Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3071 The woman with the live broadcast system 52

As for Qingyuan Marquis marrying Ning Feifei, neither the children left by his previous wife nor his previous wife's natal family objected.

The reason is very simple - after Ning Feifei married the former Duke Chengguo's son, the Chengguo Duke's government collapsed before she could get pregnant. After that, Ning Feifei and the former Chengguo Duke's crown prince were both imprisoned, and even the former Chengguo Duke's crown prince was better than Ning Feifei. The jail time was still long, and when she was released, Ning Feifei wanted to leave again, so she kept using birth control. As a result, even though Ning Feifei was forty years old, she had not given birth to a child.

Such a situation naturally made the son of the Marquis and the Marquis' former wife's natal family feel that Ning Feifei was incapable of having children. In this way, if the Marquis named Qingyuan Married Ning Feifei, these people would naturally not Objected.

If the Marquis of Qingyuan insists on marrying a stepmother, such a woman who cannot have children is naturally the most suitable, because such a woman will not become ambitious and compete for the throne of the heir apparent because of having children in the future.

But what they never thought was that there was nothing wrong with Ning Feifei's body. It was her own contraception that prevented her from getting pregnant until she was forty years old. Therefore, Ning Feifei got pregnant successfully only half a year after marrying the Marquis of Qingyuan. Then she gave birth to a boy successfully.

Because Ning Feifei has a shopping mall, among the messy goodies, there are naturally things to protect the baby and ensure the birth of a boy, so it is normal for Ning Feifei to give birth to a boy as she wished.

After seeing Ning Feifei become Mrs. Hou and successfully giving birth to her legitimate son, viewers felt that she had hope for prosperity again and the plot became more exciting. They started to watch her videos again and rewarded more. Ning Feifei can do more things.

The eldest son of Marquis Qingyuan, also known as the crown prince, saw that his stepmother had given birth to a son, but he didn't take it seriously at first. After all, he was already a weakling. Even if his stepmother gave birth to a son, his father would probably leave early when he reached the weakling age. Well, in this case, what are you afraid of?

But little did he know that Ning Feifei had the idea of ​​seizing the title when she decided to marry Marquis Qingyuan.

This is also normal. If the other party was not widowed and had a high status, how could Ning Feifei marry him? It was because she thought that by marrying him, she would not only become a marquis, but also have the possibility to have children and inherit the title.

Now that she had such an idea, after Ning Feifei had a son, she wanted to kill the legitimate son of Qingyuan Hou's ex-wife.

Yes, he is not the eldest son, but the legitimate son, because the first wife of Qingyuan Marquis gave birth to two sons. This eliminated one, and there was another one. Her maternal family was almost as powerful as the Qingyuan Marquis Mansion, and Ning Feifei was afraid that there was another one. The legitimate son, his mother's family was weak and couldn't defeat him, so he decided to kill the two legitimate sons in one pot. In this way, without the legitimate son, the title would belong to his son.

But what she didn't know was that she was like a mantis stalking a cicada, while An Ran was stalking the oriole behind.

Although Ning Feifei has been in a very bad life, An Ran still keeps staring at her. There is nothing she can do about it. This is a master with golden fingers who likes to cause trouble. How dare An Ran not keep an eye on her? After all, if she does something to him again, What's going on? An Ranhao knows it right away.

At this moment, An Ran saw that the person Ning Feifei was harming was not him, but the two sons of Marquis Qingyuan. Naturally, he couldn't just watch Ning Feifei kill two people. After all, it was two lives, and secondly, An Ran didn't want Ning Feifei to succeed, and she actually succeeded by stepping on other people's blood, so she secretly sent what Ning Feifei wanted to do to the Prince of Qingyuan.

Yes, because the brothers of Qingyuan Hou Shizi are already old, they naturally cannot get too close to Ning Feifei, their stepmother. After all, there are differences between men and women, so Ning Feifei wants to harm the two of them. It is difficult to do it herself, so she can only buy things from the system. , let his confidants be used by the Qingyuan Hou Shizi.

After An Ran knew these things, she did not let the intelligent robot destroy it directly, because doing so secretly would not have much impact on Ning Feifei except for wasting a little reward money. She would have more money waiting for the reward. Afterwards, he could still continue to buy things to harm people, and Enron didn't want to follow behind and clean up these poisons over and over again.

In the past, she helped Mr. Zheng get rid of him because Ning Feifei used props on Mr. Zheng. An Ran was not sure if he stabbed him directly. Under the influence of the favorability prop, he would deal with Ning Feifei. If not, then send a letter to He would only alert Ning Feifei and let Ning Feifei find out that someone was targeting her. Then she would become vigilant and it would be more difficult to deal with her. Therefore, An Ran did not tell Mr. Zheng about Ning Feifei's harm to Mr. Zheng at that time.

But now the Prince of Qingyuan will not have this worry, because she knows that the Prince of Qingyuan has not been favored by Ning Feifei. In this way, he knows that Ning Feifei wants to harm him, and she will definitely not let it go. Ning Feifei’s.

So An Ran found out what Ning Feifei was planning to do and sent someone to stab him in front of the Qingyuan Hou Shizi.

This Qingyuan Hou Shizi has been observed by An Ran. Even if his ability is not particularly outstanding, it is impossible for Ning Feifei to be unable to hold his position even if the evidence of Ning Feifei's harm to others has been handed to him.

An Ran guessed well. The Prince of Qingyuan has grown up rapidly since his mother passed away and his father planned to marry Ning Feifei. After all, he has to keep his title and protect his younger brother. How can he not grow up quickly? .

At this moment, he suddenly received a letter from Ning Feifei planning to poison herself and her brother through someone. Qingyuan Hou Shizi did not believe it immediately, but observed it for a while.

After discovering that this was indeed the case, I was afraid that I couldn't handle it alone, so I quickly told my mother-in-law about it.

The maternal family of Prince Qingyuan is also a family of similar status to the Qingyuan House. The head of the family may not be very powerful, but at least he is reliable. And the most important thing is that he is the elder. After he knows, it will be easier to handle this matter. After all, the prince of Qingyuan is a son to Ning Feifei and Qingyuan. If he is not careful in dealing with the matter of his stepmother harming him, he will be labeled as unfilial.

But the Qingyuan Hou Shizi's mother-in-law's actions were different.

At that time, Qingyuan Hou Shizi's maternal wife asked Qingyuan Hou Shizi to go back pretending not to know, and when the other party made a move, he would hold the person down, and both the person and the person would get the stolen goods, and then immediately inform him that he would arrive with Dali Temple and other officials from the Third Division. The Qingyuan Marquis Mansion asked the officials of the Third Division to review the matter, and asked the Prince of Qingyuan to pretend that he did not know that his stepmother was responsible, so that others would not think that he knew that it was his stepmother, but deliberately approached the Third Division to handle the matter. It was unfilial; Hou knew about this, and in order to protect Ning Feifei, he would suppress it and not let Qingyuan Prince Hou handle this matter.

However, after the Prince of Qingyuan was beheaded first and then reported, the Third Division dealt with it. The Marquis of Qingyuan wanted to protect Ning Feifei, but he couldn't do it even if he suppressed her.

Obviously, Qingyuan Prince's maternal wife wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Ning Feifei directly, without giving her the chance to continue to be a monster in the future.

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