Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 312 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 29

An Ran also knew that it had nothing to do with her. At most, she was a little vain and brought trouble, so she didn't bother her much. However, thinking that if she didn't investigate this matter, she would be hurt because of her. After all, you can't escape the crime of oversight. After all, before you ask someone to go out with you, you must first check whether the person you are dating is trustworthy, right? I don’t know if I am trustworthy, but I dare to encourage others to go out again and again, without fear of something happening? This is An Ran. He sensed something was wrong, so nothing happened. If it were someone else who was instigated by you and something happened, what would you do? Can you take responsibility? So I didn’t have much contact with her after that.

Because of her guilty conscience, Li Juanjuan saw that An Ran was treating her coldly, stopped paying attention to her, and did not dare to say anything. She gradually stopped visiting An Ran, and the relationship between the two became alienated.

However, he said that as the team grew bigger and bigger, because there was no danger of group destruction, disagreements arose about whether to go to the plateau.

It’s no wonder that some people don’t want to go. As we go towards the plateau, the road becomes more and more desolate, and the climate becomes worse and worse. It’s not as comfortable as the place where everyone stayed before, and there are many high-rise buildings. The population density before the end of the world. In a big place, there must be a reason for people to stay, otherwise a place with a harsh environment would not be able to retain people.

Although it is the end of the world, everyone has the idea of ​​​​rebuilding the city in the future. After all, everyone’s powers are getting stronger and stronger, and they will definitely be able to resist monster attacks in the future. In the same way, as long as we can resist monsters, we will continue to There will definitely be construction when we come down, and for construction, who wants to live in a barren land, and who doesn’t want to live in a prosperous place with a pleasant climate, so at this time some people suggested not to go forward and just settle down. That’s normal.

There are those who don’t want to leave, and naturally there are those who want to leave.

People who want to leave have good reasons.

Although the group will not be wiped out now, sometimes when it is dangerous, there will still be casualties, and who can guarantee that the casualties will be others and not yourself.

In order to get the greatest safety guarantee, these people who don't want to leave seem to be afraid of death, so they want to continue walking and find the safest place to stay. In the future, when their superpowers become more powerful, they won't be afraid of more monsters. , it’s not too late to go back.

Lei Qing asked An Ran what he thought, whether he planned to continue walking or settle here.

"What about you, what do you think? Whether you stay or leave, I will listen to you." An Ran said.

She actually wanted to continue walking to the plateau, but her main purpose was to protect Tiantian from harm, so naturally the more she went to a safer place, the more willing she was.

As for the poor environment on the plateau, compared to safety, a bad environment is nothing. Besides, An Ran feels that based on her current cultivation speed, foundation building will not be a problem within two years. By then, her strength will have greatly increased, and she may not be too afraid of monsters. As those who want to leave say, it's not too late to come back and give Tiantian a better living environment.

But it also depends on how Lei Qing decides. If Lei Qing wants to stay, then she has no choice but to stay. After all, she currently has no way to fight against monsters alone, and going on the road with other unfamiliar teams will not be safe. , it would be better to be with Lei Qing. After all, going on the road with a strange team, she has to guard against outsiders. When encountering monsters, she also has to worry about being pushed out as a scapegoat, so if Lei Qing doesn't leave, she will naturally leave. No.

Lei Qing said: "I still want to continue walking, but this time, there are many people in the team who want to stay. They are probably tired from walking. In addition, people have peace of mind and don't like to travel long distances every day, so I just saw a little hope, so I couldn't go on anymore and wanted to settle down. If I wanted to leave, I'm afraid not many people would follow me to the plateau, and the safety level might be back to when I first left the base. state, so if a large number of people are really unwilling to leave, I may have no choice but to stay temporarily.”

An Ran secretly thought that Lei Qing said this because there were so many people who wanted to stay, otherwise he would not be so unsure, so he nodded and said: "If there are really a large number of people who are unwilling to leave, then we won't leave for the time being. If you are lucky enough to stay here and are not forced to abandon the city and run away again by monsters, that would be the best, after all, the climate here is still pleasant."

An Ran is naturally not the kind of person who likes to stay in a place with a harsh living environment. It is just for Tiantian's safety that she has no choice but to go to the plateau. If she can really stay here, then of course it will be good.

Lei Qing sighed and said, "Who knows if we can hold on if we stay here, but people are determined and there is nothing they can do."

Sure enough, after the couple discussed it, Lei Qing asked everyone for their opinions. Everyone said they wanted to settle down, including Chen Xinran, who had previously advocated leaving the previous base, but she didn't want to leave this time.

The running time was too long, and Chen Xinran was tired of bumping around all day long. What's more, the wind and rain made her feel quite haggard, so she didn't want to run around like this anymore. She wanted to settle down and live a better life. Comfortable days.

Since most people had this opinion, Lei Qing naturally couldn't force others to follow him, so at that moment, the group settled down in the nearby city.

The difference from before is that everyone used to hide in the underground base like mice. Now, firstly, everyone's abilities have improved, so they don't have to be so afraid; secondly, the underground is not necessarily safer than the ground - once it is broken by the earth-boring insects, Escape for your life is more troublesome than on the ground - so now everyone is staying on the ground. Speaking of it, it is much better than staying underground in the dark with no ventilation and bad smell.

Although monsters fly in the sky, run on the ground, and can penetrate from the ground, and their attacks are both powerful and corrosive, we still try our best to build a wall to protect this new base. No matter how effective it is, it is better than leaving it open anyway. Okay, so now the earth-type superpowers started building walls.

In order to prevent it from being broken down by monsters, the city wall was not only built very high, but also very thick and dense, and did not use metal. Although metal is strong, it is easily corroded by monsters. On the contrary, if it is made of soil, Can't corrode.

Because there are not many people at the moment, the city wall built is relatively small. In addition, there are many people with earth powers, so a small base can be built in a short time.

This is a preliminary plan. In the future, when there are more people, we can continue to build the wall outside. Anyway, there are people with earth powers, so it will be easy to demolish and build.

When building the wall, several parties in the base elected the base director and other members after wrestling.

Because Lei Qing is a person with thunder powers, he has good talents and a high level of powers, plus his team has thousands of people, and Lei Qing himself is also very capable, so this small base was finally based on Lei Qing. long.

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