Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3073 The woman with the live broadcast system 54

The way to escape is very simple. Ning Feifei only needs to buy two things, one is a stand-in doll and the other is an invisibility cloak.

When someone interrogated or gave her a break, she would take out a stand-in doll early and let the doll go to jail for her. She herself would put on an invisibility cloak and wait for the jailer to take her stand-in doll out as her. Wearing the invisibility cloak, she can leave in a swaggering way.

An Ran saw that Ning Feifei wanted to run away, but did not stop her, because An Ran knew that even if Ning Feifei ran away, she would not be able to live a good life outside.

First of all, she doesn’t dare to go back to the Ning family now, because if she goes back to the Ning family and reveals her true identity, the Ning family will not recognize her. After all, if she admits her true identity, the news will spread. The Ning family is harboring fugitives. Then the Ning family will The whole family was about to be imprisoned, so even if Ning Feifei went to the Ning family and said that she was Ning Feifei, the Ning family would not dare to take her in and would definitely hand her over.

Ning Feifei, who can't get to Ning's house, has no way to lead her and has no household registration, has a hard time finding a way out in this ancient time. After all, this is a time of peace, not a time of turmoil. In times of turmoil, strangers with no way to lead them come to any village. It's not unusual, but now, Ning Feifei, who has no way to lead her and has no household registration, will be considered strange wherever she goes.

So An Ran saw that she wanted to get out and didn't stop her, because she knew that Ning Feifei's life was not easy in prison, and her life would not be easy after she got out. In this case, she still cared about so many things.

Ning Feifei also knew that life would not be easy after she got out, but it would be even harder in prison. She couldn't stay there for a day with the food and environment.

So even though she knew that life outside would not be easy, Ning Feifei still chose to go out.

She already regretted what she had done before. After all, if she had not had to seize the throne, she would still be the noble Madam Hou, and her husband liked her because of the favorability tool. Her life was like that. Like a fairy.

However, she was not greedy enough and wanted to look forward to Shu. She was so ambitious that she wanted to seize the title and poisoned the prince of Qingyuan Hou, ruining everything.

Of course, she didn't regret that she was too ambitious. After all, how could someone like her who had done so many bad things regret that she was too ambitious? She regretted that she had known that the Prince of Qingyuan would find out about her little tricks, so she didn't do it well at that time. .

So for a person like Ning Feifei, even if she regrets it now, if she were to go back to before she committed the crime, she would still take action. She might even think that I can turn back time, which means that I am the chosen one. They are helping me and want me to seize the throne.

Then he would still poison Prince Qingyuan Hou, but he would be more cautious.

Soon Ning Feifei successfully escaped from the prison.

And then, as An Ran and herself thought, life was not easy after being released from prison.

Ning Feifei has no road guide or household registration, so it is inconvenient to go anywhere.

After hearing that the Ning family had exterminated her, Ning Feifei knew the Ning family's thoughts and did not dare to go to Ning's father and Ning's mother for fear that Ning's father and Ning's mother would hand her over.

So Ning Feifei left the capital, because her invisibility cloak is not long-lasting, but has a number of uses. Because the long-term one is too expensive, Ning Feifei can't afford it. Ning Feifei is afraid of delaying it and the invisibility cloak will no longer be used. When she reveals herself, people will find out that she is Ning Feifei. Then she will be arrested and imprisoned again, and others will be curious as to why she escaped from prison.

So Ning Feifei naturally hurried out of the capital while the sun was still good.

In fact, Ning Feifei still has money. She can buy some disguise props so that no one can recognize her in disguise, and then hide her in the capital. However, she feels that there are too many people who recognize her in the capital and it is not safe. What if one day? The mask of appearance failed, and what to do if someone discovered her true appearance and recognized her, so she decided to leave the capital to be safer.

She doesn't have to worry about having nothing to eat. There is food and drink in the system mall. Now she is worried about where she will stay after the invisibility cloak is gone. After all, she is a woman and it is very dangerous outside.

If it's an older woman, don't worry, after all, who would reach out to an older woman?

But although she is now in her forties, she is still very beautiful, which is dangerous. She is afraid that she will be targeted and sold to a brothel or something like that.

She is not an early time travel girl who is curious about brothels and willing to go there.

But she can't keep looking for a place to stay. After all, she was exhausted from walking after coming out of the capital. Now if she doesn't find a place to stay, her feet won't be able to bear it.

Besides, it’s getting dark now. If we don’t find a place to stay, what will we do when it gets dark? God knows if there will be any ferocious beasts outside the city at night. After all, this is ancient times.

Fortunately, Ning Feifei has a golden finger, and the audience in the live broadcast room can also give her some reminders.

Although she is not doing well now, after escaping from prison, more people watched the live broadcast.

Of course, the people watching the live broadcast now are not the same people as before.

The previous group of people wanted to see the heroine enjoy herself, but seeing that she was not doing well and not happy at all, they left.

This group of people now watched her take risks after escaping, and wanted to see how she could survive in such a situation.

So after she couldn't find a place to stay, some viewers told her to dress up like a man and find a temple to stay overnight.

Ning Feifei thought this was a good idea, so she dressed up like a man. To avoid looking different, she even bought a mask from the mall and put it on her face to make her look like a man, with her chest tied up. , so I found a temple to stay overnight.

Fortunately, there are many people watching the live broadcast now, and there are rewards, so it is not difficult to buy a mask, otherwise it would not be possible.

After finding the temple and successfully staying overnight, Ning Feifei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With a place to stay, at least she doesn't have to worry about being caught and sold if she walks outside for the time being.

And since she had this safe place to stay, Ning Feifei, who couldn't think of where to go, stayed there for a long time.

Of course, it's not that she has done nothing. She usually goes around to see where there are rich people. She wants to find a rich man, not to mention marrying him to be his wife. At least she can be a concubine. After the rest of life.

Her demands are not high now, she just wants to survive the rest of her life. After all, she doesn't even have a household registration now. If she wants to find someone to be her stepmother, no one will dare to ask her. After all, who dares to marry an unknown person as a stepmother? , at most, she is just a concubine. Anyway, she is carried in a sedan chair and hidden in the backyard. There is no need to show her face in front of others, and she is not afraid of unknown origins.

And as long as she can successfully find a rich man to be a concubine, she doesn't worry about her having a hard time in the future, because with her favorability tool, she can definitely win that person's favor, and with the man's favor, she can live in that person's house. Good times.

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