Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3100 Doomsday Rescue 27

And because Enron often bought and sold like this, people had no doubt that Enron had all kinds of supplies. Otherwise, it would be strange for Enron to never buy food but always have food.

Of course, not everyone will exchange food from Anron. There are also people who will exchange food from Anron for supplies. This person is none other than Zhang Xiaoxue.

Zhang Xiaoxue's family has plenty of food, but other daily necessities are used up as they go.

And she was worried about others and did not dare to exchange grains for daily necessities with others. She was afraid that if people knew that she had a large amount of grains, she would be targeted and she would not be killed.

It just so happened that An Ran had all kinds of daily necessities here, so Zhang Xiaoxue became Enron's long-term customer. She exchanged daily necessities with An Ran all year round, which helped An Ran buy a lot of food.

Of course, due to the relationship between An Ran and Zhang Xiaoxue, and because Zhang Xiaoxue is an old customer, the daily necessities that An Ran gives to Zhang Xiaoxue are cheaper than those on the market. This is why Zhang Xiaoxue likes to buy from An Ran. , after all, who doesn’t like bargains.

And because An Ran is a good character, Zhang Xiaoxue is not afraid of what she will do to him when she knows that he has a lot of food. It is safe and the price is cheap. Zhang Xiaoxue is really grateful to An Ran and feels that she has met a noble person, otherwise In the current situation, even though she has food, she dare not exchange daily necessities with others, and her life will be difficult. Unlike now, she can safely exchange daily necessities with An Ran, so that in addition to fresh vegetables, her life No, everything else is no different from before, and her life is still very comfortable. Can Zhang Xiaoxue not feel that An Ran is her noble person, and that even if she is doomed, she will not have a hard life.

And her exchange of daily necessities with An Ran also gave An Ran more explanations about the source of her food. For example, she said that she had a regular fellow villager who exchanged food for daily necessities. This was half true and half false. If checked, There was nothing wrong with it, because she did exchange a lot of food with Zhang Xiaoxue, plus she bought it from other people, so no one would be surprised that she had a lot of food.

In this way, people survived hunger for another three years and finally saw the light of day.

On this day, people in many places discovered that sunlight penetrated the clouds and fell on the ground.

The first person to discover this incident quickly took a video and posted it online.

Soon someone else took the video and posted it online.

When there is sunshine, there is hope. After all, acid rain and volcanic ash are nothing. As long as there is sunshine, you can use greenhouses to grow high-yielding crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes to satisfy your hunger.

Moreover, in the past two years, volcanic ash and acid rain have fallen less and less, and the situation was getting better.

Seeing that the sun does not appear in one place, but as long as the sky is clear, the sun shines through, and people know that the volcanic winter is about to end.

The Internet couldn't help but be excited. Everyone was full of expectations for the future. Even if they were a little hungry, they felt they could survive.

In the original world, if it hadn't been for the virus that happened later, people's lives would indeed be getting better. Even if food was not as abundant as before the end, they would certainly not be as hungry as before.

Unfortunately, the virus happened later and many people died.

The original person was obviously a person with a good attitude, so he passed away just because he was infected with the virus and did not recover on his own.

Of course, now, because of Enron’s early warning, everyone gets vaccinated once a year, and according to the system, the vaccine is getting better and better every year. In addition, the country sends people to clean up the volcanic ash. I think that when the virus breaks out in the future, there won’t be any big problems. of.

Of course, this is the Kingdom of Jin, and I don’t know what will happen to Enron abroad.

Some countries with better control have also cleaned up and disinfected volcanic ash, just like the Jin Kingdom.

But some countries in turmoil are busy fighting wars. Who has time for such a thing?

Enron is very worried that if these turbulent countries fail to control it, the virus will spread everywhere, which will be bad.

There is no way, the research on specific drugs is not progressing smoothly, and most of the current drugs are similar to placebos.

This is also normal. For many diseases, no one has developed a treatment for many years. It is not surprising that no symptomatic medicine has been developed for this virus for a while.

If a treatment drug is developed, Enron is not afraid of spreading it everywhere.

Although I am worried, fortunately, Jin Guo is currently under good control. We will discuss the future matters later.

An Ran felt that with Jin Guo's execution ability, even if there was an infection, with the current preparations, the situation like the original world would not happen.

There is hope that we can plant crops, we should be able to eat enough in the future, this apocalypse should be over, and everyone will be in a better mood, and they will be in a mood to care about animals and plants.

In the past, humans couldn't care about themselves, so they couldn't care about the situation in nature.

Although there are news reports about how many animals have died, and where there is no green plant anymore, everyone has no other choice but to sigh. After all, humans themselves can’t live anymore. The situation of animals and plants makes humans feel distressed. How can we help them?

Now that the sun has come and humans can survive, everyone is in the mood to care about nature again, so many places have begun to mobilize to protect those animals and plants that have died a lot.

An Ran thought, this is now the development of science and technology, otherwise, if we put it in the past, it is estimated that this meteorite rain and volcanic eruption will be another mass extinction of life.

But now, although many animals and plants have died, they are not yet extinct.

As for the country, the country is trying its best to raise some animals and plants.

Among the people, there are also people who try their best to help protect animals and plants.

Compared with the previous mass extinctions, where no one cared about animals or plants, this time it is much better, so there are much fewer species that have become extinct.

As soon as humans paid attention, and with the arrival of sunlight, some plants regained their vitality, herbivores had something to eat, survived, and began to reproduce, and carnivores naturally had something to eat. This ecological chain soon slowed down. Slow recovery.

Human beings, on the other hand, plant and harvest crops much slower than some green plants to recover. So when people finally have a big harvest - not as good as before the end of the world, but much better than those planted in the end, let the country give everyone The supply is much greater than before, and everyone is slowly getting enough to eat - the temperature of the planet is slowly returning to normal, there is no longer a volcanic winter, and the ecological chain of animals and plants has almost recovered.

The viruses have also begun to become active, trying to kill everyone on this planet that has just regained some vitality.

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