no one took action, some people would still have miscarriages. This was because the quality of the emperor's semen was not good.

Despite this, in the next few years, the concubines in the harem gave birth to a son and a daughter one after another, giving the emperor two sons and two daughters.

An Ran doesn't care about the birth of princes. After these new princes are born, they will only be good to herself and her children in the future. If they dare to harm herself and her children, then she will send them away. She can improve the palace. The environment allows them to be born, and nature can also make them disappear.

It doesn't matter whether An Ran has a new prince or not. On the emperor's side, the more children there are, the less valuable they are. Therefore, the emperor is not as kind to An Ran's children as before. In addition, the emperor is addicted to balancing. Look, there are two After having a son, he began to play a balancing act with the two sons and their mother and concubine, trying to provoke them to fight so that the family would not become the dominant one. An Ran was speechless when he saw this.

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